extends AudioStreamPlayer # controllable frequency interface export(float, 20, 8000, 10) var freq = 440.0 # load the GDNative script connected to the rust lib var Osc = preload("res://Osc.gdns") # make an instance of our one "class" in rust lib var wave = Osc.new() # initialize the Godot stream we fill up with samples var playback: AudioStreamPlayback = null func _fill_buffer() -> void: # get count of Frames (sample, sample) available in stream var to_fill = playback.get_frames_available() if to_fill > 0: # ask Rust to generate N frames at freq # Array gets pushed to the # playback stream buffer playback.push_buffer(wave.frames(freq, to_fill)) func _process(_delta): _fill_buffer() func _ready() -> void: # ensure Godot/Sine have the same sample rate wave.set_sample_rate(self.stream.mix_rate) # get our AudioStreamPlayback object playback = self.get_stream_playback() # prefill the stream's sample buffer (which feeds DAC) _fill_buffer() # start the audio self.play()