package; import haxe.ds.Option; import motion.Actuate; import openfl.display.GraphicsPath; import openfl.display.SimpleButton; import openfl.display.Sprite; import; import; import; import; import openfl.geom.Matrix; import openfl.geom.Point; import openfl.geom.Rectangle; import openfl.text.TextField; import openfl.text.TextFormat; import openfl.ui.Keyboard; import openfl.utils.Timer; using Lambda; typedef Pt = { x:Float, y:Float}; typedef HasVelocity = {velocity: Pt}; typedef Circle = Pt & {radius:Float}; typedef HasColor = {color: Int, visible:Bool}; typedef ColoredCircle = HasColor & Circle; typedef RectType = Pt & {width:Float,height:Float}; typedef SwingParams = { startAngle:Float, currentAngle:Float, stopAngle:Float, spin:Float }; typedef SkeletonNode = { butt: Pt, // the shared point being considered followers: Array, // array of points that will move in sync with this bone active:Bool, // whether or not this one is moving startAngle:Float, // the start angle, relative to this hinge's own hinge bone. stopAngle:Float, // the stop angle currentAngle:Float, // the current angle spin:Float // current direction of radial motion. }; enum RenderPhase { Circles; Clusters; Border;} class Wiggler extends Sprite { static inline var BRANCHING_FACTOR = 5; static inline var QUADRANT_COEFF = 1.2; static inline var DONT_DRAW_THRESHOLD_COEFF = 0.8; static inline var NEIGHBOR_DIST_THRESHOLD_COEFF = 1.1; static inline var NEIGHBOR_MIN_RADIUS_COEFF = 0.1; static inline var RADIUS_GRADIENT:Float = 5.0; static inline var RADII_SIZES:Int = 20; static inline var MAX_SPEED:Float = 2.0; public static var allWigglers:Array = []; var staticWiggler = true; var path:Array = []; var circles:Array = []; var bones:Map>; var drift : Pt; var renderPhases:Array; public var color:Int = * 0xFFFFFF); //0xFAEEEE; var borderColor:Int = * 0xFFFFFF); var offset:Float = Math.random() * 15; var fadeSpeed:Float = Math.random() * 6; var collisionsLeft = 10 + * Math.random()); public static function clearWigglers() { for (wiggler in allWigglers) wiggler.destroy(); allWigglers = []; } public function new (path:Array, ?staticWigglerMode = false) { super(); this.staticWiggler = staticWigglerMode; this.path = Util.translatePathToOrigin( path ); addCircles(); addBones(); drift = if (staticWiggler) {x:0,y:0} else {x: MAX_SPEED * Math.random() * Util.randomSign(), y: MAX_SPEED * Math.random() * Util.randomSign()}; renderPhases = [Circles, Border]; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, perFrame); Wiggler.allWigglers.push(this); // destroy wigglers with no bones, but let them show up for a second first. if (!staticWiggler) { var bonecount = 0; for (v in bones) bonecount += 1; if (bonecount == 0) { destroyInitiated = true; Actuate.timer(0.5).onComplete( destroy ); } } } #if editing public static function saveWigglers() { var wigglers = w -> { width: w.width, height:w.height, x: w.x, y: w.y, path: -> {x: xy.x, y:xy.y}), color: w.color });"title.json", haxe.Json.stringify( wigglers )); trace('wrote splash.json'); } #end // some reusable variables for intersection // detection. Wiggler.intersects fills these to prevent too much GC // action var thisP0 = new Point(); var thisP1 = new Point(); var otherP0 = new Point(); var otherP1 = new Point(); function intersects( other:Wiggler ) { if (this == other) return false; // for each segment in the path, check for intersection with each // segment in the othe path for (i in 1...path.length) { thisP0.x = path[i-1].x + this.x; thisP0.y = path[i-1].y + this.y; thisP1.x = path[i].x + this.x; thisP1.y = path[i].y + this.y; for (j in 1... other.path.length) { otherP0.x = other.path[j-1].x + other.x; otherP0.y = other.path[j-1].y + other.y; otherP1.x = other.path[j].x + other.x; otherP1.y = other.path[j].y + other.y; if (Util.segmentsIntersect(thisP0,thisP1, otherP0,otherP1)) return true; } // don't forget to check the last segment of the other otherP0.x = other.path[other.path.length-1].x + other.x; otherP0.y = other.path[other.path.length-1].y + other.y; otherP1.x = other.path[0].x + other.x; otherP1.y = other.path[0].y + other.y; if (Util.segmentsIntersect(thisP0,thisP1, otherP0,otherP1)) return true; } // also don't forget to check the very last semgent of this path // with the other path thisP0.x = path[path.length-1].x + this.x; thisP0.y = path[path.length-1].y + this.y; thisP1.x = path[0].x + this.x; thisP1.y = path[0].y + this.y; for (j in 1... other.path.length) { otherP0.x = other.path[j-1].x + other.x; otherP0.y = other.path[j-1].y + other.y; otherP1.x = other.path[j].x + other.x; otherP1.y = other.path[j].y + other.y; if (Util.segmentsIntersect(thisP0,thisP1, otherP0,otherP1)) return true; } // finally check the last segments of both paths otherP0.x = other.path[other.path.length-1].x + other.x; otherP0.y = other.path[other.path.length-1].y + other.y; otherP1.x = other.path[0].x + other.x; otherP1.y = other.path[0].y + other.y; return Util.segmentsIntersect(thisP0,thisP1, otherP0,otherP1); } // A circle is valid if it is contained within the boundary of the // path and if it does not intersect any other circles. function isValidCircle( circ:ColoredCircle ): Bool { return circleInsideClosedPath( circ) && !circleIntersectsCircles( circ ); } function circleInsideClosedPath( circ ): Bool { return Util.pointInsideClosedPath( circ, path) && !Util.circleIntersectsPath(circ, path); } function circleIntersectsCircles( circ ): Bool { for (c in circles) if (Util.circlesIntersect( c, circ)) return true; return false; } var maxRadiusHere:Float = 0; function addCircles() { circles = []; if (path.length > 2) { var bbox = Util.pathBoundingBox( path ); var rad = RADIUS_GRADIENT * RADII_SIZES; var step = 1.25; var dontDrawLargerThan = RADII_SIZES * RADIUS_GRADIENT * DONT_DRAW_THRESHOLD_COEFF; while (rad > 0) { for (cx in / (step * rad))) for (cy in / (step * rad))) { var circ = { x: cx * step * rad, y:cy * step * rad, radius:rad, color: * 0xFFFFFF), visible: rad <= dontDrawLargerThan }; if (isValidCircle( circ )) { circles.push( circ ); maxRadiusHere = Math.max(rad, maxRadiusHere); } } rad -= RADIUS_GRADIENT; } } } function segmentIntersectsBones(p1,p2):Bool { for (hinge => nodes in bones) for (node in nodes) if (Util.segmentsIntersect(p1, p2, hinge, node.butt )) return true; return false; } function biggestCircleInQuadrant(rect:Rectangle) { var biggest:ColoredCircle = null; for (c in circles) if (Util.pointInRectangle(c,rect)) biggest = if (biggest == null || biggest.radius < c.radius) c else biggest; return biggest; } function associatePtWithNearestBone(pt:P) { if (bones.exists( pt )) return; var dist:Float = 100000; var nearNode:SkeletonNode = null; for ( hinge => nodes in bones) for (node in nodes) { var tmpDist = Math.min(Util.dist(pt, hinge), Util.dist(pt, node.butt)); if (pt == node.butt) return; // exit if pt is a butt else if ( nearNode == null ) { nearNode = node; dist = tmpDist; } else if (tmpDist < dist) { nearNode = node; dist = tmpDist; } } if (nearNode != null) nearNode.followers.push( pt ); } function addBones () { var reverseBones = new Map(); // lookup for children to parents. bones = new Map(); var candidates = circles.copy(); candidates.sort( (a,b) -> - a.radius)); var frontier = []; // start the frontier with the largest circle in each "quadrant" var bbox = Util.pathBoundingBox( path ); var quad = new Rectangle(0,0, RADIUS_GRADIENT * RADII_SIZES * QUADRANT_COEFF, RADIUS_GRADIENT * RADII_SIZES * QUADRANT_COEFF ); for (ix in 0...Math.floor( bbox.width / quad.width)) for (iy in 0...Math.floor( bbox.height / quad.height)) { quad.x = ix * quad.width; quad.y = iy * quad.height; var circ = biggestCircleInQuadrant( quad ); if (circ != null) { frontier.push( circ ); candidates.remove( circ ); } } var neighborDistThreshold = RADIUS_GRADIENT * RADII_SIZES * NEIGHBOR_DIST_THRESHOLD_COEFF; var neighborMinRadius = RADIUS_GRADIENT * RADII_SIZES * NEIGHBOR_MIN_RADIUS_COEFF; // add bones while (frontier.length > 0) { var node = frontier.shift(); var parentHinge:Pt = if (reverseBones.exists(node)) reverseBones[node] else {x:node.x + 10, y:node.y}; var validNeighbors = candidates.filter( n -> n.radius >= neighborMinRadius && n.radius <= node.radius && Util.dist(node,n) <= neighborDistThreshold && !Util.segmentIntersectsPath(node, n, path) && !segmentIntersectsBones(node, n)); validNeighbors.sort( (a,b) ->, node) - Util.dist(b, node))); var toBranch = Math.ceil(Math.random() * BRANCHING_FACTOR); var newNbrs = validNeighbors.slice(0, toBranch); if (newNbrs.length > 0) { bones[node] = nbr -> { var currentAngle = Util.calcAngleBetween(node, parentHinge, nbr); var startAngle = currentAngle - 10*ONE_DEGREE; var stopAngle =currentAngle + 10 * ONE_DEGREE; return ({ butt: nbr, followers: [], active: false, startAngle: startAngle, stopAngle: stopAngle, currentAngle: currentAngle, spin: Math.random() * 1.5 * ONE_DEGREE * if (Util.cointoss()) -1 else 1 } : SkeletonNode); }); } for (nbr in newNbrs) { reverseBones[nbr] = node; candidates.remove( nbr ); frontier.push( nbr ); } candidates = candidates .filter( circ -> { for (nbr in newNbrs) if (Util.circleIntersectsLineSegment( circ, node, nbr)) return false; return true; }); } // associate path points and circles with a bone for (pt in circles) associatePtWithNearestBone(pt); for (pt in path) associatePtWithNearestBone(pt); for (c in circles) if ( bones.exists(c) ) c.visible = false; } public function render () { if (path.length == 0) return; graphics.clear(); var stamp = haxe.Timer.stamp(); var fade1 = 0.5 * (1 + Math.cos(this.fadeSpeed * stamp)); var fade2 = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sin(this.fadeSpeed * stamp)); var slowfade1 = 0.5 * (1 + Math.cos(this.fadeSpeed * 0.25 * stamp)); var slowfade2 = 0.5 * (1 + Math.cos(offset + this.fadeSpeed * 0.5 * stamp)); // redner path if (renderPhases.contains( Border)) { var graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath(); graphicsPath.moveTo( path[0].x, path[0].y); for (i in 1...path.length) graphicsPath.lineTo( path[i].x, path[i].y); graphics.beginFill( this.color, slowfade1); graphics.lineStyle(this.offset * fade1, this.borderColor); graphicsPath.lineTo( path[0].x, path[0].y); graphics.drawPath( graphicsPath.commands, ); } if (renderPhases.contains( Circles )) { graphics.lineStyle(this.offset, this.borderColor, fade1); for (circ in circles) if (circ.visible) { graphics.beginFill( circ.color, slowfade2); graphics.drawCircle( circ.x, circ.y, circ.radius); } } if (renderPhases.contains( Clusters )) { for (hinge => nodes in bones) for (node in nodes) { // graphics.lineStyle(1,0xff0000); // graphics.moveTo(hinge.x, hinge.y); // graphics.lineTo(node.butt.x, node.butt.y); graphics.lineStyle(4, * 0xffffff)); var mid = {x: (hinge.x + node.butt.x)/2, y:(hinge.y + node.butt.y)/2}; for (follower in node.followers) { graphics.moveTo( mid.x, mid.y); graphics.lineTo( follower.x, follower.y); } } } } function perFrame (e) { for (hinge => nodes in bones) for (node in nodes) { if (!Util.isBetween( node.startAngle, node.currentAngle + node.spin, node.stopAngle) || boneIntersectsNeighbors(hinge, node, nodes) || Util.segmentIntersectsPath(hinge, node.butt, path)) node.spin *= -1; node.currentAngle += node.spin; Util.rotatePtAboutPivot( hinge, node.butt, node.spin); for (follower in node.followers) Util.rotatePtAboutPivot( hinge, follower, node.spin); } this.x += drift.x; this.y += drift.y; if (!staticWiggler) { if (this.x <= 0 || this.x + this.width >= stage.stageWidth) drift.x *= -1; if (this.y <= 0 || this.y + this.height >= stage.stageHeight) drift.y *= -1; for (wiggler in Wiggler.allWigglers) if (wiggler != this && this.intersects( wiggler) ) bounceOff( wiggler ); this.x = Math.max(1,Math.min(stage.stageWidth - (this.width + 1), this.x)); this.y = Math.max(1,Math.min(stage.stageHeight - (this.height + 1), this.y)); } render(); } function bounceOff(other: Wiggler) { var tmp = other.drift; other.drift = this.drift; this.drift = tmp; this.x += drift.x; this.y += drift.y; other.x += other.drift.x; other.y += other.drift.y; if (!renderPhases.contains( Clusters )) { renderPhases.push( Clusters); Actuate.timer(0.25).onComplete( () -> renderPhases.remove( Clusters )); } if (!other.renderPhases.contains( Clusters )) { other.renderPhases.push( Clusters); Actuate.timer(0.25).onComplete( () -> other.renderPhases.remove( Clusters )); } collisionsLeft -= 1; destroyCheck(); other.collisionsLeft -= 1; other.destroyCheck(); } var destroyInitiated = false; function destroyCheck() { if (!destroyInitiated && collisionsLeft <= 0) { destroyInitiated = true; Actuate.tween(this, 1.0, {alpha: 0.0}).onComplete( this.destroy); } } function destroy() { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, perFrame); Wiggler.allWigglers.remove( this ); this.parent.removeChild( this ); } static inline var ONE_DEGREE: Float = 0.01745329; static function boneIntersectsNeighbors (hinge:Pt,node:SkeletonNode,nodes:Array):Bool { for (n in nodes) if (n != node && Math.abs(Util.calcAngleBetween(hinge,n.butt,node.butt)) < ONE_DEGREE*2) return true; return false; } } class DrawingScreen extends Sprite { /* the prupose of which is to produce a path of a closed polygon suitable for passing in as the "skin" of a wiggler. */ public static var staticWigglerMode = false; var path: Array = []; var candidateWiggler:Wiggler; var holdPath:Bool = false; public function new () { super(); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage); } /* Event Handling */ static inline var sampleRate:Float = 0.01; static inline var sampleGap:Float = 5.0; static inline var bgColor:Int = 0xFFFFFF; var drawing = false; var timestamp:Float; function addedToStage (e) { maximizeHitArea(); stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, (e) -> maximizeHitArea()); } function maximizeHitArea() { if (this.hitArea == null) { var hitBox = new Sprite();; 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); hitBox.mouseEnabled = false; this.hitArea = hitBox; } else {;; 0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); this.hitArea.mouseEnabled = false; } } function onMouseDown (e) { refresh(); drawing = true; timestamp = haxe.Timer.stamp(); path = [ new Point(e.localX, e.localY) ]; graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF); graphics.moveTo( path[0].x, path[0].y ); } function refresh () { if (candidateWiggler != null) { candidateWiggler = null; } graphics.clear(); alpha = 1.0; visible = true; path = []; holdPath = false; } function onMouseUp (e) { drawing = false; graphics.clear(); if (!holdPath) refresh(); } function clearAndRenderPath() { graphics.clear(); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF); graphics.moveTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); for (i in 1...path.length) graphics.lineTo(path[i].x, path[i].y); graphics.lineTo(path[0].x, path[0].y); } function onMouseMove (e) { if (!drawing) return; var stamp = haxe.Timer.stamp(); var pt = new Point( e.localX, e.localY); if ((stamp - timestamp > sampleRate) && Point.distance(pt, path[path.length - 1]) >= sampleGap) { var intersectIndex = Util.findSelfIntersection( path, pt ); if (intersectIndex != null) { drawing = false; holdPath = true; var intersectionPt = Util.linesIntersectAt( path[intersectIndex], path[intersectIndex + 1], path[path.length -1], pt); path = path.slice( intersectIndex ); if (intersectionPt != null) { path.push(intersectionPt); graphics.lineTo( intersectionPt.x, intersectionPt.y); } else graphics.lineTo( pt.x, pt.y ); //clearAndRenderPath(); createAndPresentWiggler(); return; // to return early } timestamp = stamp; path.push( pt ); graphics.lineTo( pt.x, pt.y); } } function createAndPresentWiggler() { clearAndRenderPath(); var bbox = Util.pathBoundingBox( path ); candidateWiggler = new Wiggler( path , staticWigglerMode); candidateWiggler.x = bbox.x; candidateWiggler.y = bbox.y; //graphics.clear(); addChild( candidateWiggler ); } } enum Line { Vertical(xVal:Float); Horizontal(yVal:Float); Sloped(slop:Float,yIntercept:Float); } class Util { public static function randomSign():Int { return if ( cointoss() ) -1 else 1; } public static function cointoss():Bool { return Math.random() >= 0.5; } public static function dot(p1:P1,p2:P2):Float { return p1.x * p2.x + p1.y * p2.y; } public static function calcAngleBetween (center:P1, p1:P2, p2:P3):Float { var v1 = {x: p1.x - center.x, y: p1.y - center.y}; var v2 = {x: p2.x - center.x, y: p2.y - center.y}; return Math.acos( dot(v1,v2) / Math.sqrt( dot(v1,v1) * dot(v2,v2) )); } public static function rotatePtAboutPivot ( pivot:P1, butt:P2, radians: Float) { var sine = Math.sin( radians ); var cosine = Math.cos( radians ); butt.x -= pivot.x; butt.y -= pivot.y; var newx = cosine * butt.x - sine * butt.y; var newy = sine * butt.x + cosine * butt.y; butt.x = newx + pivot.x; butt.y = newy + pivot.y; } public static function distanceToSegment (p:P1, a:P2, b:P3):Float { var ab = {x: b.x - a.x, y: b.y - a.y}; var bp = {x: p.x - b.x, y: p.y - b.y}; if ( dot( ab, bp ) > 0) return dist(b, p); var ba = {x: a.x - b.x, y: a.y - b.y}; var pb = {x: b.x - p.x, y: b.y - p.y}; if ( dot( ba, pb) > 0 ) return dist(a, p); switch (lineOfSegment(a, b)) { case Vertical( xVal ): return Math.abs( xVal - p.x ); case Horizontal( yVal ): return Math.abs( yVal - p.y ); case Sloped(m,intercept): // l1: y = m * x + intercept // l2: p.y = -1 * p.x / m + intercept2 var intercept2 = p.y + p.x / m; // -1 * sx / m + intercept2 = m * sx + intercept // intercept2 - intercept = m * sx + sx / m // intercept2 - intercept = sx * (m + 1/m) var sx = (intercept2 - intercept) / (m + 1 / m); var sy = m * sx + intercept; return dist( {x:sx,y:sy}, p); } } public static function pointInRectangle(p:P,r:R):Bool { return isBetween(r.x, p.x, r.x + r.width) && isBetween(r.y, p.y, r.y + r.height); } public static function randomBetween(lo:Float,hi:Float):Float { if (hi < lo) return randomBetween(hi, lo); return Math.random() * (hi - lo) + lo; } public static function circlesIntersect(c1:C1,c2:C2):Bool { var d = dist(c1,c2); return d < c1.radius + c2.radius; } public static function pathBoundingBox( path:Array ):Null { if (path.length ==0) return null; var left = path[0].x; var right = left; var top = path[0].y; var bottom = top; for (pt in path) { left = Math.min( left, pt.x); right = Math.max( right, pt.x); top = Math.min( top, pt.y); bottom = Math.max( bottom, pt.y); } return new Rectangle(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } public static function randomPointInRect( rect:Rectangle):Point { return new Point( Math.random() * rect.width + rect.x, Math.random() * rect.height + rect.y); } // a point is inside a closed path if, when a linesegment connecting // that point to the origin is drawn, the number of intersections // of that line and the path is odd. public static function pointInsideClosedPath< P1:Pt, P2:Pt> (pt: P1, path:Array):Bool { if (path.length < 2) return false; var intersections = 0; var origin : Pt = {x:0, y:0}; for (i in 0...path.length - 1) if (segmentsIntersect( origin, pt, path[i], path[i + 1])) intersections += 1; if (segmentsIntersect( origin, pt, path[path.length - 1], path[0])) intersections += 1; return intersections % 2 == 1; } public static function circleIntersectsPath ( circ:T, path:Array):Bool { for (i in 0...path.length - 1) { if (circleContainsPt( circ, path[i]) || circleContainsPt( circ, path[i + 1])) return true; if (circleIntersectsLineSegment(circ, path[i], path[i+1])) return true; } return false; } public static function isBetween( a:Float, b:Float, c:Float):Bool { return (a <= b && b <= c) || (c <= b && b <= a); } // choosing to do this b/c it will benefit from any efficiency gains that // may be introduced into openfl's Point.distance method in the future: static var distPt1:Point; static var distPt2:Point; public static function dist(p1:P1,p2:P2):Float { if (distPt1 == null) { distPt1 = new Point(); distPt2 = new Point(); } distPt1.x = p1.x; distPt1.y = p1.y; distPt2.x = p2.x; distPt2.y = p2.y; return Point.distance( distPt1, distPt2); } public static function circleContainsPt (circ:C, pt:P):Bool { return dist(circ, pt) <= circ.radius; } public static function circleIntersectsLineSegment ( circ: C, p1:P1, p2:P2):Bool { // if either enddpoint is in the circle, then we count an // intersection. note, that this means that even if the circle // contains the whole segment, we count this as an intersection. if (circleContainsPt(circ,p1) || circleContainsPt(circ, p2)) return true; switch (lineOfSegment(p1, p2)) { case null: return false; case Vertical(xVal): return Math.abs(circ.x - xVal) <= circ.radius && isBetween(p1.y, circ.y, p2.y); case Horizontal(yVal): return Math.abs(circ.y - yVal) <= circ.radius && isBetween(p1.x, circ.x, p2.x); case Sloped(m, yInt): var a = m * m + 1; var k = yInt - circ.y; var b = 2 * (m*k - circ.x); var c = k * k + circ.x * circ.x - circ.radius * circ.radius; var discriminant = b * b - 4 * a * c; return discriminant >= 0; } } public static function ptEquals(a:P1,b:P2):Bool { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; } public static function lineOfSegment ( a:P1, b:P2 ): Null { if (ptEquals(a, b )) return null; if (a.x == b.x) return Vertical(a.x); if (a.y == b.y) return Horizontal(a.y); var slope = (b.y - a.y) / (b.x - a.x); var yIntercept = a.y - slope * a.x; return Sloped(slope, yIntercept); } public static function isCounterClockwiseOrder (a:P1,b:P2,c:P3):Bool { return (b.x - a.x) * (c.y - a.y) > (b.y - a.y) * (c.x - a.x); } public static function segmentsIntersect (a:P1,b:P2,c:P3,d:P4):Bool { return ptEquals(a,c) || ptEquals(a,d) || ptEquals(b,c) || ptEquals(b,d) || ((isCounterClockwiseOrder( a, c, d) != isCounterClockwiseOrder(b, c, d)) && (isCounterClockwiseOrder( a ,b, c) != isCounterClockwiseOrder(a, b, d))); } public static function pathIsCounterClockwise( path: Array ) : Bool { return path.length > 2 && isCounterClockwiseOrder(path[0], path[1], path[2]); } public static function linesIntersectAt (a:P1,b:P2,c:P3,d:P4):Null { var segments = [lineOfSegment(a, b), lineOfSegment(c, d)]; switch (segments) { case [Sloped(m1,b1), Sloped(m2,b2)]: var x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2); var y = m1 * x + b1; return new Point(x, y); case [Sloped(m,b), Horizontal(y)] | [Horizontal(y) , Sloped(m, b)]: var x = (y - b) / m; return new Point(x,y); case [Sloped(m,b), Vertical(x)] | [Vertical(x), Sloped(m,b)]: var y = m * x + b; return new Point(x, y); case [Horizontal(y), Vertical(x)] | [Vertical(x), Horizontal(y)]: return new Point(x, y); default: return null; } } // given a path and a point, check of the line between the last // point in tha path and the provided point intersects the path. If // it does, the last index in the path checked is returned. public static function findSelfIntersection ( path:Array, pt:Point ) : Null { if (path != null && path.length > 0) { var last = path.length -1; for (i in 1...last) if ( segmentsIntersect( path[i-1], path[i], path[last], pt) ) return i; } return null; } public static function segmentIntersectsPath (p1:P1, p2:P2, path:Array) : Bool { if (path.length > 1) for (i in 1...path.length) if (segmentsIntersect( p1 , p2, path[i-1], path[i])) return true; return segmentsIntersect( p1, p2, path[path.length - 1], path[0]); } // useful for "shrinking" a path so that, when drawn via a Graphics // object, the Sprite will remain small. public static function translatePathToOrigin (path:Array) : Array { if (path.length == 0) return []; var minX = path[0].x; var minY = path[0].y; for (pt in path) { minX = Math.min( minX, pt.x); minY = Math.min( minY, pt.y); } // non-destructive w/rspct to path return pt -> new Point(pt.x - minX, pt.y - minY)); } } class SplashScreen extends Sprite { public function new () { super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } function init (e) { var json = openfl.Assets.getText("assets/title.json"); var wigglers :Array<{path:Array, color:Int, x:Float,y:Float,width:Float,height:Float}> = haxe.Json.parse(json); var maxX= 0.0; var maxY = 0.0; for (wiggler in wigglers) { maxX = Math.max(wiggler.x + wiggler.width, maxX); maxY = Math.max(wiggler.y + wiggler.width, maxY); } var horizScale = Math.min(0.5, stage.stageWidth / maxX); var vertScale = Math.min(0.5, stage.stageHeight / maxY); for (wiggler in wigglers) { var w = new Wiggler( p -> new Point(p.x, p.y)), true); w.color = wiggler.color; w.scaleX = horizScale; w.scaleY = vertScale; w.x = wiggler.x * horizScale; w.y = wiggler.y * vertScale; addChild(w); } } } class Main extends Sprite { public function new() { super(); addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onInit); } function onInit (e) { #if editing DrawingScreen.staticWigglerMode = true; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, (e) -> Wiggler.saveWigglers()); addChild(new DrawingScreen() ); #else addChild(new SplashScreen()); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, start); #end } function start (e) { stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, start); Wiggler.clearWigglers(); removeChildren(); addChild(new DrawingScreen()); } }