(defpackage oneliners.api (:use :cl) (:local-nicknames (#:lzb #:lazybones) (#:a #:alexandria-2) (#:db #:bknr.datastore)) (:import-from #:lazybones #:defendpoint* #:http-err)) (in-package :oneliners.api) ;;; DATA (defclass contributor (db:store-object) ((handle :accessor contributor-handle :initarg :handle :initform (error "Contributors must have a name.") :index-type bknr.indices:string-unique-index :index-reader contributor-by-handle) (contributor-salt :reader contributor-salt :initform (uuid) :type string :documentation "Per user salt for password hashing.") (hashed-pw :accessor hashed-pw :initform nil :type string :documentation "Hashed password for this contributor. Note, this value is hashed with the server salt and the contributor-salt.") (adminp :accessor adminp :initform nil :documentation "indicates whether or not this contributor has admin privileges.")) (:metaclass db:persistent-class)) (defparameter +auth-cookie-name+ "olauthtoken") (defclass api-access (db:store-object) ((token :reader api-token :initarg :token :index-type bknr.indices:string-unique-index :index-reader access-by-token) (contributor :reader api-contributor :initarg :contributor :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index :index-reader access-by-contributor)) (:metaclass db:persistent-class)) (defgeneric revoke-access (what) (:documentation "Effectively deletes an api-access instance.") (:method ((access api-access)) (db:with-transaction () (db:delete-object access))) (:method ((token string)) (a:when-let ((access (access-by-token token))) (revoke-access access))) (:method ((contributor contributor)) (a:when-let ((access (access-by-contributor contributor))) (revoke-access access)))) (defclass oneliner (db:store-object) ((oneliner :accessor oneliner :initarg :oneliner :initform (error "Onliner required")) (commands :accessor oneliner-commands :initarg :commands :initform nil :index-type bknr.indices:hash-list-index :index-initargs (:test 'equal) :index-reader oneliners-by-command :documentation "The commands that this oneliner principally involves.") (brief :accessor oneliner-brief :initarg :brief :initform (error "Oneliners need a brief title") :documentation "A short description of the oneliner.") (description :accessor oneliner-description :initarg :description :initform "") (created-by :reader created-by :initform (error "oneliners must be made by a contributor") :initarg :created-by) (created-at :reader created-at :initform (get-universal-time)) (edited-at :accessor edited-at :initform nil :documentation "A universal time recording the last time of edit") (last-edited-by :accessor last-edited-by :initform nil :documentation "a contributor instance, the last person to edit thiscommand.") (flagged-by :accessor flagged-by :initform nil :documentation "NIL or :anonymous or a CONTRIBUTOR object.") (audited-by :accessor audited-by :initform nil :documentation "NIL or a CONTRIBUTOR object. Indicates that a user has approved of this oneliner.") (lockedp :accessor lockedp :initform nil :documentation "Prevents editing until unliked. Only users with admin priviliges can lock/unlock.")) (:metaclass db:persistent-class)) (defclass query-results-page (db:store-object) ((limit :initarg :limit) (to-page :initarg :to-page) (remaining :initarg :remaining) (last-access :initarg :last-access) (key :initarg key :index-type bknr.indices:string-unique-index :index-reader page-by-key)) (:metaclass db:persistent-class)) (defun make-next-page (limit to-page) (if to-page ;; only make a page if there are results to paginate (let ((key (uuid))) (db:with-transaction () (make-instance 'query-results-page :key key :limit limit :to-page to-page :remaining (length to-page) :last-access (get-universal-time))) key) :null)) ;; return the value that to-json will encode as null (defun fetch-next-page (pagekey &key (attrib-name :oneliners)) "Return next page in a search query, or throw an error if there is no such page / the page has expired." (a:if-let (qrp (page-by-key pagekey)) (db:with-transaction () (with-slots (limit to-page remaining last-access) qrp (let* ((n-to-send (min limit remaining)) (to-return (subseq to-page 0 n-to-send))) (decf remaining n-to-send) (if (plusp remaining) (setf to-page (nthcdr n-to-send to-page) last-access (get-universal-time)) (db:delete-object qrp)) (list :page (if (plusp remaining) pagekey :null) attrib-name to-return)))) (error "No page for key ~a" pagekey))) (defparameter +qrp-lifetime+ 300 ; five minutes "Number of seconds query-results-page instances live in the application state.") (defun expired-page-p (qrp &optional (current-time (get-universal-time))) (when (typep qrp 'query-results-page) (> (- current-time (slot-value qrp 'last-access)) +qrp-lifetime+))) ;;; SERVICE CONTROL (defvar *server* nil) (defvar *cleaning-thread* nil) (defvar *runningp* nil) (defvar *instance-salt* "change me") (defparameter +data-store-directory-name+ "oneliners-api-datastore") (defun data-store-path (store-dir) (let ((store-dir (or store-dir (pathname-directory (user-homedir-pathname))))) (make-pathname :directory (append store-dir (list +data-store-directory-name+))))) (defun initialize-datastore (store-dir) (ensure-directories-exist (data-store-path store-dir)) (make-instance 'db:mp-store :directory (data-store-path store-dir) :subsystems (list (make-instance 'db:store-object-subsystem)))) (defun ensure-datastore (store-dir) (unless (boundp 'db:*store*) (initialize-datastore store-dir))) (defun ensure-server (port address) (unless *server* (setf *server* (lzb:create-server :port port :address address)) (lzb:set-canned-response *server* 400 "Bad Request" "text/plain") (lzb:set-canned-response *server* 404 "Not Found" "text/plain") (lzb:set-canned-response *server* 500 "Server Error" "text/plain"))) (defun start (&key (port 8888) (address "") (salt "change me") store-dir) (setf *instance-salt* salt ) (ensure-datastore store-dir) (ensure-server port address) (lzb:install-app *server* (lzb:app)) (lzb:start-server *server*) (setf *runningp* t) (start-cleaning-thread)) (defun start-cleaning-thread (&key (run-period 45)) ;; when the thread was stopped properly. (when (and *cleaning-thread* (bt:thread-alive-p *cleaning-thread*)) (bt:destroy-thread *cleaning-thread*)) (setf *cleaning-thread* (bt:make-thread (lambda () (loop while *runningp* do (sleep run-period) (handler-case (routine-cleaning) (error (e) (print e)))))))) (defun stop () (setf *runningp* nil) (when *server* (lzb:stop-server *server*))) (defun routine-cleaning () (let ((now (get-universal-time))) (db:with-transaction () (dolist (qrp (db:store-objects-with-class 'query-results-page)) (when (expired-page-p qrp now) (db:delete-object qrp)))))) ;;; API DEFINITION AND PROVISIONING (defparameter +oneliners-description+ "TBD") (defun init-app () (lzb:provision-app () :title "Oneliners Wiki API" :version "0.0.1" :desc +oneliners-description+ :content-type "application/json" :auth 'api-token-authorization)) (defun api-token-authorization () ;; presently if the token merely exists then that's good enough. (request-contributor)) ;;; ROUTE VARIABLE AND PARAMATER PARSERS (defun an-int (string) "An Integer") (defun a-csl (s) "A list of strings separated by commas. e.g. \"foo,bar,goo\"" (mapcar #'str:trim (str:split "," s))) (defun a-boolean (s) "Either \"true\" or \"false\"/" (cond ((string-equal s "true") t) ((string-equal s "false") nil) (t (error "String ~s is neither 'true' nor 'false'" s)))) (defun a-page-key (key) "A page key" key) ;;; ENDPOINT DEFINITIONS (defendpoint* :get "/search" ((commands a-csl) (keywords a-cls) (limit an-int) (page a-page-key) (nextpage a-boolean) (notflagged a-boolean) (onlyaudited a-boolean)) () "A search endpoint returning a JSON encoded array of Oneliner Entries. **Note**: either command or keywords are required. " (print commands) (cond ;; if page is incluced, ignore everything, fetch the next page, ;; and return it. (page (to-json (fetch-next-page page))) ;; otherwise one of command keywords are required ((or commands keywords) (let* ((limit (or limit 10)) ; default-limit, should probably be configurable. (results (query-oneliners :commands commands :keywords keywords :notflagged notflagged :onlyaudited onlyaudited)) (limited-results (a:subseq* results 0 limit))) (to-json (if nextpage (list :page (make-next-page limit (nthcdr limit results)) :oneliners limited-results) (list :oneliners limited-results))))) ;; if neither command nor keywords were supplied, return a 400 (t (http-err 400)))) (defendpoint* :put "/oneliner/:oneliner object-with-id:" () (:auth t) "Updates a oneliner entry in the wiki database." (cond (oneliner (update-oneliner (request-contributor) oneliner (lzb:request-body)) "true") (t (http-err 404)))) (defendpoint* :post "/oneliner" () (:auth t) "Adds a new oneliner entry to the wiki database." (a:if-let (new-oneliner (add-oneliner-to-db (request-contributor) (lzb:request-body))) "{}" ; dummy implementation (http-err 400))) (defendpoint* :post "/auth" () () "Requests an authorization token") ;;; HELPERS (defun slot-name-of (class name) "Returns the symbol naming a slot in the class class. Returns NIL if there is no such slot. Useful for converting keywords into slot names. NAME must be a symbol or a string." (assert (or (stringp name) (symbolp name))) (let ((name (if (symbolp name) (symbol-name name) name))) (loop for slot-def in (closer-mop:class-slots (find-class class)) for slot-name = (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot-def) when (string-equal name (symbol-name slot-name)) return slot-name))) (defun initarg-keyword (thing) (a:make-keyword (string-upcase (if (symbolp thing) (symbol-name thing) thing)))) (defun json-plist->initarg-keywords (plist) (loop for (k v . more) on plist by #'cddr collect (initarg-keyword k) collect v)) (defun object-with-id (id-string) "Integer id of the desired entity.." (db:store-object-with-id (parse-integer id-string))) (defparameter +updatable-oneliner-slot-keywords+ '(:|oneliner| :|commands| :|brief| :|description|)) (defun valid-oneliner-update-data-p (jsonplist) "Checks the fields of jsonplist, return t if they are sufficient to update a oneliner entry." (loop for (k v . more) on jsonplist by #'cddr always (member k +updatable-oneliner-slot-keywords+))) (defun update-oneliner (contributor oneliner json-body) "Accepts a decoded json body, a plist, and " (assert (valid-oneliner-update-data-p json-body)) (db:with-transaction () (loop for (k v . more) on json-body do (setf (slot-value oneliner (slot-name-of 'oneliner k)) v)) (setf (edit-history oneliner) (get-universal-time)))) (defun valid-oneliner-init-data-p (plist) "dchecks the fields in plist,returns t if they are sufficient to create a new oneliner." ;; right now, just aliasing valid-oneliner-update-data-p (valid-oneliner-update-data-p plist)) (defun add-oneliner-to-db (contributor json-plist) "adds a new oneliner to the database, returning it upon success " (assert (valid-oneliner-init-data-p json-plist)) (db:with-transaction () (apply 'make-instance 'oneliner :created-at (get-universal-time) :created-by contributor (json-plist->initarg-keywords json-plist)))) (defun pw-hash (plaintext salt) (flexi-streams:octets-to-string (ironclad:digest-sequence :sha3 (flexi-streams:string-to-octets (concatenate 'string salt plaintext) :external-format :utf-8)) :external-format :latin1)) (defun uuid () (format nil "~a" (uuid:make-v1-uuid))) (defun oneliner-mentions-any (ol keywords) "A case insensitive search for the presence of any of KEYWORDS in the oneliner OL." (with-slots (text breif description) ol (loop for word in keywords thereis (search word text :test #'char-equal) thereis (search word breif :test #'char-equal) thereis (search word description :test #'char-equal)))) (defun onliners-with-all-commands (commands) (reduce #'intersection (mapcar #'oneliners-by-command commands))) (defun query-oneliners (&key commands keywords notflagged onlyaudited) (if commands (remove-if-not #$(and (not (and notflagged (flagged-by $ol))) (or (not onlyaudited) (audited-by $ol)) (or (null keywords) (oneliner-mentions-any $ol keywords))) (oneliners-with-all-commands command)) (remove-if-not #$(and (not (and notflagged (flagged-by $ol))) (or (not onlyaudited) (audited-by $ol))) (oneliners-from-keywords keywords)))) (defun oneliners-from-keywords (keywords) (error "TBD")) (defun to-json (thing) (let ((jonathan:*false-value* :false) (jonathan:*null-value* :null)) (jonathan:to-json thing))) (defun request-contributor () (a:when-let (access (access-by-token (lzb:request-cookie +auth-cookie-name+))) (api-contributor access)))