path: root/vampire.lisp
diff options
authorColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-10-26 11:33:58 -0500
committerColin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>2022-10-26 11:33:58 -0500
commit425dc38a6bb93de99bb3f743683591062ed0dac7 (patch)
tree8c6bd92e9e7f19e70375e56f6e4bd2bd1ea089d9 /vampire.lisp
parenta11cb3fcd8c8f80eb3880766de7812f70597dd9a (diff)
Add: playlist.lisp
Diffstat (limited to 'vampire.lisp')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/vampire.lisp b/vampire.lisp
index 57e474f..8ca4b79 100644
--- a/vampire.lisp
+++ b/vampire.lisp
@@ -19,25 +19,6 @@
-(defclass/bknr keyed ()
- ((key
- :r :std (nuid)
- :index-type string-unique-index
- :index-reader object-with-key)))
-(defclass/bknr playlist (keyed)
- ((title :with :std (default-name "playlist"))
- (tracks editors :with :std (list))
- (cover-image :with :std nil :doc "A url to the cover of this album.")
- (user :with
- :std (error "A USER is required to have created the content."))))
-(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((pl playlist) &key)
- (pushnew pl (user-playlists (playlist-user pl)) :test #'eq))
-(defclass/bknr track (keyed)
- ((source file title artist album thumb-url duration codec :with)
- (playlists :with :std (list) :doc "A list of playlists in which this track appears")))
(defclass/bknr user (keyed)
((name :with :std "")
@@ -46,43 +27,18 @@
-(defun playlist-duration (pl)
- (reduce #'+
- (playlist-tracks pl)
- :key 'track-duration
- :initial-value 0))
-(defun add-track (tr pl &optional (n -1))
- (setf (playlist-tracks pl)
- (insert-nth tr n (playlist-tracks pl))))
-(defun remove-nth-from-playlist (pl n)
- (multiple-value-bind (newlist track)
- (remove-nth n (playlist-tracks pl) t)
- (setf (playlist-tracks pl) newlist
- (track-playlists track) (delete pl (track-playlists track)
- :test #'eq :count 1))))
-(defun append-track (pl tr)
- (with-transaction ()
- (add-track tr pl)))
(defun new-user (&key name)
(with-transaction ()
(make-instance 'user :name name)))
-(defun new-playlist (user &key title)
- (with-transaction ()
- (make-instance 'playlist :title title :user user)))
-(defun new-track (file trackinfo)
- "Trackinfo is a plist containing information about the track to create."
- (with-transaction ()
- (let ((track (apply #'make-instance 'track trackinfo)))
- (setf (track-file track) (namestring file))
- track)))
@@ -146,251 +102,39 @@
(princ title out))))
-(defclass/std playlist/ctl ()
- ((playlist track-list track-display audio->track now-playing :std nil)))
-(defmethod (setf now-playing) :before (newval ctl)
- (with-slots (now-playing) ctl
- (when now-playing
- (remove-class (parent-element now-playing) "now-playing")))
- (when newval
- (add-class (parent-element newval) "now-playing")))
-(defclass/std track-display ()
- ((title-elem
- thumb-elem
- artist-elem
- time-elem
- duration-elem
- play/pause-btn)))
-(defun get-audio-track (ctl audio)
- (cdr (assoc audio (audio->track ctl))))
-(defun get-next-audio-track (ctl &optional audio)
- (with-slots (audio->track) ctl
- (if (null audio)
- (first audio->track)
- (let ((pos
- (position audio audio->track :key #'car)))
- (assert pos () "Audio element ~a not found in this playlist control." audio)
- (nth (1+ pos) audio->track)))))
-(defun stop-playback (ctl)
- (with-slots (now-playing) ctl
- (when now-playing
- (pause-media now-playing)
- (setf (media-position now-playing) 0
- now-playing nil
- (text (play/pause-btn (track-display ctl))) "⏵"))))
-(defun pause-playback (ctl)
- (when-let (audio (now-playing ctl))
- (pause-media audio)
- (setf (text (play/pause-btn (track-display ctl))) "⏵")))
-(defun start-playback (ctl)
- (when-let (audio (now-playing ctl))
- (play-media audio)
- (setf (text (play/pause-btn (track-display ctl)))
- "⏸")))
-(defun load-track-display (ctl)
- (when-let (track (get-audio-track ctl (now-playing ctl)))
- (with-slots
- (title-elem thumb-elem artist-elem
- time-elem duration-elem)
- (track-display ctl)
- (with-slots (title artist thumb-url duration) track
- (setf (text title-elem) title
- (text duration-elem) (secs-to-hms duration)
- (text time-elem) (secs-to-hms 0)
- (url-src thumb-elem) thumb-url)))))
-(defun initialize-playlist/ctl (body)
- (let ((ctl (playlist/ctl body)))
- (setf now-playing (car (first (audio->track ctl))))
- (load-track-display ctl)))
-(defun playlist/ctl (obj)
- (connection-data-item obj "playlist/ctl"))
-(defun install-playlist/ctl (playlist obj)
- (setf (connection-data-item obj "playlist/ctl")
- (make-instance 'playlist/ctl :playlist playlist)))
-(defun install-track-list (list)
- (let ((ctl (playlist/ctl list)))
- (setf (track-list ctl) list)))
-(defun install-track-display (thumb title artist time dur play/pause)
- (let ((ctl (playlist/ctl thumb)))
- (setf (track-display ctl)
- (make-instance 'track-display
- :duration-elem dur
- :time-elem time
- :artist-elem artist
- :thumb-elem thumb
- :title-elem title
- :play/pause-btn play/pause))))
-(defun install-audio-track (audio track &optional (position -1))
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl audio))
- (setf (audio->track ctl)
- (insert-nth (cons audio track) position (audio->track ctl)))))
-(defun ctl/now-playing (elem)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl elem))
- (now-playing ctl)))
-(defun ctl/pause (elem)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl elem))
- (pause-playback ctl)))
-(defun ctl/stop (elem)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl elem))
- (stop-playback ctl)))
-(defun ctl/play-audio (audio)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl audio))
- (unless (eq audio (now-playing ctl))
- (stop-playback ctl)
- (setf (now-playing ctl) audio)
- (start-playback ctl)
- (load-track-display ctl))))
-(defun ctl/toggle-play (elem)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl elem))
- (if (now-playing ctl)
- (if (pausedp (now-playing ctl))
- (start-playback ctl)
- (pause-playback ctl))
- (ctl/next-track elem))))
-(defun ctl/next-track (elem)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl elem))
- (let ((next
- (get-next-audio-track ctl (now-playing ctl))))
- (stop-playback ctl)
- (when next
- (setf (now-playing ctl) (car next))
- (start-playback ctl)
- (load-track-display ctl)))))
-(defun ctl/update-playback-time (audio)
- (when-let (ctl (playlist/ctl audio))
- (setf (text (time-elem (track-display ctl)))
- (secs-to-hms (media-position audio)))))
-(defun create-track-list-item (parent track)
- (with-clog-create parent
- (div (:bind view)
- (p ()
- (span (:content (track-listing-line track)))
- (span (:content " -- "))
- (span (:content (secs-to-hms (or (track-duration track) 0)))))
- (audio (:source (media-url-path track) :controls nil :bind audio)))
- (install-audio-track audio track)
- (set-on-time-update
- audio
- 'ctl/update-playback-time)
- (set-on-ended
- audio
- (alambda (ctl/next-track audio)))
- (set-on-click
- view
- (alambda
- (ctl/play-audio audio)))))
+;; (defun create-track-form (parent playlist &rest args)
+;; (declare (ignorable args))
+;; (with-clog-create parent
+;; (div ()
+;; (section (:h3 :content "Add Track"))
+;; (label (:content "Paste URL: " :bind url-label))
+;; (form-element (:text :bind url-input))
+;; (button (:content "Fetch Track" :bind submit-button))
+;; (div (:bind notice-area)))
+;; (label-for url-label url-input)
+;; (setf (place-holder url-input) "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ")
+;; (set-on-click
+;; submit-button
+;; (alambda
+;; (let* ((url
+;; (value url-input))
+;; (notice
+;; (create-p notice-area :content (format nil "... Fetching ~a" url))))
+;; (setf (value url-input) "")
+;; (add-fetch-track-job
+;; url
+;; (lambda (track)
+;; (remove-from-dom notice)
+;; (append-track playlist track)
+;; (add-track-to-listing parent track))
+;; (lambda (err)
+;; (remove-from-dom notice)
+;; (format t "Error: ~a~%" err)
+;; (alert (window (connection-body parent))
+;; (format nil "Error while fetching track at: ~a~%"
+;; url)))))))))
-(defun create-track-listing (parent playlist &rest args)
- (declare (ignorable args))
- (let ((list (create-ordered-list parent)))
- (install-track-list list)
- (dolist (track (playlist-tracks playlist))
- (with-clog-create list
- (list-item ()
- (track-list-item (track)))))))
-(defun add-track-to-listing (elem track)
- (with-slots (track-list) (playlist/ctl elem)
- (with-clog-create track-list
- (list-item ()
- (track-list-item (track))))))
-(defun create-track-form (parent playlist &rest args)
- (declare (ignorable args))
- (with-clog-create parent
- (div ()
- (section (:h3 :content "Add Track"))
- (label (:content "Paste URL: " :bind url-label))
- (form-element (:text :bind url-input))
- (button (:content "Fetch Track" :bind submit-button))
- (div (:bind notice-area)))
- (label-for url-label url-input)
- (setf (place-holder url-input) "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ")
- (set-on-click
- submit-button
- (alambda
- (let* ((url
- (value url-input))
- (notice
- (create-p notice-area :content (format nil "... Fetching ~a" url))))
- (setf (value url-input) "")
- (add-fetch-track-job
- url
- (lambda (track)
- (remove-from-dom notice)
- (append-track playlist track)
- (add-track-to-listing parent track))
- (lambda (err)
- (remove-from-dom notice)
- (format t "Error: ~a~%" err)
- (alert (window (connection-body parent))
- (format nil "Error while fetching track at: ~a~%"
- url)))))))))
-(defun playlist-key-from-url (url)
- (first (last (ppcre:split "/" (nth 4 (multiple-value-list (quri:parse-uri url)))))))
-(defun create-track-display (obj)
- (with-clog-create obj
- (div ()
- (section (:h3 :content "Now Playing"))
- (img (:bind thumb-elem))
- (p (:bind title-elem))
- (p (:bind artist-elem :hidden t))
- (p ()
- (span (:bind time-elem))
- (span (:content "/"))
- (span (:bind duration-elem)))
- (button (:bind stop-button :content "⏹"))
- (button (:bind next-button :content "⏭"))
- (button (:bind pause/play-button :content "⏵")))
- (setf (height thumb-elem) 120)
- (set-on-click stop-button 'ctl/stop)
- (set-on-click next-button 'ctl/next-track)
- (set-on-click
- pause/play-button
- #'ctl/toggle-play)
- (install-track-display thumb-elem title-elem artist-elem time-elem duration-elem
- pause/play-button)))
-(defun playlist-page (body)
- (when-let* ((listid
- (playlist-key-from-url (url (location body))))
- (playlist
- (object-with-key listid)))
- (install-playlist/ctl playlist body)
- (with-clog-create body
- (div ()
- (section (:h2 :content (format nil "~a -- ~a"
- (playlist-title playlist)
- (secs-to-hms (playlist-duration playlist)))))
- (track-display ())
- (div () (track-listing (playlist)))
- (track-form (playlist))))))
(defun user-page (body)
(if-let (user (session-user body))