;;;; utilities.lisp (in-package #:vampire) (let ((host (uiop:hostname)) (count 0)) (defun nuid () "Generates a Nearly Universal ID" (format nil "~36r" (sxhash (list (incf count) host (get-universal-time)))))) (defun take (n list &key share-tail) "Returns two values. The first value returned is a list of the first N members of LIST. The second value is a list of the remaining values of list. If N is negative, NIL is returned for both values. If N is greater than the length of LIST then the entire list is returned. If SHARE-TAIL is non-nil, the second value will share memory with LIST, otherwise a copy is returned." (if (zerop n) (values nil (if share-tail list (copy-seq list))) (loop repeat n for (h . tail) on list collect h into front finally (return (values front (if share-tail tail (copy-seq tail))))))) (defun insert-nth (x n list) "Creates a new list, the result of inserting X into the Nth position of LIST, displacing the rest of the elements by one position. If N is greater than the length of LIST, X becomes the last element of LIST. If N is negative, the element is inserted from the back of the list. If the abslute value of -N is greater than the lenght of the list, a list just containing X is returned." (when (minusp n) (setf n (+ 1 n (length list)))) (multiple-value-bind (front back) (take n list) ;; NCONC ok b/c this call to TAKE returns values that do not shre ;; memory with LIST (nconc front (cons x back)))) (defun nswap (list n m) "Swap Nth and Mth members of LIST. Mutates LIST. Assumes both N and M are less than the length of LIST." (let ((tmp (nth n list))) (setf (nth n list) (nth m list) (nth m list) tmp) list))