extends AudioStreamPlayer # control wave form export(String, "sine", "square", "triangle", "sawtooth", "white_noise", "brown_noise") var waveform = "sine" # controllable frequency interface export(float, 20, 8000, 5) var freq = 440.0 # toggle between playing a waveform or an instrument export(bool) var play_instrument = false # bending the waveform export(bool) var apply_bend = false export(Vector2) var phasor_bend = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) # duration related export(bool) var continuous = true # Used for the total duration of an Instrument note export(int, 0, 30000, 100) var duration = 3000 #Attack/Decay/Release/Sustain export(int, 0, 5000, 100) var attack = 100 export(int, 0, 5000, 100) var decay = 100 export(int, 0, 5000, 100) var release = 100 export(float, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1) var sustain = 0.5 #Cutoff export(float, 20, 8000, 5) var cutoff = 6000 # Frequency Modulation export(bool) var frequency_modulation = false export(float, 0.0, 50.0, 0.1) var fm_multiplier = 1.0 export(float, 0.0, 1000.0, 1.0) var fm_index = 1.0 # load the GDNative script connected to the rust lib var MonoSynth = preload("res://MonoSynth.gdns") # make an instance of our one "class" in rust lib var synth = MonoSynth.new() # initialize the Godot stream we fill up with samples var playback: AudioStreamPlayback = null func _fill_buffer() -> void: # get count of Frames (sample, sample) available in stream var to_fill = playback.get_frames_available() if to_fill > 0: # ask Rust to generate N frames at freq # Array gets pushed to the # playback stream buffer playback.push_buffer(synth.frames(to_fill)) func _check_waveform(): if waveform == "square": synth.square() elif waveform == "sine": synth.sine() elif waveform == "triangle": synth.triangle() elif waveform == "sawtooth": synth.sawtooth() elif waveform == "white_noise": synth.white_noise() elif waveform == "brown_noise": synth.brown_noise() func _process(_delta): if self.is_playing(): synth.continuous(continuous) synth.set_attack(attack) synth.set_decay(decay) synth.set_sustain(sustain) synth.set_release(release) synth.play_instrument(play_instrument) _check_waveform() _fill_buffer() func _ready() -> void: # buffer length of 10ms gives us ~realtime response to input changes self.stream.buffer_length = 0.05 # ensure Godot/Sine have the same sample rate synth.set_sample_rate(self.stream.mix_rate) # get our AudioStreamPlayback object playback = self.get_stream_playback() # prefill the stream's sample buffer (which feeds DAC) _check_waveform() _fill_buffer() func toggle_playback(): self._set_playing(!self.is_playing()) func _on_duration_value_changed(value): synth.duration(int(value)) func _on_pitch_value_changed(value): synth.frequency(value) func _on_bell_click(event): if event is InputEventMouseButton && event.is_pressed(): synth.trigger()