* Granolin Build better bots, for matrix! + Example Bots :: - [[https://github.com/cbeo/posterbot][posterbot]], it posts pictures! - [[https://github.com/gcentauri/snekeyes][snekeyes]], it rolls dice! ** TODO Defing a Bot ** TODO Event Handlers *** Special Variables **** *room-id* The special variable =*room-id*= is available in your =handle-event= methods. It will have the value of the Matrix room id in which the event occured. It will be =nil= if the event is not a room state nor timeline/message event. For example: #+begin_src common-lisp (defmethod handle-event :after ((cli echo-bot) (ev text-message-event)) (send-text-message cli *room-id* (msg-body ev))) #+end_src ** Testing syncthing