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1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zhsh.lisp b/zhsh.lisp
index 48cb959..62881f1 100644
--- a/zhsh.lisp
+++ b/zhsh.lisp
@@ -1,3 +1,155 @@
;;;; zhsh.lisp
(in-package #:zhsh)
+;; edit operations
+;; 1. change (a → b)
+;; 2. delete (a → Λ)
+;; 3. insert (Λ → b)
+;; need to get the ith node of a tree according to postorder numbering
+;; need to be able to calc the left most leaf descendent of a tree
+;; rooted at a given node, itself accessed by postorder index
+;; need to be able to lookup the parents of nodes, by their postorder index.
+(defclass postorder-tree ()
+ ((data
+ :accessor tree-data
+ :initarg :data
+ :initform (error "Must supply a tree data array.")
+ :documentation
+ "An array of shape (N 3) where (aref structure i 0) is a node,
+ (aref structure i 1) is the index of the node's parent, and
+ (aref structure i 2) is a list of the node's children.")))
+(defun node (tree i)
+ (aref (tree-data tree) i 0))
+(defun parent (tree i)
+ (aref (tree-data tree) i 1))
+(defun parent-node (tree i)
+ (when (parent-index tree i)
+ (node tree (parent-index tree i))))
+(defun children (tree root)
+ (aref (tree-data tree) root 2))
+(defun leafp (tree i)
+ (null (aref (tree-data tree) i 2)))
+(defun node-count (list)
+ "Returns the number of nodes in the tree rooted at LIST, where atoms
+ are leaf nodes and sublists are subtrees."
+ (if (consp list)
+ (+ 1 (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'node-count list)))
+ 1))
+(defun child-p (tree i j)
+ "Is I a direct child of J?"
+ (= (parent-index tree i) j))
+(defun descendents (tree root)
+ (labels ((rec (node)
+ (when (children tree node)
+ (append (children tree node)
+ (mapcan #'rec (children tree node))))))
+ (rec root)))
+(defun descendent-leaves (tree root)
+ (labels
+ ((rec (node)
+ (when (children tree node)
+ (append (remove-if-not #'local-leaf-p (children tree node))
+ (mapcan #'rec (children tree node)))))
+ (local-leaf-p (node)
+ (leafp tree node)))
+ (rec root)))
+(defun root-node (tree)
+ (1- (car (array-dimensions (tree-data tree)))))
+(defun depth (tree)
+ (labels ((rec (node)
+ (1+
+ (cond
+ ((null (children tree node))
+ 0)
+ ((null (rest (children tree node)))
+ (rec (first (children tree node))))
+ (t
+ (apply #'max (mapcar #'rec (children tree node))))))))
+ (rec (root-node tree))))
+(defun leftmost-leaf-below (tree i)
+ (apply #'min (descendent-leaves tree i)))
+(defun postorder-sequentialize (list op)
+ "LIST is a tree represented as a s-expression. OP is a function of
+ two arguments, an integer index and a tree node, and one optional
+ argument holding a parent node.
+ POSTORDER-SEQUENTIALIZE LIST OP calls OP on each index and node in
+ postorder. Indices start at 0
+ Example:
+ (postorder-sequentialize '((a b) ((c d) e))
+ (lambda (idx node &optional parent)
+ (if parent
+ (print (list idx '-> node 'under parent)
+ (print (list idx '-> node))))))
+ (0 -> A UNDER (A B))
+ (1 -> B UNDER (A B))
+ (2 -> (A B) UNDER ((A B) ((C D) E)))
+ (3 -> C UNDER (C D))
+ (4 -> D UNDER (C D))
+ (5 -> (C D) UNDER ((C D) E))
+ (6 -> E UNDER ((C D) E))
+ (7 -> ((C D) E) UNDER ((A B) ((C D) E)))
+ (8 -> ((A B) ((C D) E))) "
+ (if (null list) (funcall op 0 list)
+ (let ((idx -1))
+ (labels ((rec (node &optional (parent nil parent-p))
+ (when (consp node)
+ (dolist (sub node)
+ (rec sub node)))
+ (if parent-p
+ (funcall op (incf idx) node parent)
+ (funcall op (incf idx) node))))
+ (rec list)))))
+(defun list->postorder-tree (list)
+ (let ((node-data
+ (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+ (node-count 0))
+ ;; build up data needed to intantiate a tree
+ (postorder-sequentialize
+ list
+ (lambda (idx node &optional parent)
+ (incf node-count)
+ (setf (gethash node node-data) (list idx parent))))
+ ;; build the tree data
+ (let ((tree-data
+ (make-array (list node-count 3)
+ :initial-element nil)))
+ (maphash
+ (lambda (node info)
+ (let* ((idx
+ (first info))
+ (parent-node
+ (second info))
+ (parent-idx
+ (first (gethash parent-node node-data))))
+ (setf (aref tree-data idx 0) node
+ (aref tree-data idx 1) parent-idx)
+ (when parent-node
+ (push idx
+ (aref tree-data parent-idx 2)))))
+ node-data)
+ (make-instance 'postorder-tree :data tree-data))))