path: root/Source
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1 files changed, 123 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Main.hx b/Source/Main.hx
index 8dacb06..ca99ad9 100644
--- a/Source/Main.hx
+++ b/Source/Main.hx
@@ -24,7 +24,12 @@ typedef Circle = PointType & {radius:Float};
typedef HasColor = {color: Int};
typedef ColoredCircle = HasColor & Circle;
+typedef RectType = PointType & {width:Float,height:Float};
+typedef SkeletonNode =
+ {
+ extensions:Array<PointType>
+ };
class Button extends SimpleButton
@@ -88,7 +93,8 @@ class Button extends SimpleButton
class Wiggler extends Sprite
static inline var RADIUS_DRAW_THRESHHOLD = 25;
+ static inline var BRANCHING_FACTOR = 5;
var path:Array<Point> = [];
var radiusGradient:Float = 3.0;
@@ -97,11 +103,14 @@ class Wiggler extends Sprite
var dontDrawLargerThanFactor = 0.2;
var circles:Array<ColoredCircle> = [];
+ var bones:Map<PointType, SkeletonNode>;
public function new (path:Array<Point>)
this.path = GeomTools.translatePathToOrigin( path );
+ addBones();
@@ -161,30 +170,116 @@ class Wiggler extends Sprite
+ function segmentIntersectsBones(p1,p2):Bool
+ {
+ for (hinge => node in bones)
+ for (butt in node.extensions)
+ if (GeomTools.segmentsIntersect(p1,p2,hinge,butt))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ function biggestCircleInQuadrant(rect:Rectangle)
+ {
+ var biggest:ColoredCircle = null;
+ for (c in circles)
+ if (GeomTools.pointInRectangle(c,rect))
+ biggest = if (biggest == null || biggest.radius < c.radius) c else biggest;
+ return biggest;
+ }
+ function addBones ()
+ {
+ bones = new Map();
+ var candidates = circles.copy();
+ candidates.sort( (a,b) -> - a.radius));
+ var frontier = [];
+ var bbox = GeomTools.pathBoundingBox( path );
+ var quad = new Rectangle(0,0,
+ radiusGradient * radiiSizes * 1.2 ,
+ radiusGradient * radiiSizes * 1.2 );
+ for (ix in 0...Math.floor( bbox.width / quad.width))
+ for (iy in 0...Math.floor( bbox.height / quad.height))
+ {
+ quad.x = ix * quad.width;
+ quad.y = iy * quad.height;
+ var circ = biggestCircleInQuadrant( quad );
+ if (circ != null)
+ {
+ frontier.push( circ );
+ candidates.remove( circ );
+ }
+ }
+ while (frontier.length > 0)
+ {
+ var node = frontier.shift();
+ var validNeighbors =
+ candidates.filter( n -> n.radius <= node.radius
+ && !GeomTools.segmentIntersectsPath(node, n, path)
+ && !segmentIntersectsBones(node, n));
+ var toBranch = Math.ceil(Math.random() * BRANCHING_FACTOR);
+ var newNbrs = validNeighbors.slice(0, toBranch);
+ newNbrs.sort( (a,b) ->, node) - GeomTools.dist(b, node)));
+ bones[node] = {extensions: newNbrs.copy()};
+ for (nbr in newNbrs)
+ {
+ candidates.remove( nbr );
+ frontier.push( nbr );
+ }
+ candidates = candidates
+ .filter( circ -> {
+ for (nbr in newNbrs)
+ if (GeomTools.circleIntersectsLineSegment( circ, node, nbr))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ }
public function render ()
if (path.length == 0) return;
var graphicsPath = new GraphicsPath();
graphicsPath.moveTo( path[0].x, path[0].y);
for (i in 1...path.length)
graphicsPath.lineTo( path[i].x, path[i].y);
+ graphics.beginFill(0xfaeeee);
graphicsPath.lineTo( path[0].x, path[0].y);
graphics.drawPath( graphicsPath.commands, );
var dontDrawLargerThan = radiiSizes * radiusGradient * dontDrawLargerThanFactor;
- graphics.lineStyle(2.0);
+ graphics.lineStyle(0.0);
for (circ in circles)
if (circ.radius <= dontDrawLargerThan)
- graphics.beginFill( circ.color, 0.75);
+ graphics.beginFill( circ.color, 0.5);
graphics.drawCircle( circ.x, circ.y, circ.radius);
+ graphics.lineStyle(2,0xff0000);
+ for (hinge => node in bones)
+ for (butt in node.extensions)
+ {
+ graphics.moveTo(hinge.x, hinge.y);
+ graphics.lineTo(butt.x, butt.y);
+ }
@@ -345,6 +440,11 @@ enum Line {
class GeomTools
+ public static function pointInRectangle<P:PointType,R:RectType>(p:P,r:R):Bool
+ {
+ return isBetween(r.x, p.x, r.x + r.width) && isBetween(r.y, p.y, r.y + r.height);
+ }
public static function randomBetween(lo:Float,hi:Float):Float
if (hi < lo) return randomBetween(hi, lo);
@@ -449,8 +549,9 @@ class GeomTools
return dist(circ, pt) <= circ.radius;
- public static function circleIntersectsLineSegment<T:Circle, U:PointType>
- ( circ: T, p1:U, p2:U):Bool
+ public static function circleIntersectsLineSegment
+ <C:Circle, P1:PointType, P2:PointType>
+ ( circ: C, p1:P1, p2:P2):Bool
// if either enddpoint is in the circle, then we count an
// intersection. note, that this means that even if the circle
@@ -460,6 +561,9 @@ class GeomTools
switch (lineOfSegment(p1, p2))
+ case null:
+ return false;
case Vertical(xVal):
return Math.abs(circ.x - xVal) <= circ.radius && isBetween(p1.y, circ.y, p2.y);
@@ -558,6 +662,18 @@ class GeomTools
return null;
+ public static function segmentIntersectsPath
+ <P1:PointType, P2:PointType, P3:PointType>
+ (p1:P1, p2:P2, path:Array<P3>) : Bool
+ {
+ if (path.length > 1)
+ for (i in 1...path.length)
+ if (segmentsIntersect( p1 , p2, path[i-1], path[i]))
+ return true;
+ return segmentsIntersect( p1, p2, path[path.length - 1], path[0]);
+ }
// useful for "shrinking" a path so that, when drawn via a Graphics
// object, the Sprite will remain small.
public static function translatePathToOrigin (path:Array<Point>) : Array<Point>