AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-12Clean: add functions to TapeDeck objectGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-12Feature: resume playback from local storage of current tape timeGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-12Add: side C/D mp3s and audacity exported labels for side DGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: remove button press sound logic for nowGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: trigger of playback with button soundGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: timing of button press sound on playGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: button press sound is louder nowGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: notes updating maybe? Add: button press soundGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: title of tape deck page now just generic Tape DeckGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Fix: side A mp3Grant Shangreaux
2020-01-06Add: hardware image play/pause buttonGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-05Add: files i forgot to commitGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-05Add: CSS and replace oggs with mp3sGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: track data for 2019 mix side BGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: formatting of additional track data to displayGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: still image of tape deck when stopped or pausedGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: play and pause buttons to tape deckGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: flex-direction="row" to tape image divGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Fix: add sideB.json placeholder fileGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: mp3s -> ogg, note on the index, and tape-start sfxGrant Shangreaux
2020-01-04Add: initial working tape-deck with 2019 mix Side AGrant Shangreaux