;;;; examples/13-canvas-drawing-language.lisp (defpackage #:ww.examples/12 (:use #:cl) (:export #:start)) (in-package :ww.examples/12) (defclass canvas-lang-demo (ww:application) ()) (ww:defhandler quit (ww:on-keydown (app scancode) (when (eql :scancode-q scancode) (ww:stop)))) (ww:defhandler clear-and-draw (ww:on-perframe (canvas time) (ww:clear-canvas canvas :r 255 :g 255 :b 255) (draw-stuff canvas) (ww:blit canvas))) ;; draw a triangle, each side is a different color (defun triangle-at (x y) (ww:with-current-pen (ww:move-pen-to x y) (ww:canvas-pen-color (list 0 200 200 255)) (ww:stroke-rel 150 0) (ww:canvas-pen-color (list 0 0 200 255)) (ww:stroke-rel -50 100) (ww:canvas-pen-color (list 0 200 0 255)) (ww:stroke-rel -100 -100))) ;; draw a filled triangle using the current pen (defun filled-triangle-at (x y) (ww:with-current-pen (ww:move-pen-to x y) (ww:fill-rel-path '((100 100) (100 -100))))) ;; a pen function - gets more blue the closer x y is to 0 0 (defun lower-the-bluer (x y) (list (* 256 (/ x 500)) (* 256 (/ y 500)) 255 255)) ;; a pen function - makes a plaid like pattern (defun plaid1 (x y) (list (mod (* x x) 256) (mod (* y y) 256) (mod (* x y) 256) 255)) ;; draws a "flower" like pinwheel using bezier curves (defun flower (&optional (petals 5)) (ww:with-pen (:width 1) (let ((r ; radius #.(sqrt (+ (* 25 25) (* 100 100)))) (psw ; petal semi-width (* pi 0.08))) ;; for each angle a between 0 and 2π draw a petal as a bezier ;; curve. the curve uses two control points that are R away ;; from the starting point and PSW radians on either side of the ;; line at angle a (loop for a from 0 to (* 2 pi) by (/ (* 2 pi) petals) for ctls = (list (list (* r (sin (- a psw))) (* r (cos (- a psw)))) (list (* r (sin (+ a psw))) (* r (cos (+ a psw)))) (list 0 0)) do (ww:fill-rel-bezier ctls 12) ;; draw border of each petal (ww:with-pen (:color (list 0 50 200 255)) (ww:stroke-rel-bezier ctls 20)))))) (defun draw-stuff (canvas) (ww:with-canvas canvas ;; set canvas color. (ww:canvas-pen-color #'plaid1) (filled-triangle-at 250 200) ;; temporarily use a different pen configuration (ww:with-pen (:color #'lower-the-bluer :width 2) ;; draw a flower stem (ww:stroke-bezier '((0 0) (200 120) (50 350) (200 100) (300 400))) ;; draw a flower (flower 28)) (dotimes (x 50) (when (evenp x) (triangle-at 30 (+ 250 x)))))) (defmethod ww:boot ((app canvas-lang-demo )) (let ((canvas (make-instance 'ww:canvas :pixel-width 500 :pixel-height 500))) ;; stretch canvas over the whole app (setf (ww:width canvas) (ww::application-width app) (ww:height canvas) (ww::application-height app)) ;; add it to the display tree (ww:add-unit canvas) ;; handlers (ww:add-handler canvas #'clear-and-draw) (ww:add-handler app #'quit) (ww:add-handler canvas #'quit))) (defun start (&optional (side 500)) (ww:start (make-instance 'canvas-lang-demo :fps 3 :width side :height side :title "Canvas demo")))