BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdd: separate repos for the two halloweenie themesGrant Shoshin Shangreaux6 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-10-02Add: separate repos for the two halloweenie themesHEADmasterGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2023-09-24Add: halloweenie-themes repo owned by the @cicadas groupGrant Shangreaux
2022-12-26Add: @cicadas group and dnd repositoryGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-11-16Add: coorgi configurationGrant Shoshin Shangreaux
2022-10-16Add: granolin reposshoshin
2022-08-16Add: another pubkey for Grant's zebes machineGrant Shangreaux
2022-08-08modifying oneliners permsColin Okay
2022-05-28Clean: remove cgitrcGrant Shangreaux
2022-05-28Fix: try only one cgitrc optionshoshin
2022-05-28Add: cgitrc trying to update repo ownershoshin