package; import openfl.display.Sprite; import openfl.geom.Point; import; import; import; import; import openfl.ui.Keyboard; import openfl.utils.Timer; import openfl.display.SimpleButton; import openfl.text.TextField; import openfl.text.TextFormat; import haxe.ds.Option; using Lambda; typedef PointType = { x:Float, y:Float}; typedef HasVelocity = {velocity: PointType}; typedef Circle = PointType & {radius:Float}; typedef HasColor = {color: Int}; typedef MovingColoredCircle = Circle & HasVelocity & HasColor; class Button extends SimpleButton { static var overColor:Int = 0xdddddd; static var upColor:Int = 0xeeeeee; static var downColor:Int = 0xcccccc; static function textBox (text:String, bgColor:Int = 0xFFFFFF, ?textFormat:TextFormat, ?borderRadius:Float = 0.0, ?padding:Float = 40.0, ?borderThickness:Float = 0.0, ?borderColor:Int = 0 ):Sprite { var tf = new TextField(); tf.multiline = false; tf.autoSize = openfl.text.TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; tf.selectable = false; tf.text = text; if (textFormat != null) tf.setTextFormat( textFormat ); var s = new Sprite(); bgColor ); if (borderThickness > 0) borderThickness, borderColor);, 0, tf.textWidth + padding, tf.textHeight + padding, borderRadius, borderRadius );; tf.x = (s.width - tf.textWidth) / 2; tf.y = (s.height - tf.textHeight) / 2; s.addChild( tf ); return s; } public function new (text:String) { var textFormat = new TextFormat(null, 25); var over = textBox(text, overColor, textFormat, 10.0, 50, 2 ); var up = textBox(text, upColor, textFormat, 10.0, 50, 2); var down = textBox(text, downColor, textFormat, 10.0, 50, 2); super( up , over, down, over); this.enabled = true; } } class Wiggler extends Sprite { var path:Array = []; var circles:Array = []; public function new (path:Array) { super(); this.path = path; } } class DrawingScreen extends Sprite { /* the prupose of which is to produce a path of a closed polygon suitable for passing in as the "skin" of a wiggler. */ var path: Array = []; public function new () { super(); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, maximizeHitArea); } /* Event Handling */ static inline var sampleRate:Float = 0.01; static inline var sampleGap:Float = 5.0; static inline var bgColor:Int = 0xFFFFFF; var drawing = false; var timestamp:Float; function maximizeHitArea(e) { var hitBox = new Sprite();; 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); hitBox.mouseEnabled = false; this.hitArea = hitBox; } function onMouseDown (e) { drawing = true; timestamp = haxe.Timer.stamp(); path = [ new Point(e.localX, e.localY) ]; graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(3, 0); graphics.moveTo( path[0].x, path[0].y ); } function onMouseUp (e) { drawing = false; } function onMouseOut (e) { drawing = false; } function clearAndRenderPath() { graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(3, 0); graphics.moveTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); for (i in 1...path.length) graphics.lineTo(path[i].x, path[i].y); graphics.lineTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); } function onMouseMove (e) { var stamp = haxe.Timer.stamp(); var pt = new Point( e.localX, e.localY); if (drawing && (stamp - timestamp > sampleRate) && Point.distance(pt, path[path.length - 1]) >= sampleGap) { var intersectIndex = GeomTools.findSelfIntersection( path, pt ); if (intersectIndex != null) { drawing = false; var intersectionPt = GeomTools.linesIntersectAt( path[intersectIndex], path[intersectIndex + 1], path[path.length -1], pt); path = path.slice( intersectIndex ); if (intersectionPt != null) { path.push(intersectionPt); graphics.lineTo( intersectionPt.x, intersectionPt.y); } else { graphics.lineTo( pt.x, pt.y ); } clearAndRenderPath(); return; // to return early } timestamp = stamp; path.push( pt ); graphics.lineTo( pt.x, pt.y); } } } enum Line { Vertical(xVal:Float); Horizontal(yVal:Float); Sloped(slop:Float,yIntercept:Float); } class GeomTools { public static function lineOfSegment ( a:Point, b:Point ): Null { if (a.equals( b )) return null; if (a.x == b.x) return Vertical(a.x); if (a.y == b.y) return Horizontal(a.y); var slope = (b.y - a.y) / (b.x - a.x); var yIntercept = a.y - slope * a.x; return Sloped(slope, yIntercept); } public static function isCounterClockwiseOrder(a:Point,b:Point,c:Point):Bool { return (b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) > (b.y - a.y) * (c.x - a.x); } public static function segmentsIntersect(a:Point,b:Point,c:Point,d:Point):Bool { return (isCounterClockwiseOrder( a, c, d) != isCounterClockwiseOrder(b, c, d)) && (isCounterClockwiseOrder( a ,b, c) != isCounterClockwiseOrder(a, b, d)); } public static function pathIsCounterClockwise( path: Array ) : Bool { return path.length > 2 && isCounterClockwiseOrder(path[0], path[1], path[2]); } public static function linesIntersectAt(a:Point,b:Point,c:Point,d:Point):Null { var segments = [lineOfSegment(a, b), lineOfSegment(c, d)]; trace(segments); switch (segments) { case [Sloped(m1,b1), Sloped(m2,b2)]: var x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2); var y = m1 * x + b1; return new Point(x, y); case [Sloped(m,b), Horizontal(y)] | [Horizontal(y) , Sloped(m, b)]: var x = (y - b) / m; return new Point(x,y); case [Sloped(m,b), Vertical(x)] | [Vertical(x), Sloped(m,b)]: var y = m * x + b; return new Point(x, y); case [Horizontal(y), Vertical(x)] | [Vertical(x), Horizontal(y)]: return new Point(x, y); default: return null; } } // given a path and a point, check of the line between the last // point in tha path and the provided point intersects the path. If // it does, the last index in the path checked is returned. public static function findSelfIntersection ( path:Array, pt:Point ) : Null { if (path != null && path.length > 0) { var last = path.length -1; for (i in 1...last) if ( segmentsIntersect( path[i-1], path[i], path[last], pt) ) return i; } return null; } } class Main extends Sprite { public function new() { super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit); } function onInit (e) { var screen = new DrawingScreen(); addChild( screen ); } }