;;;; playlist.lisp (in-package :vampire) ;;; CLIENT STATE (defclass/std playlist-ctl () ((playlist :std nil :doc "The playlist instance.") (editorp :std nil) (tracks :std nil :doc "A list of instances of track-ctl") (now-playing-track :std nil :doc "An instance of track-ctl") (np-title np-artist np-thumb np-dur np-time np-play :std nil :doc "Now Playing Elements") (pl-title pl-tracks pl-dur pl-zip pl-download :std nil :doc "Playlist Elements")) (:documentation "Holds the complete state for this session's viewing of a particular playlist.")) (defclass/std track-ctl () ((track listing-line audio container info-edit-ctl edit-save-btn editing? artist-input album-input title-input :std nil)) (:documentation "The state of a particular track in this session's viewing of a playlist.")) (defun audio-for-track (ctl track) "Return the audio element associated with the track" (when-let (trctl (find track (tracks ctl) :test #'eq :key #'track)) (audio trctl))) (defun track-for-audio (ctl audio) "Return the track instance associated with the AUDIO element." (when-let (trctl (find audio (tracks ctl) :test #'eq :key #'audio)) (track trctl))) (defun track-ctl-with-audio (ctl audio) (find audio (tracks ctl) :key #'audio)) (defun find-next-track (ctl &optional track) "Return the TRACK-CTL instance that appeqars after TRACK in the TRACKS list, or NIL. If TRACK is NIL, return the first TRACK in the list." (if (null track) (first (tracks ctl)) (when-let (pos (position track (tracks ctl))) (nth (1+ pos) (tracks ctl))))) (defun find-previous-track (ctl &optional track) (when-let (pos (position track (tracks ctl))) (when (plusp pos) (nth (1- pos) (tracks ctl))))) ;;; SESSION UTIL (defparameter +playlist-connection-key+ "playlist-connection-key" "Stored in the clog connection object") (defun cur-playlist-ctl (obj) (when (connection-data obj) (connection-data-item obj +playlist-connection-key+))) (defun (setf cur-playlist-ctl) (newval obj) (setf (connection-data-item obj +playlist-connection-key+) newval)) (defun install-new-playlist-ctl (playlist body) (setf (cur-playlist-ctl body) (make-instance 'playlist-ctl :playlist playlist :editorp (can-edit-p (session-user body) playlist)))) ;;; SYNCHRONIZATION (defvar *playlist-viewers* (make-hash-table :synchronized t) "Holds lists of active viewers of each playlist, keyed by playlist.") (defun playlist-viewers (ctl) (gethash (playlist ctl) *playlist-viewers* nil)) (defun add-playlist-viewer (ctl) "Add a new playlist-ctl instance for this connection and, while doing so, remove any dead controllers" (let ((viewers (playlist-viewers ctl))) (setf (gethash (playlist ctl) *playlist-viewers*) (cons ctl (remove-if-not 'controller-alive-p viewers))))) (defun controller-alive-p (ctl) "A controller is a live if the CLOG elements it manages are associated with a live connection." (when (pl-title ctl) (connection-data (pl-title ctl)))) (defmacro for-playlist-viewers (clog-elem ctlvar &body body) `(dolist (,ctlvar (playlist-viewers (cur-playlist-ctl ,clog-elem))) (if (controller-alive-p ctl) (progn ,@body)))) ;;; PLAYBACK CONTROL (defun start-playback (ctl) (when-let (tr (now-playing-track ctl)) (add-class (first-child (container tr)) "now-playing-track") (play-media (audio tr)) (setf (text (np-play ctl)) "⏸"))) (defun pause-playback (ctl) (when-let (tr (now-playing-track ctl)) (pause-media (audio tr)) (setf (text (np-play ctl)) "⏵"))) (defun stop-playback (ctl) (when-let (tr (now-playing-track ctl)) (pause-media (audio tr)) (remove-class (first-child (container tr)) "now-playing-track") (setf (media-position (audio tr)) 0 (now-playing-track ctl) nil (text (np-play ctl)) "⏵"))) ;;; CLIENT CONTROL (defun initialize-now-playing (elem) (when-let (ctl (cur-playlist-ctl elem)) (when (tracks ctl) (setf (now-playing-track ctl) (first (tracks ctl))) (load-now-playing-display ctl (now-playing-track ctl))))) (defun load-now-playing-display (ctl track-ctl) (let ((tr (track track-ctl))) (setf (text (np-title ctl)) (track-listing-line tr nil) (url-src (np-thumb ctl)) (or (track-thumb-url tr) "") (text (np-dur ctl)) (secs-to-hms (or (track-duration tr) 0)) (text (np-time ctl)) (secs-to-hms 0)))) (defun toggle-now-playing (e) (when-let (ctl (cur-playlist-ctl e)) (if-let (np (now-playing-track ctl)) (if (pausedp (audio np)) (start-playback ctl) (pause-playback ctl)) (advance-now-playing e)))) (defun advance-now-playing (e) (when-let ((ctl (cur-playlist-ctl e))) (if-let (next (find-next-track ctl (now-playing-track ctl))) (progn (stop-playback ctl) (setf (now-playing-track ctl) next) (load-now-playing-display ctl next) (start-playback ctl)) (stop-playback ctl)))) (defun previous-now-playing (e) (when-let* ((ctl (cur-playlist-ctl e)) (prev (find-previous-track ctl (now-playing-track ctl)))) (stop-playback ctl) (setf (now-playing-track ctl) prev) (load-now-playing-display ctl prev) (start-playback ctl))) (defun update-now-playing-time (e) (when-let* ((ctl (cur-playlist-ctl e)) (tr (now-playing-track ctl))) (setf (text (np-time ctl)) (secs-to-hms (media-position (audio tr)))))) (defun play-this-audio (audio) (when-let (ctl (cur-playlist-ctl audio)) (let ((np (now-playing-track ctl)) (tr (track-ctl-with-audio ctl audio))) (cond ((and np (eq audio (audio np)) (pausedp audio)) (start-playback ctl)) (t (stop-playback ctl) (setf (now-playing-track ctl) tr) (start-playback ctl) (load-now-playing-display ctl tr)))))) ;;; SYNCHRONZIED CLIENT CONTROL (defun remove-track (track-ctl) (when-let* ((container (container track-ctl)) (curctl (cur-playlist-ctl container)) (pos (position track-ctl (tracks curctl)))) (when (delete-track-at (playlist curctl) pos) (delete-zipped-playlist curctl) (for-playlist-viewers container ctl (let ((track-ctl (nth pos (tracks ctl)))) (destroy (container track-ctl)) (setf (tracks ctl) (delete track-ctl (tracks ctl)) (text (pl-dur ctl)) (secs-to-hms (playlist-duration (playlist ctl))))))))) (defun move-track-down (track-ctl) (when-let* ((curctl (cur-playlist-ctl (container track-ctl))) (pos (position track-ctl (tracks curctl)))) (when (swap-tracks (playlist curctl) pos (1+ pos)) (delete-zipped-playlist curctl) (for-playlist-viewers (container track-ctl) ctl (let* ((cur (nth pos (tracks ctl))) (next (nth (1+ pos) (tracks ctl)))) ;; swap track-ctls (setf (tracks ctl) (nswap (tracks ctl) pos (1+ pos))) ;; swap list items in the dom (place-before (container cur) (container next))))))) (defun move-track-up (track-ctl) (when-let* ((curctl (cur-playlist-ctl (container track-ctl))) (pos (position track-ctl (tracks curctl)))) (when (swap-tracks (playlist curctl) pos (1- pos)) (delete-zipped-playlist curctl) (for-playlist-viewers (container track-ctl) ctl (let* ((cur (nth pos (tracks ctl))) (next (nth (1- pos) (tracks ctl)))) ;; swap track-ctls (setf (tracks ctl) (nswap (tracks ctl) pos (1- pos))) ;; swap list items in the dom (place-after (container cur) (container next))))))) (defun open-track-editor (track-ctl) (setf (display (info-edit-ctl track-ctl)) "inline" (text (edit-save-btn track-ctl)) "save " (editing? track-ctl) t) (with-slots (artist-input album-input title-input) track-ctl (with-slots (artist album title) (track track-ctl) (setf (value artist-input) (or artist "Artist") (value album-input) (or album "Album") (value title-input) (or title "Title")) (set-on-click (edit-save-btn track-ctl) (thunk* (update-track-info (track track-ctl) (value artist-input) (value album-input) (value title-input)) (close-track-editor track-ctl)) :one-time t)))) (defun close-track-editor (track-ctl) (setf (display (info-edit-ctl track-ctl)) "none" (text (listing-line track-ctl)) (track-listing-line (track track-ctl)) (text (edit-save-btn track-ctl)) "edit " (editing? track-ctl) nil) (set-on-click (edit-save-btn track-ctl) (thunk* (open-track-editor track-ctl)) :one-time t)) (defun add-zipped-playlist-link (pl-ctl playlist) "Adds the link to a zipped playlist to the DOM." (for-playlist-viewers (pl-download pl-ctl) ctl (setf (pl-zip ctl) (make-zipped-playlist-link playlist (pl-download ctl))) (place-inside-bottom-of (pl-download ctl) (pl-zip ctl)))) ;;; CLIENT UI (defun playlist-title-content (playlist) (format nil "~a -- ~a" (playlist-title playlist) (secs-to-hms (playlist-duration playlist)))) (defun create-now-playing-display (parent ctl) (with-clog-create parent (div (:class "now-playing") (section (:h3 :content "Now Playing")) (img (:bind thumb)) (section (:h4) (span (:bind title)) (span (:bind artist))) (p () (span (:bind time)) (span (:content " / ")) (span (:bind dur))) (div (:class "controls") (button (:content "⏮" :bind back )) (button (:content "⏵" :bind play )) (button (:content "⏭" :bind forward )))) (setf (np-title ctl) title (np-artist ctl) artist (np-thumb ctl) thumb (np-dur ctl) dur (np-time ctl) time (np-play ctl) play) (setf (height thumb) "300px") (set-on-click back 'previous-now-playing) (set-on-click forward 'advance-now-playing) (set-on-click play 'toggle-now-playing))) (defun media-url-path (track) (format nil "/media/~a.~a" (pathname-name (track-file track)) (pathname-type (track-file track)))) (defun track-listing-line (track &optional (timep t)) (with-slots (artist title duration) track (if timep (format nil "~50<~a~;~a~>~%~a" (subseq* title 0 40) (secs-to-hms (or duration 0)) (if artist (concatenate 'string " by " (subseq* artist 0 40)) "")) (format nil "~a~%~a" (subseq* title 0 40) (if artist (concatenate 'string " by " (subseq* artist 0 40)) ""))))) (defun create-track-list-item (list track ctl) (with-clog-create list (list-item (:bind container) (div (:bind item :class "track-list-item") (section (:pre :bind listing-line))) (div (:bind info-edit-ctl :class "track-list-edit") (div (:class "track-edit-inputs column") ;; (label (:content "Artist" :bind artist-label)) (form-element (:text :bind artist-input)) ;; (label (:content "Album" :bind album-label)) (form-element (:text :bind album-input)) ;; (label (:content "Title" :bind title-label)) (form-element (:text :bind title-input)))) (div (:bind edit-controls) (button (:content "edit " :bind edit-save-btn)) (button (:content "delete " :bind delbtn)) (button (:content "↓" :bind downbtn)) (button (:content "↑" :bind upbtn))) (audio (:source (media-url-path track) :controls nil :bind audio))) ;; (label-for artist-input artist-label) ;; (label-for album-input album-label) ;; (label-for title-input title-label) (let ((track-ctl (make-instance 'track-ctl :container container :listing-line listing-line :audio audio :track track :info-edit-ctl info-edit-ctl :edit-save-btn edit-save-btn :artist-input artist-input :album-input album-input :title-input title-input :editing? nil))) (setf (tracks ctl) (insert-nth track-ctl -1 (tracks ctl) t) (text listing-line) (track-listing-line track) (display info-edit-ctl) "none") (cond ((editorp ctl) (setf (attribute downbtn "title") "move track down" (attribute upbtn "title") "move track up") (set-on-click edit-save-btn (thunk* (open-track-editor track-ctl)) :one-time t) (set-on-click delbtn (thunk* (remove-track track-ctl))) (set-on-click downbtn (thunk* (move-track-down track-ctl))) (set-on-click upbtn (thunk* (move-track-up track-ctl)))) (t (setf (display edit-controls) "none")))) (set-on-time-update audio 'update-now-playing-time) (set-on-ended audio 'advance-now-playing) (set-on-click item (thunk* (play-this-audio audio))))) (defun create-track-listing (parent pl) (when-let (ctl (cur-playlist-ctl parent)) (create-section parent :h3 :content "TRACKS") (let ((ol (create-ordered-list parent :class "playlist-tracks"))) (setf (pl-tracks ctl) ol) (dolist (track (playlist-tracks pl)) (create-track-list-item ol track ctl))))) (defun append-track-list-item (obj track) (for-playlist-viewers obj ctl (create-track-list-item (pl-tracks ctl) track ctl) (setf (text (pl-dur ctl)) (secs-to-hms (playlist-duration (playlist ctl)))))) (defun create-new-track-form (parent pl) (when (editorp (cur-playlist-ctl parent)) (with-clog-create parent (div () (section (:h3 :content "Add A Track")) (label (:content "Paste a URL: " :bind url-label)) (form-element (:text :bind url-input)) (button (:content "Fetch Track" :bind button)) (p (:content "Paste from youtube, bandcamp, vimeo... anything really. Chances are it'll work.")) (div (:bind notice-area))) (label-for url-label url-input) (setf (size url-input) (length "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ")) (setf (place-holder url-input) "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ") (set-on-click button (thunk* (let* ((url (value url-input)) (notice (create-p notice-area :content (format nil "... Fetching ~a" url))) (on-ok (lambda (track) (destroy notice) (delete-zipped-playlist (cur-playlist-ctl parent)) (append-track pl track) (append-track-list-item parent track)))) (setf (value url-input) "") (if-let (track (track-with-source url)) (funcall on-ok track) (add-fetch-track-job url on-ok (lambda (err) (destroy notice) (format t "~a" err) (alert (window (connection-body parent)) (format nil "Error while fetching track at: ~a~%" url))))))))))) (defun create-editor-managment (parent playlist) (when (eq (session-user parent) (playlist-user playlist)) (with-clog-create parent (div () (section (:h3 :content "Collaborators")) (unordered-list (:bind editor-list)) (button (:content "Add Contributor" :bind addbtn)) (form-element (:text :bind userinput)) (span (:bind username-status))) (setf (place-holder userinput) "who?" (width userinput ) 140) (flet ((create-editor-item (editor) (with-clog-create editor-list (p (:content (user-name editor) :bind editor-elem) (button (:content "remove" :bind delbtn))) (set-on-click delbtn (thunk* (remove-editor playlist editor) (destroy editor-elem)))))) (set-on-blur userinput (thunk* (setf (text username-status) (if (user-with-name (value userinput)) "✔" "No user with that name")))) (set-on-click addbtn (thunk* (let ((user (user-with-name (value userinput)))) (cond (user (add-editor playlist user) (setf (value userinput) "" (text username-status) "") (create-editor-item user)) (t (setf (text username-status) "No user with that name")))))) (dolist (editor (playlist-editors playlist)) (create-editor-item editor)))))) (defun url-to-user (user) (format nil "/user/~a" (key user))) (defun playlist-key-from-url (url) (first (last (ppcre:split "/" (nth 4 (multiple-value-list (quri:parse-uri url))))))) (defun playlist-page (body) (when-let* ((list-id (playlist-key-from-url (url (location body)))) (pl (object-with-key list-id))) (let ((ctl (install-new-playlist-ctl pl body))) (add-playlist-viewer ctl) (include-style body) (with-clog-create body (div (:class "container") (navigation-header ()) (div (:class "player") (now-playing-display (ctl)) (div (:class "playlist-display") (:span (:bind edit-indicator)) (section (:h2) (:span (:bind title-elem :content (playlist-title pl))) (form-element (:text :bind input)) (:span (:content " -- ")) (:span (:bind dur-elem :content (secs-to-hms (playlist-duration pl))))) (span (:content "by ") (a (:link (url-to-user (playlist-user pl)) :content (format nil "~a" (user-name (playlist-user pl)))))) (p (:bind collaborators-elem)) (track-listing (pl)))) (div (:class "row") (div (:class "column" :bind dl-elem) (button (:content "Create Zipped Playlist" :bind zip-download-button))) (div () (new-track-form (pl)) (editor-managment (pl))))) (setf (pl-title ctl) title-elem (pl-dur ctl) dur-elem (pl-download ctl) dl-elem (display input) "none" (display title-elem) "inline") (when (zipped-playlist-exists-p pl) (setf (pl-zip ctl) (make-zipped-playlist-link pl body)) (place-after zip-download-button (pl-zip ctl))) (set-on-click zip-download-button (thunk* (zip-playlist pl) (add-zipped-playlist-link ctl pl))) (when (playlist-editors pl) (setf (inner-html collaborators-elem) (with-output-to-string (out) (princ "with help from " out) (loop for (u . more) on (playlist-editors pl) do (format out "~a" (key u) (user-name u)) when more do (princ ", " out))))) (when (editorp ctl) (setf (attribute title-elem "title") "Click to edit the title." (text edit-indicator) "(click the title to edit it)") (set-on-blur input (thunk* (when (plusp (length (value input))) (delete-zipped-playlist ctl) ;; must happen first (update-playlist-title pl (value input)) (setf (text title-elem) (value input))) (setf (display input) "none" (display title-elem) "inline"))) (set-on-click title-elem (thunk* (setf (value input) (text title-elem) (display title-elem) "none" (display input) "inline") (focus input)))) (initialize-now-playing body)))))