diff options
3 files changed, 40 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/pages.lisp b/pages.lisp
index 7bbf48b..72291e5 100644
--- a/pages.lisp
+++ b/pages.lisp
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
(:title ,title))
(:body ,@body))))
-(defun a-hero-is-born ()
- (with-page (:title "A Hero Is Born!")
+(defun godess-shrine ()
+ (with-page (:title "A Sacred Shrine")
- (:h1 "A Hero Is Materializing From the Void..."))
- (:form :method "POST" :action "/a-hero-is-born"
- (:label :for "NAME" "Thy Hero's Appelation")
+ (:h1 "Pray and become a hero..."))
+ (:form :method "POST" :action "/godess-shrine"
+ (:label :for "NAME" "Enter the epithet thy hero shall be called:")
(:input :name "NAME")
(:button :type "submit"))))
@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@
(with-page (:title "Tavern Door")
(:h1 "Wot's yer name 'ero?")
(:form :method "POST" :action "/tavern-door"
- (:label :for "NAME" "Thy Hero's Appelation")
+ (:label :for "NAME" "Thy Hero's Appelation:")
(:input :name "NAME")
- (:button :type "submit"))))
+ (:button :type "submit"))
+ (:h2 "Eh? Ye need to birth a new hero?")
+ (:a :href "/godess-shrine" "Follow me...")))
(defun tavern (hero)
(with-page (:title "A Bustling Tavern")
- (:h1 "Aye! Welcome " (hero-name hero))))
+ (:h1 "Aye! Welcome " (hero-name hero))
+ ()))
diff --git a/routes.lisp b/routes.lisp
index b1d4ff7..b0b81ac 100644
--- a/routes.lisp
+++ b/routes.lisp
@@ -9,14 +9,22 @@
(defparameter +session-cookie-name+ "dnd-session")
-(defendpoint* :get "/a-hero-is-born" () ()
- (a-hero-is-born))
+(defun redirect-to (location)
+ (setf (lzb:response-header :location) location
+ (lzb:response-code) "303"))
-(defendpoint* :post "/a-hero-is-born" () ()
+(defmacro with-session (&body body)
+ `(a:if-let ((sesh (session-with-id (lzb:request-cookie +session-cookie-name+))))
+ ,@body
+ (redirect-to "/tavern-door")))
+(defendpoint* :get "/godess-shrine" () ()
+ (godess-shrine))
+(defendpoint* :post "/godess-shrine" () ()
(with-plist ((name :name)) (lzb:request-body)
(birth-from-the-goddess-loins name)
- (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern-door"
- (lzb:response-code) "303")))
+ (redirect-to "/tavern-door")))
(defendpoint* :get "/tavern-door" () ()
@@ -27,18 +35,8 @@
(a:when-let ((sesh (new-sesh hero)))
(lzb:set-response-cookie +session-cookie-name+ (session-id sesh)
:path "/" :domain "localhost")
- (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern"
- (lzb:response-code) "303"))
- (setf (lzb:response-header :location) "/tavern-door"
- (lzb:response-code) "303"))))
+ (redirect-to "/tavern"))
+ (redirect-to "/tavern-door"))))
(defendpoint* :get "/tavern" () ()
- (let ((hero (session-hero (session-with-id (lzb:request-cookie +session-cookie-name+)))))
- (tavern hero)))
-(defun birth-from-the-goddess-loins (name)
- (db:with-transaction ()
- (make-instance 'hero :name name)))
-(defun new-sesh (hero)
- (db:with-transaction () (make-instance 'session :hero hero)))
+ (with-session (tavern (session-hero sesh))))
diff --git a/transactions.lisp b/transactions.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a50fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/transactions.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+;;;; transactions.lisp -- data store transactions for dnd
+(in-package :dnd)
+(defun birth-from-the-goddess-loins (name)
+ (db:with-transaction ()
+ (make-instance 'hero :name name)))
+(defun new-sesh (hero)
+ (db:with-transaction () (make-instance 'session :hero hero)))
+(defun destroy-sesh (session)
+ (db:delete-object session))