;;;; testiere.lisp -- core testiere functionality (in-package #:testiere) (defstruct testiere-hook ;; a function that extracts '(:tests ...), returning them and the modified form (extractor (error "required")) ;; a function that accepts a form and returns a list of restart handlers (restarts-expander nil) ;; a function that accepts an sexpr and returns a list of symbols ;; (MACRO NAME . MORE) where MACRO names the macro being expanded, ;; NAME is some kind of unique name in the package where the form is ;; being defined, and MORE is a possibly empty list of arbitrary ;; symbols. These lists should uniquely name, a particular ;; invocation of a macro up to comparison by EQUAL. (form-key-fn (error "required"))) (defvar *testiere-hooks* (make-hash-table) "Registry of macro functions and testiere-hook") (defvar *suite-dict* (make-hash-table :test #'eq) "PACKAGE -> {FORM-KEY -> TEST-LAMBDA}") (defun add-test-to-package-suite (form-key test-thunk) (let ((suite (or (gethash (symbol-package (second form-key)) *suite-dict*) (setf (gethash (symbol-package (second form-key)) *suite-dict*) (make-hash-table :test #'equal))))) (setf (gethash form-key suite) test-thunk))) (define-condition testiere-error (error) ((reason :initarg :reason))) (define-condition test-failure-error (testiere-error) ((test :initarg :test)) (:report (lambda (err stream) (with-slots (test reason) err (format stream "~{~s~^ ~} failed:~% ~a" test reason))))) (defun failed (test reason-fmt &rest fmt-args) "Signal a TEST-FAILURE-ERROR. TEST is a deignator for the test. REASON-FMT is a format string and FMT-ARGS are arguments to that string, to be processed by CL:FORMAT." (error 'test-failure-error :test test :reason (apply #'format nil reason-fmt fmt-args))) (defun report (fmt-string &rest args) (apply #'format *standard-output* fmt-string args)) (defun run-test (key thunk) (report " Testing ~{~a~^ ~}~65,1t~:[[FAIL]~;[pass]~]~%" key (restart-case (funcall thunk) (report-and-continue-tests () nil)))) (defun report-and-continue-tests (e) (declare (ignore e)) (invoke-restart 'report-and-continue-tests)) (defun run-package-suite (package &optional required) (let ((suite (gethash (find-package package) *suite-dict*))) (cond ((not suite) (if required (error 'testiere-error :reason (format nil "No test suite found for package ~s" (package-name package))) (report "~%No tests found for package ~s~%" (package-name package)))) (t (report "~%Running tests for package ~s~%" (package-name package)) (loop :for form-key :being :the :hash-keys :of suite :using (:hash-value test-thunk) :do (run-test form-key test-thunk)))))) (defun run-suites (&key packages (automatic-continue nil) (require-all t)) "PACKAGES is a list of pacakge designators. Attempts to run test suites named in PACKAGES. If PACKAGES is NIL, then all known test suites are run. If AUTOMATIC-CONTINUE is T then all TEST-FAILURE-ERRORs will be handled by printing a test failure before continuing with the suite. If REQUIRE-ALL is T then an error will be signalled if no suite exists for one of the members of PACKAGES." (let ((packages (if packages packages (loop :for p :being :the :hash-keys :of *suite-dict* :collect p)))) (if automatic-continue (handler-bind ((test-failure-error #'report-and-continue-tests)) (loop :for p :in packages :do (run-package-suite p require-all))) (loop :for p :in packages :do (run-package-suite p require-all))))) (defun register-hook (macro extractor form-key-fn &optional restarts-expander) "Register a new hook for use with testiere. MACRO is a symbol naming a macro-function EXTRACTOR is a function of one argument, FORM representing the &WHOLE of the macro-function call. It returns two values: a modified s form identical with FORM except (:tests ...) forms have been removed. The second value should be the conatenation of the CDRs of these (:tests ...) forms. RESTARTS-EXPANDER is an optional functionof one argument. It returns the restart handler clauses of a RESTART-CASE form. These are the restarts to try when tests fail." (setf (gethash (macro-function macro) *testiere-hooks*) (make-testiere-hook :extractor extractor :form-key-fn form-key-fn :restarts-expander restarts-expander))) (defvar *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil) (defun testiere-hook (expander form environment) (let* ((hook (gethash expander *testiere-hooks*))) (cond (hook (with-slots (extractor restarts-expander form-key-fn) hook (multiple-value-bind (form test-forms) (funcall extractor form) (if test-forms (let* ((key (funcall form-key-fn form)) (tests (expand-test-forms key test-forms))) (if restarts-expander `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment) (restart-case (progn ,@tests) ,@(funcall restarts-expander form)) (add-test-to-package-suite ',key (lambda () ,@tests t))) `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment) ,@tests (add-test-to-package-suite ',key (lambda () ,@tests t))))) (funcall expander form environment))))) (t (funcall expander form environment))))) (defun expand-test-forms (key forms) (loop :for form :in forms :collect (expand-test-form key form))) (defun expand-test-form (key form) (assert (and (listp form) form) (form) "Form must be a non-null list, not ~s" form) (case (first form) (:fails `(unless (handler-case (progn ,(second form) nil) (error () t)) (failed ',key "~s should have signalled an error but did not." ',(second form)))) (:signals `(unless (handler-case (progn ,(third form)) (,(second form) () t) (condition () nil)) (failed ',key "~s should have signalled ~s but did not." ',(third form) ',(second form)))) (:funcall (let ((err (gensym "ERROR-"))) `(handler-case (funcall ,(second form) ,@(cddr form)) (error (,err) (failed ',key "~s signalled an error: ~s" '(funcall ,(second form) ,@(cddr form)) ,err))))) (:with-defuns (assert (listp (second form)) (form) "stubbed defuns must be a list alá labels, not ~s" (second form)) (expand-defun-stubs key (second form) (cddr form))) (:with-generic (assert (listp (third form)) (form) "stubbed generic must be a list as per defgeneric bodies, not ~s" (third form)) (expand-generic-stub key (second form) (third form) (cdddr form))) (:let `(let ,(second form) ,@(expand-test-forms key (cddr form)))) (:do (let ((err (gensym "ERROR-"))) `(handler-case ,(second form) (error (,err) (failed ',key "Side effecting code ~s signalled an error ~s" ',(second form) ,err))))) (:is `(unless ,(second form) (failed ',key "~s returned NIL" ',(second form)))) (t (destructuring-bind (comparator a b) form (let ((left (gensym "LEFT-")) (right (gensym "RIGHT-")) (pred-result (gensym "RESULT-"))) `(let* ((,left ,a) (,right ,b) (,pred-result (,comparator ,left ,right))) (unless ,pred-result (failed ',key "~s is NIL" ',form)))))))) #+off(defun expand-test-form (key form) (ematch form ((list :fails failing-form) `(unless (handler-case (progn ,failing-form nil) (error () t)) (failed ',key "~s should have signalled an error but did not." ',failing-form))) ((list :signals condition signalling-form) `(unless (handler-case (progn ,signalling-form) (,condition () t) (condition () nil)) (failed ',key "~s should have signalled ~s but did not." ',signalling-form ',condition))) ((list* :funcall function args) (let ((err (gensym "ERROR-"))) `(handler-case (funcall ,function ,@args) (error (,err) (failed ',key "~s signalled an error: ~s" '(funcall ,function ,@args) ,err))))) ((list* :with-defuns (list* stubs) body) (expand-defun-stubs key stubs body)) ((list* :with-generic name (list* method-stubs) body) (expand-generic-stub key name method-stubs body)) ((list* :let (list* bindings) body) `(let ,bindings ,@(expand-test-forms key body))) ((list :do form) (let ((err (gensym "ERROR-"))) `(handler-case ,form (error (,err) (failed ',key "Side effecting code ~s signalled an error ~s" ',form ,err))))) ((list :is form) `(unless ,form (failed ',key "~s returned NIL" ',form))) ((list comparator a b) (let ((left (gensym "LEFT-")) (right (gensym "RIGHT-")) (pred-result (gensym "RESULT-"))) `(let* ((,left ,a) (,right ,b) (,pred-result (,comparator ,left ,right))) (unless ,pred-result (failed ',key "~s is NIL" ',form))))))) (defun expand-defun-stubs (key defs body) (let* ((redef-names (mapcar #'car defs)) (defun-cache (loop :for name :in redef-names :collect `(cons ',name (and (fboundp ',name) (fdefinition ',name))))) (defun-cache-var (gensym "DEFUN-CACHE")) (defun-redefs (loop :for (name lambda-list . fbod) :in defs :collect `(setf (fdefinition ',name) (lambda ,lambda-list ,@fbod)))) (defun-restore (loop :for name :in redef-names :collect `(if (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var)) (setf (fdefinition ',name) (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var))) (fmakunbound ',name))))) `(let ((,defun-cache-var (list ,@defun-cache))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@defun-redefs ,@(expand-test-forms key body)) ,@defun-restore)))) (defun expand-generic-stub (key name method-stubs body) (let* ((orig-generic (gensym "DEFGENERIC-CACHE")) (method-defs (loop :for stub :in method-stubs :collect `(defmethod ,name ,@stub)))) `(let ((,orig-generic (and (fboundp ',name) (fdefinition ',name)))) (unwind-protect (progn ,@method-defs ,@(expand-test-forms key body)) (when ,orig-generic (setf (fdefinition ',name) ',orig-generic)))))) (defun on () (pushnew :testiere *features*) (unless (eq *macroexpand-hook* 'testiere-hook) (setf *cached-macroexpand-hook* *macroexpand-hook* *macroexpand-hook* 'testiere-hook ))) (defun off () (when (eq *macroexpand-hook* 'testiere-hook) (setf *features* (delete :testiere *features*)) (setf *macroexpand-hook* *cached-macroexpand-hook* *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)))