# Wiggle World Wiggle World is just a toy about shape and motion. I thought of it one day while watching ducks and turtles at a local pond. As ducks emerged from the water, their butts would wiggle back and forth, seemingly independant of the rest of their bodies. If you've ever seen a duck shake off some damp, you'll know what I mean. As turtles sank deeper into the water, I noticed that their features faded as their depths increased. Eventually, I could see only vague blobs with stumpy limbs drifting in and out through patches of light. Shapes and light and motion are what I was watching that day at the pond. I thought might be fun to make a toy that lets a person draw some shapes in order to watch them drift and shift and wiggle. So that's what Wiggle World does. Hope you [enjoy it](https://cbeo.github.io/wiggle-world)! ## Implementation Wiggle World was created using the [Haxe](https://haxe.org) programming language and the [OpenFL](https://openfl.org) framework.