;;;; endpoints.lisp -- http endpoints for dnd (in-package :dnd) (lzb:provision-app () :title "Dungeons & Deadlines" :version "0.1.0" :content-type "text/html") (defparameter +session-cookie-name+ "dnd-session") ;;; UTILITIES (defun redirect-to (location) "Set the lazybones response header and response code for redirecting to LOCATION. This procedure will error if lazybones:*request* is not currently bound." (setf (lzb:response-header :location) location (lzb:response-code) "303")) (defun current-session () "Get the session associated with the current request. Will throw an error if lazybones:*request* is not currently bound. It will return NIL if there is no session for the current request. I.e. It should be called within the scope of a request handler." (session-with-id (lzb:request-cookie +session-cookie-name+ ))) (defmacro with-hero-session ((hero &key session (redirect "/tavern-door")) &body body) (let ((session (or session (gensym "SESSION")))) `(a:if-let (,session (current-session)) (let ((,hero (session-hero ,session))) ,@body) (redirect-to ,redirect)))) ;;; OPEN ENDPOINTS (defendpoint* :get "/" () () (redirect-to "/tavern-door")) (defendpoint* :get "/tavern-door" () () (a:if-let (name (flashed-value :tavern-door)) (doorkeeper :message (format nil "M'fraid I've n'er 'eard o' ~a." name)) (doorkeeper))) (defendpoint* :post "/tavern-door" () () (with-plist ((name :name)) (lzb:request-body) (a:if-let ((hero (hero-known-as name))) (a:when-let ((sesh (new-sesh hero))) (lzb:set-response-cookie +session-cookie-name+ (session-id sesh) :path "/" :domain "localhost") ; TODO: generalize domain (redirect-to "/tavern")) (progn (flash :tavern-door name) (redirect-to (format nil "/tavern-door")))))) (defendpoint* :get "/godess-shrine" () () (godess-shrine)) (defendpoint* :post "/godess-shrine" () () (with-plist ((name :name)) (lzb:request-body) (birth-from-the-goddess-loins name) (redirect-to "/tavern-door"))) ;;; SESSION ENDPOINTS (defendpoint* :get "/tavern" () () (with-hero-session (hero) (tavern hero))) (defun str (string) "A String" string)