//! # Rust Synthesizer for the Godot game engine //! //! This crate contains logic for generating samples for audio wave forms which are then //! used to fill Godot's `AudioStreamPlayback` buffers. Scripts using this code as a dynamic //! library will be able to request a certain number of frames (represented as a `Vector2`) //! generated with the current synthesis parameter settings. //! //! Because of how the Godot bindings work, the Synth will have a default //! sample rate at 48kHz. You'll want to set it in your script's `_ready` //! function to match the sample rate in Godot. use gdnative::prelude::*; use gdnative::core_types::TypedArray; mod osc; use osc::Osc; pub mod adsr; use adsr::Envelope; /// Aliasing some types to distinguish various audio properties. type Sample = f32; type SamplesPerSecond = f32; type Hz = f32; type Phase = f32; type Amplitude = f32; type Millisecond = u32; /// The various waveforms the `MonoSynth` can generate. pub enum Waveform { Sine, Square, Triangle, Sawtooth, // Noise, } #[derive(NativeClass)] #[inherit(Node)] pub struct MonoSynth { pub phasor: Phasor, pub waveform: Waveform, pub sample_rate: SamplesPerSecond, pub frequency: Hz, pub apply_bend: bool, pub phasor_bend: Vector2, pub continuous: bool, pub duration: Millisecond, // ADSR amplifier envelope: Envelope, // filter pub cutoff: Hz, // pub resonance: // pub modulator: pub frequency_modulation: bool, pub fm_frequency: Hz, pub fm_depth: Amplitude, fm_phasor: Phasor, current_envelope_position: usize, } pub struct Phasor { pub phase: Phase, } impl Phasor { /// Phase stays between 0.0 and 1.0 and represents position on the axis of time /// for a given wave form. Since audio signals are periodic, we can just calculate /// the first cycle of a wave repeatedly. This also prevents pitch drift caused by /// floating point errors over time. pub fn next_phase(&self, frequency: Hz, sample_rate: SamplesPerSecond ) -> Phase { (self.phase + (frequency / sample_rate)) % 1.0 } } pub struct Bender {} impl Bender { // for (i = 0; i < nframes; ++i) { // if (in[i] < x0) // out[i] = (y0/x0)*in[i]; // else // out[i] = ((1-y0)/(1-x0)) * (in[i] - x0) + y0; // } fn bend(phase: Phase, phasor_bend: Vector2) -> f32 { if phase < phasor_bend.x { (phasor_bend.y / phasor_bend.x) * phase } else { ((1.0 - phasor_bend.y) / (1.0 - phasor_bend.x)) * (phase - phasor_bend.x) + phasor_bend.y } } } #[methods] impl MonoSynth { /// # Examples /// /// ```gdscript /// var MonoSynth = preload("res://MonoSynth.gdns") /// var synth = MonoSynth.new() /// synth.set_sample_rate(24000.0) /// wave.square() # changes to a square wave /// ``` pub fn new(_owner: &Node) -> Self { Self { phasor: Phasor { phase: 0.0 }, waveform: Waveform::Sine, sample_rate: 48000.0, frequency: 440.0, apply_bend: false, phasor_bend: Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0), continuous: true, duration: 0, envelope: Envelope::new(500, 1000, 0.5, 4000, 48000.0), cutoff: 0.0, frequency_modulation: false, fm_frequency: 10.0, fm_depth: 0.1, fm_phasor: Phasor { phase: 0.0 }, current_envelope_position: 0, } } #[export] fn _ready(&self, _owner: &Node) { godot_print!("DAS IST KLANGFARBRS.") } #[export] fn sine(&mut self, _owner: &Node) { self.waveform = Waveform::Sine } #[export] fn square(&mut self, _owner: &Node) { self.waveform = Waveform::Square } #[export] fn triangle(&mut self, _owner: &Node) { self.waveform = Waveform::Triangle } #[export] fn sawtooth(&mut self, _owner: &Node) { self.waveform = Waveform::Sawtooth } #[export] fn frequency(&mut self, _owner: &Node, frequency: Hz) { self.frequency = frequency } #[export] fn continuous(&mut self, _owner: &Node, state: bool) { self.continuous = state; } #[export] fn phasor_bend(&mut self, _owner: &Node, phasor_bend: Vector2) { self.phasor_bend = phasor_bend } #[export] fn apply_bend(&mut self, _owner: &Node, apply_bend: bool) { self.apply_bend = apply_bend } #[export] pub fn set_sample_rate(&mut self, _owner: &Node, sample_rate: f32) { self.sample_rate = sample_rate; } #[export] fn frequency_modulation(&mut self, _owner: &Node, frequency_modulation: bool) { self.frequency_modulation = frequency_modulation } #[export] fn fm_frequency(&mut self, _owner: &Node, fm_frequency: f32) { self.fm_frequency = fm_frequency } #[export] fn fm_depth(&mut self, _owner: &Node, fm_depth: f32) { self.fm_depth = fm_depth } #[export] fn envelope( &mut self, _owner: &Node, attack: Millisecond, decay: Millisecond, sustain: Amplitude, release: Millisecond ) { self.envelope = Envelope::new(attack, decay, sustain, release, self.sample_rate); } #[export] pub fn frames(&mut self, _owner: &Node, samples: i32) -> TypedArray { let mut frames = TypedArray::new(); for _i in 0..samples { let mut sample = Osc::generate_sample(&self.waveform, self.phasor.phase); let next_phase : f32; if self.frequency_modulation { let modulation_value = Osc::generate_sample(&Waveform::Sine, self.fm_phasor.phase) * self.fm_depth; self.fm_phasor.phase = self.fm_phasor.next_phase(self.fm_frequency, self.sample_rate); next_phase = self.phasor.next_phase(self.frequency + modulation_value, self.sample_rate); } else { next_phase = self.phasor.next_phase(self.frequency, self.sample_rate); } if self.apply_bend { self.phasor.phase = Bender::bend(next_phase, self.phasor_bend); } else { self.phasor.phase = next_phase; } if !self.continuous { let pos = self.current_envelope_position; let atk = self.envelope.attack.len(); let atkdcy = atk + self.envelope.decay.len(); if pos < atk { sample = sample * self.envelope.attack[pos] } else if pos >= atk && pos < atkdcy { sample = sample * self.envelope.decay[pos - atk] } else if pos < self.envelope.len() { sample = sample * self.envelope.release[pos - atkdcy] } self.current_envelope_position += 1; if self.current_envelope_position >= self.envelope.len() { self.current_envelope_position = 0; } } frames.push(Vector2::new(sample, sample)); } return frames } } // Function that registers all exposed classes to Godot fn init(handle: InitHandle) { handle.add_class::(); } // Macro that creates the entry-points of the dynamic library. godot_init!(init);