#+STARTUP: overview #+PROPERTY: header-args:emacs-lisp :lexical t * ANUSTART To welcome in Emacs 28 I intend to re-aquaint myself with the application and its ecosystem. I've been perusing the packages available through the default ELPA and non-gnu ELPA repos and trying to put together the various things that I've grown accustomed to. However, with a beginner's mind, I've been trying to avoid going down the same old idiosyncratic paths. Courting a bit of discomfort in order to learn what newcomers might experience coming to Emacs in this current version. ** Overview This document is a journal, manual, and a program at once. I'm no expert at writing a document like this. If you happen to be reading it, the journal nature may be confusing. Over time, the journal will be incorporated into the bits that are a manual, solidified knowledge gained through the experience. The program bits will be tangled into [[file:shoshin-config.el]]. As a program, it requires a certain structure from top to bottom. Here, the snippets may be scattered around. I'll attempt to have a system to keep them organized, but this is all an experiment. The following code block is the "table of contents" that determines what is tangled into the resulting elisp file: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :noweb yes ;;; shoshimacs.el --- Beginner's Mind Config -*- lexical-binding:t -*- ;;; Package Management <> ;;; Completion <> ;;; Editing <> ;;; Programming <> ;;; Projects <> ;;; External Services <> ;;; User Interface <> #+end_src * Package Management :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp+: :noweb-ref package-management :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: i've been using ~straight.el~ in my "main" config, primarily because i liked having the package repos cloned onto my machine for easy contribution possibilities. additionally, at the time it was a nice easy way to install a package without the custom package installation snippets borrowed from the web ages ago. however, these days ~package.el~ offers the [[help:package-install][package-install]] command (since Emacs 25 apparently) which "does the right thing" if used in one's init file. so for the time being, packages will have their installation and configuration happen in place in this literate config file. ** Packages not in repos (flykeys) muscle memory has bound me to xah-fly-keys, and so i've decided to just manually install it by cloning the repo and adding it to the load #+begin_src shell :var dir=(expand-file-name "xah-fly-keys" user-emacs-directory) :tangle no git clone https://github.com/xahlee/xah-fly-keys $dir #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "xah-fly-keys/" user-emacs-directory)) (require 'xah-fly-keys) (xah-fly-keys-set-layout "qwerty") (xah-fly-keys t) #+end_src Set this up first, so other keymap changes will add onto flykeys (hopefully). * Completion :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref completion :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: Completion is a huge part of my experience using Emacs. I have been on an evolving journey of from the basic type of terminal tab completion to spaceship level UI implemented as almost a sub-application in Emacs. This configuration is aiming at using a new crop of completion enhancements that tie into Emacs's native completion API. This is a more modular approach that allows a sort of composition of extensions to completion behavior and its appearance in the user interface. ** [[info:consult#Top][consult]] - Consulting [[info:elisp#Minibuffer Completion][completing-read]] consult offers enhanced completion similar to ivy and helm, but with the built in completing read functionality of the minibuffer. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'consult) #+end_src main entry point would be ~consult-buffer~. however, there are many consult commands that can enhance any completing read function. ~consult-themes~ for example. i had a bit of a mess with it at first, because i'd implemented my own solution to a quirk of theme loading. enabling themes is additive, and can cause unexpected results. so i added [[info:elisp#Advising Functions][advice]] to ~load-theme~ to automatically disable the old one before enabling the new. it seems like consult does this as well as switching themes /as you narrow your selection/. *** consult keybindings ** corfu #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'corfu) #+end_src ** marginalia #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'marginalia) #+end_src ** embark #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'embark) #+end_src ** vertico #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'vertico) #+end_src * Editing :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref editing :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: ** [[info:emacs#Matching][electric pair mode]] I've been using smartparens -> (bookmark-jump "smartparens package") in my main config. electric pair mode does some of what smartparens does out of the box. what i'm missing is the generalized ~sp-hybrid-slurp~ or whatever it was called. but using the built in is good for now. further config might get what i want with vanilla built ins. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (electric-pair-mode) #+end_src ** markdown mode #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'markdown-mode) #+end_src * Programming :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref programming :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: ** Languages *** Javascript #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'json-mode) #+end_src ** Dev Docs #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'devdocs) #+end_src * Projects :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref projects :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: ** project.el * External Services :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref external-services :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: Packages that enable communication via HTTP or connect with external APIs or other resources outside of Emacs and/or the local machine. ** plz - http library this is an http library that intends to solve some of the "pain points" of url.el. i ran into some of them trying to download and install the Victor Mono font used by my configuration. the downside of ~plz~ is that it is dependent on ~curl~, rather than being pure elisp. however, this is a non-issue for me, especially since my use case had devolved into using ~make-process~ to call ~wget~ and then implement a "callback" with a process sentinel. kinda neat, but maybe too much. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'plz) #+end_src the sourcehut package in this config also depends on ~plz~ ** sourcehut there's a new package in GNU ELPA for some basic interaction with the sr.ht http api. i'm interested to try it out since i still pay for the account, plus the forge is free software and could be self-hosted if it comes to it. it also depends on ~plz~ which is another new package providing a nicer API for HTTP requests I was going #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'srht) (setq srht-username "shoshin") #+end_src an API token is stored in my ~.authinfo~ file. * UI :PROPERTIES: :header-args:emacs-lisp: :noweb-ref user-interface :noweb-sep "\n\n" :results silent :END: ** basic Emacs UI tweaks #+begin_src emacs-lisp (scroll-bar-mode nil) (fringe-mode '(8 . 0)) (tab-bar-mode t) (display-battery-mode t) #+end_src ** [[file:elpa/darkroom-0.3/darkroom.el::;;; Commentary:][darkroom]] - distraction free writing the notes suggest using ~darkroom-tentative-mode~ which auto switches depending on the window layout currently in use. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'darkroom) #+end_src *** comp warnings #+begin_example Warning (comp): darkroom.el:337:13: Warning: Use keywords rather than deprecated positional arguments to `define-minor-mode' Disable showing Disable logging Warning (comp): darkroom.el:338:9: Warning: reference to free variable ‘darkroom-tentative-mode’ Disable showing Disable logging Warning (comp): darkroom.el:361:13: Warning: Use keywords rather than deprecated positional arguments to `define-minor-mode' Disable showing Disable logging Warning (comp): darkroom.el:365:10: Warning: function ‘darkroom-tentative-mode’ defined multiple times in this file Disable showing Disable logging #+end_example ** Fonts For code, I've grown fond of Victor Mono. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (set-frame-font "Victor Mono" t t t) #+end_src *** COMMENT Attempt to install the font via Emacs, url.el and ~make-process~ in the end, this "works" but isn't very useful. the font cache needs to be updated before Emacs runs for the font to register anyway. This will instead be implemented as a shell script that can be run as a pre-req before initializing emacs. however, i did learn a bit about [[info:elisp#Sentinels][Sentinels]] they are kinda neat. #+begin_src emacs-lisp ;; this actually doesn't work right, because the process unzipping starts ;; before the file is completely written i think. (url-retrieve "https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/VictorMonoAll.zip" #'victor-mono-download-callback) (make-process :name "getting victor mono" :buffer "*Download Victor Mono*" :command '("wget" "--output-document=/home/shoshin/.fonts/VictorMonoAll.zip" "https://rubjo.github.io/victor-mono/VictorMonoAll.zip") :sentinel #'victor-mono-download-callback) (defun victor-mono-download-callback (process event) (if (string-equal "finished\n" event) (let ((default-directory "~/.fonts/VictorMono")) (unless (file-directory-p default-directory) (make-directory default-directory)) (make-process :name "unzipping victor mono" :buffer "*Unzip Victor Mono*" :command `("unzip" ,(expand-file-name "~/.fonts/VictorMonoAll.zip")) :sentinel #'victor-mono-sentinel)))) (defun victor-mono-sentinel (process event) (print event) (if (string-equal "finished\n" event) (progn (message "works!") (make-process :name "run fc-cache" :command '("fc-cache"))))) #+end_src ** Highlights *** [[help:global-hl-line-mode][global-hl-mode]] i enjoy having the current line highighted as a visual cue. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (global-hl-line-mode t) #+end_src can be toggled with l 2 *** COMMENT lin-global-mode Make `hl-line-mode' more suitable for selection UIs add other hooks to ~lin-mode-hooks~ #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq my-lin-mode-hooks '()) #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'lin) (require 'lin) (setq lin-face 'lin-blue) (mapc (lambda (e) (cl-pushnew e lin-mode-hooks)) my-lin-mode-hooks) (lin-global-mode) #+end_src ** Themes #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq my-chosen-themes '(cyberpunk-theme dracula-theme)) (mapc #'package-install my-chosen-themes) #+end_src ** windresize #+begin_src emacs-lisp (package-install 'windresize) #+end_src