;;;; adventure-awaits.lisp -- page make to make a new adventure (in-package :dnd) (defclass adventure-awaits () ((possible-seers :reader possible-seers :initarg :possible-seers :initform nil))) (defrender t ((page adventure-awaits)) (with-page (:title "What sparkles in yer eye?") (:h2 "Enscribe your new adventure in the book of the bards.") (:div (:form :method "POST" :action "/adventure-awaits" :id "new-adventure-form" (:label :for "TITLE" "To sing of deeds, the bards require a title equal in greatness to the adventure before you.") (:br) (:input :name "TITLE" :minlength "2" :maxlength "40" :placeholder "Dungeons & Deadlines") (when (possible-seers page) (:br) (:label :for "SEERS" "Who may act as a seer on this adventure?") (:br) (render :checkboxes (possible-seers page))) (:h4 "Describe the adventure you're about to begin:") (:textarea :name "DESCRIPTION" :rows "5" :cols "60") (:br) (:button :type "submit" "Embark!")))))