(in-package :dnd) ;;; MODEL CLASSES (defclass hazard (game-object) ((quest :accessor quest-of :index-type idx:hash-index :index-reader hazards-in-quest :documentation "The quest to which this hazard belongs. Initially it is unbound. It becomes boudn when the hazard is added to a quest.") (description :accessor description :initarg :description :initform "" :type string :documentation "") (overcomep :accessor is-overcome :initform nil :documentation "indicates whether or not this hazard has been overcome.") (imminence :accessor imminence-of :type priority :documentation "") (menace ;; difficulty :accessor menace-of :type integer :documentation "How dangerous the hazard is." )) (:metaclass db:persistent-class) (:documentation "Hazard is a superclass for all hazards encountered in a quest. It's chronicle includes data about which heroes fought and which overcame.")) ;;; HELPERS ;;; QUERIES ;;; TRANSACTIONS ;;; MODEL VIEWS ;;; PAGES & PAGE CLASSES ;;; ENDPOINT HELPERS ;;; ENDPOINT DEFINITIONS