path: root/wheelwork.lisp
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authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-06-29 11:54:24 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-06-29 11:54:24 -0500
commit82f71b0d13788b1cff9a24c5b652effd11631523 (patch)
treef0ec127b2f10f46029983ee95b6c72ef29bc504c /wheelwork.lisp
parent4d1ee56c96ce254134b692f0e3b3271c87a42b54 (diff)
[refactor] [structure] modularized project file structure
Diffstat (limited to 'wheelwork.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1129 deletions
diff --git a/wheelwork.lisp b/wheelwork.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b4695..0000000
--- a/wheelwork.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1129 +0,0 @@
-;;;; wheelwork.lisp
-(in-package #:wheelwork)
-(defvar *application* nil
- "current application")
-(defclass/std unit ()
- ((cached-model cached-projected-matrix :a)
- (container :with :a)
- (base-width base-height :r :std 1.0 :doc "Determined by content.")
- (scale-x scale-y :with :std 1.0)
- (rotation x y :with :std 0.0)
- (opacity :std 1.0 :doc "0.0 indicates it will not be rendred.")))
-(defgeneric unit-width (unit))
-(defgeneric unit-height (unit))
-(defgeneric (setf unit-width) (newval unit))
-(defgeneric (setf unit-height) (newval unit))
-(defun scale-by (unit amount)
- (with-slots (scale-x scale-y) unit
- (setf scale-x (* amount scale-x)
- scale-y (* amount scale-y))))
-(defun set-width-preserve-aspect (unit new-width)
- (scale-by unit (/ new-width (unit-width unit))))
-(defun set-height-preserve-aspect (unit new-height)
- (scale-by unit (/ new-height (unit-height unit) )))
-(defmethod unit-width ((unit unit))
- (with-slots (scale-x base-width) unit
- (* scale-x base-width)))
-(defmethod unit-height ((unit unit))
- (with-slots (scale-y base-height) unit
- (* scale-y base-height)))
-(defmethod (setf unit-width) (newval (unit unit))
- (with-slots (scale-x base-width) unit
- (setf scale-x (coerce (/ newval base-width) 'single-float))))
-(defmethod (setf unit-height) (newval (unit unit))
- (with-slots (scale-y base-height) unit
- (setf scale-y (coerce (/ newval base-height) 'single-float))))
-(defmethod (setf closer-mop:slot-value-using-class) :after
- (newval class (unit unit) slot)
- (case (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)
- ((x y scale-x scale-y rotation)
- (setf (cached-model unit) nil
- (cached-projected-matrix unit) nil))))
-(defclass/std container ()
- ((units :with :a))
- (:documentation "Just a list of units. Made into a class so that
- transformation affine transformations methods can be specialzied on
- whole groups of units"))
-(defgeneric drop-unit (unit))
-(defgeneric add-unit (container unit))
-(defmethod drop-unit ((unit unit))
- "Removes a unit from its container. Returns T if the unit actually was removed."
- (when-let (container (unit-container unit))
- (setf
- (container-units container) (delete unit (container-units container))
- (unit-container unit) nil)
- t))
-(defmethod add-unit ((container container) (unit unit))
- "Adds a unit to the end of a container (thus affecting render
-order). Makes sure to remove the unit from its current container if
- (when (unit-container unit)
- (drop-unit unit))
- (push unit (container-units container))
- (setf (unit-container unit) container)
- unit)
-(defclass/std event-handler ()
- ((event-type handler-function :ri))
- (:metaclass closer-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((eh event-handler) &key)
- (with-slots (handler-function) eh
- (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function eh handler-function)))
-(defclass/std listener ()
- ((keydown
- keyup
- mousedown
- mouseup
- mousemotion
- mousewheel
- focus
- blur
- perframe
- after-added
- before-added
- before-dropped
- :r :with :type (or null event-handler) :std nil)
- (keydown-table
- keyup-table
- mousedown-table
- mouseup-table
- mousemotion-table
- mousewheel-table
- focus-table
- blur-table
- perframe-table
- after-added-table
- before-added-table
- before-dropped-table
- :static
- :std (make-hash-table :synchronized t)
- :doc "Keyed by DISPLAY-UNIT instance, holds an EVENT-HANDLER if handler is defined for unit."))
- (:documentation "Event handlers per object. The static hash tables
- are keyed by UNIT and hold Event-Handler instances."))
-(defclass/std interactive ()
- ((listener :type (or null listener) :std nil :a)
- (focusablep :std t :doc "Whether or not this object can receive application focus."))
- (:documentation "Supplies an object with a listener slot."))
-(defmethod drop-unit :before ((unit interactive))
- (when (unit-container unit)
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for unit 'before-dropped))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler unit)))))
-(defmethod add-unit :before ((container container) (unit interactive))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for unit 'before-added))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler container unit))))
-(defmethod add-unit :after ((container container) (unit interactive))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for unit 'after-added))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler container unit))))
-(defun listener-table-for (listener event-type)
- (ecase event-type
- (keydown (keydown-table listener))
- (keyup (keyup-table listener))
- (mousedown (mousewheel-table listener))
- (mouseup (mouseup-table listener))
- (mousemotion (mousemotion-table listener))
- (mousewheel (mousewheel-table listener))
- (focus (focus-table listener))
- (blur (blur-table listener))
- (perframe (perframe-table listener))
- (after-added (after-added-table listener))
- (before-added (before-added-table listener))
- (after-dropped (after-dropped-table listener))
- (before-dropped (before-dropped-table listener))))
-(defun add-handler (interactive handler)
- (when (null (listener interactive))
- (setf (listener interactive) (make-instance 'listener)))
- (pushnew handler (slot-value (listener interactive) (event-type handler)) :test #'eq)
- (setf
- (gethash interactive (listener-table-for (listener interactive) (event-type handler)))
- t))
-(defun remove-handler (interactive handler-or-event-type)
- "Handler can be an instance of EVENT-HANDLER or can be a symbol
- whose name is an event type. If is an event handler, only that
- handler will be removed. If it is an event type, all events of that
- type name are removed from the object."
- (when (listener interactive)
- (let ((event-type (etypecase handler-or-event-type
- (keyword (intern (symbol-name handler-or-event-type) :wheelwork))
- (symbol (intern (symbol-name handler-or-event-type) :wheelwork))
- (event-handler (event-type handler-or-event-type)))))
- (setf (slot-value (listener interactive) event-type)
- (if (symbolp handler-or-event-type)
- ;; remove everything if a symbol
- nil
- ;; delete just the handler
- (delete handler-or-event-type
- (slot-value (listener interactive) event-type)
- :test #'eq)))
- ;; remove from from the global table unless any listeners remain on this event
- (unless (slot-value (listener interactive) event-type)
- (remhash interactive (listener-table-for (listener interactive) event-type))))))
-(defun should-listen-for-p (event-type &optional (app *application*))
- (plusp (hash-table-count (listener-table-for (listener app) event-type))))
-(defclass/std application (container interactive)
- ((title :with :std "Wheelwork App")
- (asset-root :ri :std #P"./" :doc "Directory under which assets are stored.")
- (asset-classifiers
- :std '(("png" png) ("ttf" font))
- :doc "ALIST of (EXT CLASS). EXT is a string, file estension. CLASS is a symbol, class name.")
- (assets :with :a :std (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
- :doc "maps asset names to asset instances.")
- (scale :with :std 1.0)
- (width height :with :std 800)
- (projection :with :a :doc "The projection matrix for the scene. Orthographic by default.")
- (window :with :a)
- (refocus-on-mousedown-p :std t)
- (focus last-motion-target :with :a)
- (fps :with :std 30 :doc "Frames Per Second")
- (frame-wait :r)))
-(defun fps (&optional (app *application*))
- (application-fps app))
-(defun (setf fps) (new-val &optional (app *application*))
- (setf (application-fps app) new-val))
-(defun can-set-projection-p (app)
- (and (slot-boundp app 'width)
- (slot-boundp app 'height)
- (slot-boundp app 'scale)))
-(defun set-projection (app)
- (when (can-set-projection-p app)
- (with-slots (projection scale width height) app
- ;; set projection matrix
- (setf projection (mat:mortho 0.0 (/ width scale) 0 (/ height scale) -1.0 1.0)))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((app application) &key)
- (set-projection app)
- (setf (listener app) (make-instance 'listener)))
-(defun fire-blur-event-on (thing)
- (when-let (blur-handlers (and thing (get-handlers-for thing 'blur)))
- (dolist (handler blur-handlers)
- (funcall handler thing))))
-(defun fire-focus-event-on (thing)
- (when-let (focus-handlers (and thing (get-handlers-for thing 'focus)))
- (dolist (handler focus-handlers)
- (funcall handler thing))))
-(defmethod (setf closer-mop:slot-value-using-class ) :before
- (new-value class (app application) slot)
- (case (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)
- (focus
- (when (slot-boundp app 'focus)
- (unless (eq new-value (slot-value app 'focus))
- (fire-blur-event-on (slot-value app 'focus))
- (fire-focus-event-on new-value))))))
-(defmethod (setf closer-mop:slot-value-using-class) :after
- (new-value class (app application) slot)
- (case (closer-mop:slot-definition-name slot)
- ((scale width height)
- (set-projection app))
- (fps
- (setf (slot-value app 'frame-wait) (/ 1.0 new-value)))))
-(defgeneric boot (app)
- (:documentation "Specialized for each subclass of
- APPLICATION. Responsble for setting the app up once the system
- resoruces are avaialble.")
- (:method ((app application)) nil))
-(defgeneric shutdown (app)
- (:documentation "Specialzied for each subclass of
- APPLICATION. Called just before cleanup.")
- (:method ((app application)) nil))
-(defgeneric cleanup (thing)
- (:documentation "Clean up applications, textures, and so on.")
- (:method ((any t)) nil))
-(defparameter +listener-table-slot-names+
- '(keydown-table keyup-table mousedown-table mouseup-table mousemotion-table
- focus-table blur-table perframe-table after-added-table before-added-table
- before-dropped-table))
-(defmethod cleanup ((app application))
- (loop for asset being the hash-value of (application-assets app)
- do (cleanup asset))
- ;; drop all current handlers
- (let ((listener (listener app)))
- (dolist (table +listener-table-slot-names+)
- (setf (slot-value listener table) (make-hash-table :synchronized t))))
- (call-next-method))
-(defmethod cleanup ((container container))
- (dolist (u (container-units container))
- (cleanup u)))
-(defun start (app &key (x :centered) (y :centered))
- (sdl2:with-init (:everything)
- (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-major-version 3)
- (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-minor-version 3)
- (sdl2:gl-set-attr :context-profile-mask
- sdl2-ffi:+sdl-gl-context-profile-core+)
- (sdl2:gl-set-attr :doublebuffer 1)
- (sdl2:with-window (window
- :flags '(:shown :opengl)
- :title (application-title app)
- :w (application-width app)
- :h (application-height app)
- :x x :y y)
- (setf (application-window app) window)
- (sdl2:with-gl-context (ctx window)
- (sdl2:gl-make-current window ctx)
- (gl:viewport 0 0 (application-width app) (application-height app))
- ;(gl:enable :depth-test)
- (let ((*application* app))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (boot app)
- (eventloop app)
- (shutdown app))
- (cleanup app)))))))
-(defun run-perframe (app)
- (let ((table (perframe-table (listener app)))
- (time (get-universal-time)))
- (loop for target being the hash-key of table
- for handlers = (slot-value (listener target) 'perframe)
- ;; only fire perframe when target is in scene
- when (or (eq app target) (unit-container target))
- do (loop for handler in handlers do (funcall handler target time)))))
-(defgeneric render (thing))
-(defmethod render ((app application))
- (run-perframe app)
- (gl:clear-color 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
- ;(gl:clear :depth-buffer-bit :color-buffer-bit)
- (gl:clear :color-buffer-bit)
- (gl:enable :blend)
- (gl:blend-func :src-alpha :one-minus-src-alpha )
- (dolist (thing (container-units app))
- (render thing))
- (sdl2:gl-swap-window (application-window app))
- (sleep (frame-wait app)))
-(defgeneric model-matrix (thing)
- (:documentation "Returns the model matrix"))
-(defgeneric projected-matrix (thing)
- (:documentation "Returns the raw array of the model matrix after it
- has been prjected by the application's projecion matrix"))
-(defmethod model-matrix :around ((u unit))
- (or (cached-model u)
- (setf (cached-model u)
- (call-next-method))))
-(defmethod model-matrix ((u unit))
- (let ((m (mat:meye 4)))
- (with-slots (x y base-width scale-x base-height scale-y rotation) u
- (let ((uw (* base-width scale-x))
- (uh (* base-height scale-y)))
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:vec x y 0.0))
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:v* 0.5 (vec:vec uw uh 0.0)))
- (mat:nmrotate m vec:+vz+ rotation)
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:v* -0.5 (vec:vec uw uh 0.0)))
- (mat:nmscale m (vec:vec uw uh 1.0))))
- m))
-(defmethod projected-matrix ((thing unit))
- (or (cached-projected-matrix thing)
- (setf (cached-projected-matrix thing)
- (mat:marr (mat:m* (application-projection *application*)
- (model-matrix thing))))))
-(defgeneric ensure-loaded (asset)
- (:documentation "Ensures that the asset is loaded into memory and ready for use. Returns the asset."))
-(defclass/std asset ()
- ((path :with :ri :std (error "An asset requires a path"))
- (loadedp :with :a)))
-(defmethod cleanup :around ((asset asset))
- (when (asset-loadedp asset)
- (call-next-method))
- (setf (asset-loadedp asset) nil))
-(defmethod ensure-loaded :around ((thing asset))
- (unless (asset-loadedp thing)
- (call-next-method)
- (setf (asset-loadedp thing) t))
- thing)
-(defclass/std texture ()
- ((width height id mipmap :with :r)
- (internal-format image-format :ri :with :std :rgba)
- (wrap-s wrap-t :ri :with :std :repeat)
- (min-filter mag-filter :ri :with :std :nearest)))
-(defmethod cleanup ((texture texture))
- (gl:delete-texture (texture-id texture)))
-(defclass/std png (asset texture) ())
-(defmethod ensure-loaded ((png png))
- (with-slots
- (width height id wrap-s wrap-t min-filter mag-filter internal-format image-format)
- png
- (pngload:with-png-in-static-vector (data (asset-path png) :flip-y t)
- (setf width (pngload:width data)
- height (pngload:height data)
- id (gl:gen-texture))
- (gl:bind-texture :texture-2d id)
- (gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-wrap-s wrap-s)
- (gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-wrap-t wrap-t)
- (gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-min-filter min-filter)
- (gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-mag-filter mag-filter)
- (gl:tex-image-2d :texture-2d
- 0
- internal-format
- width
- height
- 0
- image-format
- :unsigned-byte
- (pngload:data data))
- (gl:bind-texture :texture-2d 0)
- (when (texture-mipmap png)
- (gl:generate-mipmap :texture-2d)))))
-(defun refocus-on (target &optional (app *application*))
- "Sets focus of application to TARGET. This works whether or not
- (setf (application-focus app) target))
-(defun get-focus (&optional (app *application*))
- (or (application-focus app) app))
-(defun get-handlers-for (unit event-type)
- "EVENT-TYPE must be one of the slot value names for WHEELWORK::LISTENER."
- (?> (unit) listener #$(slot-value $listener event-type)))
-(defun eventloop-keydown (app sdl-keysym)
- (let ((target (get-focus app)))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'keydown))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (apply handler
- target
- (sdl2:scancode sdl-keysym)
- (sdl2:mod-keywords (sdl2:mod-value sdl-keysym)))))))
-(defun eventloop-keyup (app sdl-keysym)
- (let ((target (get-focus app)))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'keyup))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (apply handler
- target
- (sdl2:scancode sdl-keysym)
- (sdl2:mod-keywords (sdl2:mod-value sdl-keysym)))))))
-(defun get-rect (unit)
- "Returns a list of vectors representing the path of the smallest
-rectangle that encloses the unit. The rectangle is scaled and rotated."
- (with-accessors ((x unit-x) (y unit-y) (w unit-width) (h unit-height) (r unit-rotation)) unit
- (let ((m
- (mat:meye 4))
- (tr
- (vec:vec (+ x (* 0.5 w)) (+ y (* 0.5 h)) 0.0)))
- (mat:nmtranslate m tr)
- (mat:nmrotate m vec:+vz+ r)
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:v* -1.0 tr))
- (list (mat:m* m (vec:vec x y 0.0 1.0))
- (mat:m* m (vec:vec x (+ y h) 0.0 1.0))
- (mat:m* m (vec:vec (+ x w) (+ y h) 0.0 1.0))
- (mat:m* m (vec:vec (+ x w) y 0.0 1.0))
- (mat:m* m (vec:vec x y 0.0 1.0))))))
-(defun counterclockwisep (a b c)
- (> (* (- (vec:vx b) (vec:vx a))
- (- (vec:vy c) (vec:vy a)))
- (* (- (vec:vy b) (vec:vy a))
- (- (vec:vx c) (vec:vx a)))))
-(defun intersectp (a b c d)
- (or (vec:v= a c) (vec:v= a d) (vec:v= b c) (vec:v= b d)
- (and (not (eq (counterclockwisep a c d) (counterclockwisep b c d)))
- (not (eq (counterclockwisep a b c) (counterclockwisep a b d))))))
-(defun path-bounds (path)
- "Path is a list of vectors representing 2d points. Returns the
-bounds and width and height as a plist of the form
-(:top N :left N :right N :bottom N :width N :height N)
-This is the smallest UNROTATED RECTANGLE that contains the points in
-the path."
- (loop
- with max-x = nil
- and max-y = nil
- and min-x = nil
- and min-y = nil
- for vec in path
- for x = (vec:vx vec)
- for y = (vec:vy vec)
- when (or (null max-x) (< max-x x))
- do (setf max-x x)
- when (or (null min-x) (< x min-x))
- do (setf min-x x)
- when (or (null max-y) (< max-y y))
- do (setf max-y y)
- when (or (null min-y) (< y min-y))
- do (setf min-y y)
- finally
- (return (list :top max-y :left min-x :right max-x :bottom min-y
- :width (- max-x min-x)
- :height (- max-y min-y)))))
-(defun contains-point-p (unit px py)
- (let* ((pt
- (vec:vec px py 0.0 1.0))
- (poly
- (get-rect unit))
- (bounds
- (path-bounds poly))
- (corner
- ;; creating a point guaranteed to be outside of poly
- (vec:vec (- (getf bounds :left) (getf bounds :width))
- (- (getf bounds :bottom) (getf bounds :height))
- 0.0 1.0)))
- (loop for (p1 p2 . more) on poly
- while p2
- when (intersectp p1 p2 pt corner)
- count 1 into intersection-count
- finally
- (progn
- (return (oddp intersection-count))))))
-(defun unit-under (app x y)
- (labels
- ((finder (thing)
- (etypecase thing
- (container
- (find-if #'finder (container-units thing) :from-end t))
- (unit
- (when (contains-point-p thing x y)
- (return-from unit-under thing))))))
- (finder app)))
-(defun screen-to-world (x y &optional (app *application*))
- (with-slots (height scale) app
- (list (/ x scale) (/ (- height y) scale))))
-(defun eventloop-mousebuttondown (app wx wy clicks button)
- "Searches for a handler to handle applies it if found.
-Additionally, if the APPLICATION's REFOCUS-ON-MOUSEDOWN-P is T, try to
-give focus to whatever was clicked."
- (destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
- (let ((target
- (or (unit-under app x y) ; if no unit is under the mouse,
- app))) ; then target the app itself
- (when (and (refocus-on-mousedown-p app) (focusablep target))
- (refocus-on target))
- (when-let (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mousedown))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))))))
-(defun eventloop-mousebuttonup (app wx wy clicks button)
- (when (should-listen-for-p 'mouseup app)
- (destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
- (when-let* ((target (or (unit-under app x y)
- app))
- (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mouseup)))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y clicks button wx wy))))))
-(defun eventloop-mousemotion (app wx wy wxrel wyrel state)
- (when (should-listen-for-p 'mousemotion app)
- (destructuring-bind (x y) (screen-to-world wx wy)
- (destructuring-bind (xrel yrel) (screen-to-world wxrel wyrel)
- (when-let* ((target (or (unit-under app x y)
- app))
- (handlers (get-handlers-for target 'mousemotion)))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler target x y xrel yrel state wx wy wxrel wyrel)))))))
-(defun eventloop-mousewheel (app wx wy dir)
- (when (should-listen-for-p 'mousewheel app)
- (when-let* ((focus (get-focus app))
- (handlers (get-handlers-for focus 'mousewheel)))
- (dolist (handler handlers)
- (funcall handler focus wx wy dir)))))
-(defun eventloop (app)
- (sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
- (:mousebuttondown
- (:x x :y y :clicks clicks :button button)
- (eventloop-mousebuttondown app x y clicks button))
- (:mousemotion
- (:x x :y y :xrel xrel :yrel yrel :state state)
- (eventloop-mousemotion app x y xrel yrel state))
- (:mousebuttonup
- (:x x :y y :clicks clicks :button button)
- (eventloop-mousebuttonup app x y clicks button))
- (:keydown
- (:keysym keysym)
- (eventloop-keydown app keysym))
- (:keyup
- (:keysym keysym)
- (eventloop-keyup app keysym))
- (:mousewheel
- (:x x :y y :direction dir)
- (eventloop-mousewheel app x y dir))
- (:idle () (render app))
- (:quit () t)))
-(defclass/std bitmap (unit interactive)
- ((texture :ri :std (error "A bitmap requires a texture."))
- (vao shader :with :r :static)))
-(defmethod cleanup ((bitmap bitmap))
- (with-slots (vao shader) bitmap
- (when vao
- (gl:delete-vertex-arrays (list vao)))
- (when shader
- (gl:delete-program shader))
- (setf vao nil
- shader nil)))
-(defun shader-by-type (type)
- (case type
- (:vertex :vertex-shader)
- (:geometry :geometry-shader)
- (:fragment :fragment-shader)))
-(defun gl-shader (type stage)
- (let ((shader (gl:create-shader type)))
- (gl:shader-source shader (varjo:glsl-code stage))
- (gl:compile-shader shader)
- (unless (gl:get-shader shader :compile-status)
- (error "failed to compile ~a shader:~%~a~%"
- type (gl:get-shader-info-log shader)))
- shader))
-(defun create-shader (&rest sources)
- (let* ((stages
- (varjo:rolling-translate
- (mapcar (lambda (source)
- (destructuring-bind (type inputs uniforms code) source
- (varjo:make-stage type inputs uniforms '(:330) code)))
- sources)))
- (shaders
- (loop
- :for stage :in stages
- :for source :in sources
- :collect (gl-shader (shader-by-type (car source))
- stage)))
- (program (gl:create-program)))
- (dolist (shader shaders) (gl:attach-shader program shader))
- (gl:link-program program)
- (unless (gl:get-program program :link-status)
- (error "failed to link program: ~%~a~%"
- (gl:get-program-info-log program)))
- (dolist (shader shaders)
- (gl:detach-shader program shader)
- (gl:delete-shader shader))
- program))
-(defun gl-array (type &rest contents)
- (let ((array (gl:alloc-gl-array type (length contents))))
- (dotimes (i (length contents) array)
- (setf (gl:glaref array i) (elt contents i)))))
-(defmacro with-gl-array ((var type &rest contents) &body body)
- `(let ((,var (gl-array ,type ,@contents)))
- (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
- (gl:free-gl-array ,var))))
-(define-symbol-macro +float-size+
- (cffi:foreign-type-size :float))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((bitmap bitmap) &key)
- (with-slots (vao shader base-width base-height texture) bitmap
- (setf base-height (texture-height texture)
- base-width (texture-width texture))
- (unless shader
- (setf shader
- (create-shader
- '(:vertex
- ((vert :vec2))
- ((transform :mat4))
- ((values
- (* transform (vari:vec4 vert 0.0 1.0))
- vert))) ;color
- '(:fragment
- ((tc :vec2))
- ((tex :sampler-2d))
- ((let ((frag (vari:texture tex tc)))
- (if (< (aref frag 3) 0.01)
- (vari:discard)
- frag))))))
- (gl:program-uniformi
- shader
- (gl:get-uniform-location shader "TEX")
- 0))
- (unless vao
- (setf vao (gl:gen-vertex-array))
- (gl:bind-vertex-array vao)
- (let ((vbo (gl:gen-buffer)))
- (with-gl-array (verts :float
- 0.0 1.0
- 1.0 0.0
- 0.0 0.0
- 0.0 1.0
- 1.0 1.0
- 1.0 0.0 )
- (gl:bind-buffer :array-buffer vbo)
- (gl:buffer-data :array-buffer :static-draw verts)))
- (gl:enable-vertex-attrib-array 0)
- (gl:vertex-attrib-pointer 0 2 :float 0 (* +float-size+ 2) 0)
- (gl:bind-buffer :array-buffer 0)
- (gl:bind-vertex-array 0))))
-(defmethod render ((bitmap bitmap))
- (with-slots (texture vao shader) bitmap
- (gl:active-texture 0)
- (gl:bind-texture :texture-2d (texture-id texture))
- (gl:use-program shader)
- (gl:program-uniform-matrix-4fv
- shader
- (gl:get-uniform-location shader "TRANSFORM")
- (projected-matrix bitmap))
- (gl:bind-vertex-array vao)
- (gl:draw-arrays :triangles 0 6)
- (gl:bind-vertex-array 0)))
-(defun asset-class-for (asset-id &optional (app *application*))
- "Given an asset-id (see GET-ASSET), retrieve the symbol name of a
-the class that will be used to instantiate the asset object. That
-class should be a subclass of ASSET. Additional clases can be added
-to the application's ASSET-CLASSIFIERS association list."
- (second (assoc (pathname-type asset-id) (asset-classifiers app) :test #'string-equal)))
-(defun get-asset (asset-id &key (app *application*) asset-args)
- "ASSET-ID is a pathname namestring relative to the application's
-ASSET-ROOT. GET-ASSET retrieves an already-available asset from the
-application's ASSETS table, or, if not available, loads the asset from
-ASSET-ARGS is a plist to pass to make-instance for the given resource.
- (or (gethash asset-id (application-assets app))
- (setf (gethash asset-id (application-assets app))
- (ensure-loaded
- (apply 'make-instance
- (asset-class-for asset-id)
- :path (uiop:merge-pathnames* asset-id (asset-root app))
- asset-args)))))
-(define-symbol-macro +standard-font-chars+
- "
-ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890\".,!?-'" )
-(defclass/std font (asset)
- ((characters :i :std +standard-font-chars+)
- (oversample :i :doc "ovesampling factor to pass to cl-fond:make-font")
- (object :with :r :doc "The font as returned from cl-fond:make-font")))
-(defmethod ensure-loaded ((font font))
- (with-slots (path characters oversample object) font
- (setf object (cl-fond:make-font path characters :oversample oversample))))
-(defclass/std text (unit interactive)
- ((font :with :ri :std (error "A font is required") :type font)
- (content :with :ri :std "")
- (color :with :std #(1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))
- (vao elem-count newlines :r)
- (shader :with :static :r)))
-(defmethod model-matrix ((text text))
- (let ((m (mat:meye 4)))
- (with-slots (font newlines x y base-width base-height scale-x scale-y rotation) text
- (let* ((text-height
- (cl-fond:text-height (font-object font)))
- (baseline-offset
- (* newlines text-height))
- (rotation-baseline-offset
- (* 2 newlines text-height )))
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:vec x
- (+ y
- (*
- scale-y
- baseline-offset))
- 0.0))
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:v* 0.5 (vec:vec (* scale-x base-width)
- (* scale-y (- base-height rotation-baseline-offset) )
- 0.0)))
- (mat:nmrotate m vec:+vz+ rotation)
- (mat:nmtranslate m (vec:v* -0.5 (vec:vec (* scale-x base-width )
- (* scale-y (- base-height rotation-baseline-offset))
- 0.0))))
- (mat:nmscale m (vec:vec scale-x scale-y 1.0))
- m)))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((text text) &key)
- (with-slots (content newlines font vao elem-count shader base-width base-height scale-x scale-y) text
- (unless shader
- (setf shader
- (create-shader
- '(:vertex
- ((vert :vec2) (col :vec2))
- ((transform :mat4))
- ((values
- (* transform (vari:vec4 vert 0.0 1.0))
- col)))
- '(:fragment
- ((tc :vec2))
- ((tex :sampler-2d)
- (color :vec4))
- ((* color (aref (vari:texture tex tc) 0)))))))
- (multiple-value-bind (vao% count%) (cl-fond:compute-text (font-object font) content)
- (setf vao vao%
- elem-count count%))
- (setf newlines (count #\newline content))
- (hq:with-plist (l r) (cl-fond:compute-extent (font-object font) content)
- (setf base-width (- r l)
- base-height (* (cl-fond:text-height (font-object font))
- (1+ newlines))))))
-(defmethod cleanup ((text text))
- (with-slots (vao shader) text
- (gl:delete-vertex-arrays (list vao))
- (when shader
- (gl:delete-program shader))
- (setf vao nil
- shader nil)))
-(defmethod render ((text text))
- (with-slots (shader font vao elem-count color) text
- (gl:use-program shader)
- (gl:active-texture 0)
- (gl:bind-texture :texture-2d (cl-fond:texture (font-object font)))
- (gl:program-uniform-matrix-4fv
- shader
- (gl:get-uniform-location shader "TRANSFORM")
- (projected-matrix text))
- (gl:program-uniformi
- shader
- (gl:get-uniform-location shader "TEX")
- 0)
- (gl:program-uniformfv
- shader
- (gl:get-uniform-location shader "COLOR")
- color)
- (gl:bind-vertex-array vao)
- (%gl:draw-elements :triangles elem-count :unsigned-int 0)
- (gl:bind-vertex-array 0)))
-(defmacro defhandler (name handler)
- "Defines a handler - binds (FDEFINITION NAME) to HANDLER, which
-should be an expression that evaluates to an instance of
-EVENT-HANDLER, which is funcallable. It is define such that handlers
-can be redefined using this form to support interactive development."
- (let ((handler-var (gensym)))
- `(let ((,handler-var ,handler))
- (if-let (extant (and (fboundp ',name)
- (fdefinition ',name)))
- (closer-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function extant (handler-function ,handler-var))
- (setf (fdefinition ',name) ,handler-var)))))
-(defmacro on-perframe
- ((&optional (target 'target) (time 'time)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for 'PERFRAME events"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::perframe
- :handler-function (lambda (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name time)))
- (declare (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(time (intern (symbol-name time)))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-keydown
- ((&optional (target 'target) (scancode 'scancode) (modifiers 'modifiers)) &body body)
- "Creates a lambda suitable for the value of a keydown event
- handler. The function accepts two positional arguments TARGET and
- SCANCODE and one &REST argument MODIFIERS.
- SCANCODE will be a keyword of the form :SCANCODE-A, :SCANCODE-B ...
- The members of MODIFIERS look like :LSHIFT, :RCTRL, RALT, etc"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::keydown
- :handler-function (lambda (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name scancode))
- &rest ,(intern (symbol-name modifiers)))
- (declare (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name scancode))
- ,(intern (symbol-name modifiers))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-keyup
- ((&optional (target 'target) (scancode 'scancode) (modifiers 'modifiers)) &body body)
- "Creates a lambda suitable for the value of a keyup event
- handler. The function accepts two positional arguments TARGET and
- SCANCODE and one &REST argument MODIFIERS.
- SCANCODE will be a keyword of the form :SCANCODE-A, :SCANCODE-B ...
- The members of MODIFIERS look like :LSHIFT, :RCTRL, RALT, etc"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::keyup
- :handler-function (lambda (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name scancode))
- &rest ,(intern (symbol-name modifiers)))
- (declare (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name scancode))
- ,(intern (symbol-name modifiers))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-mousemotion
- ((&optional
- (target 'target)
- (x 'x) (y 'y)
- (xrel 'xrel) (yrel 'yrel)
- (state 'state)
- (win-x 'win-x) (win-y 'win-y)
- (win-xrel 'win-xrel) (win-yrel 'win-yrel))
- &body body)
- "Creates a handler for MOUSEMOTION events"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::mousemotion
- :handler-function (lambda (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name xrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name yrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name state))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-xrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-yrel)))
- (declare (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name xrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name yrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name state))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-xrel))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-yrel))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-mousedown
- ((&optional (target 'target)
- (x 'x) (y 'y)
- (clicks 'clicks) (button 'button)
- (win-x 'win-x) (win-y 'win-y))
- &body body)
- "Creates a handler for MOUSEDOWN events"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::mousedown
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name clicks))
- ,(intern (symbol-name button))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name clicks))
- ,(intern (symbol-name button))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-mouseup
- ((&optional (target 'target)
- (x 'x) (y 'y)
- (clicks 'clicks) (button 'button)
- (win-x 'win-x) (win-y 'win-y))
- &body body)
- "Creates a handler for MOUSEUP events"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::mouseup
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name clicks))
- ,(intern (symbol-name button))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name y))
- ,(intern (symbol-name clicks))
- ,(intern (symbol-name button))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-x))
- ,(intern (symbol-name win-y))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-mousewheel
- ((&optional (target 'target) (horiz 'horiz) (vert 'vert) (dir 'dir)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for MOUSEWHEEL events"
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::mousewheel
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name horiz))
- ,(intern (symbol-name vert))
- ,(intern (symbol-name dir)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))
- ,(intern (symbol-name horiz))
- ,(intern (symbol-name vert))
- ,(intern (symbol-name dir))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-blur
- ((&optional (target 'target)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for BLUR events. BLUR is a psuedo event that
-fires whenever an object loses focus."
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::blur
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-focus
- ((&optional (target 'target)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for a FOCUS event. FOCUS is a pusedo event that
-fires when the FOCUS slot of the current APPLICATION instance is changed.
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::focus
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-before-dropped
- ((&optional (target 'target)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for BEFORE-DROPPED events, which fire before a
- unit is removed from its container."
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::before-dropped
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name target)))
- (declare
- (ignorable ,(intern (symbol-name target))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-before-added
- ((&optional (container 'container) (target 'target)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for BEFORE-ADDED events, which fire before a unit
- is added to a container."
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::before-added
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name container))
- ,(intern (symbol-name target)))
- (declare
- (ignorable
- ,(intern (symbol-name container))
- ,(intern (symbol-name target))))
- ,@body)))
-(defmacro on-after-added
- ((&optional (container 'container) (target 'target)) &body body)
- "Creates a handler for AFTER-ADDED events, which fire after a unit
- is added to a container."
- `(make-instance
- 'event-handler
- :event-type 'wheelwork::after-added
- :handler-function (lambda
- (,(intern (symbol-name container))
- ,(intern (symbol-name target)))
- (declare
- (ignorable
- ,(intern (symbol-name container))
- ,(intern (symbol-name target))))
- ,@body)))
-;;; Utility
-(define-symbol-macro +pi-over-180+ 0.017453292519943295d0)
-(defun radians (degrees)
- "Converse DEGREES to radians"
- (* degrees +pi-over-180+))