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2 files changed, 112 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/standard-hooks.lisp b/src/standard-hooks.lisp
index 86725ca..0548865 100644
--- a/src/standard-hooks.lisp
+++ b/src/standard-hooks.lisp
@@ -2,6 +2,29 @@
(in-package :testiere)
+(defun standard-extractor (orig-form)
+ "A somewhat naive default test form extractor. Returns two values,
+orig-form without test forms included, and a collection of test forms."
+ (loop
+ :for form :in orig-form
+ :when (and (listp form)
+ (eq :tests (first form)))
+ :append (cdr form) :into tests-forms
+ :else
+ :collect form :into defun-form
+ :finally (return (values defun-form tests-forms))))
+(defun standard-form-key (form)
+ "The first is a list (MACRO NAME) that uniquely identifies the form
+form which tests are being defined. NAME's package is the suite to
+which the tests of FORM will be be added.
+This form key function is sutable for Common Lisp definition macros."
+ (list (first form) (second form)))
;; (defstruct moo
@@ -11,6 +34,7 @@
+ #'standard-form-key
@@ -30,6 +54,7 @@
+ #'standard-form-key
@@ -40,7 +65,7 @@
;; (:tests ...)
;; (flah (moo-blah x) (barbar y)))
-(register-hook 'cl:defmethod #'standard-extractor)
+(register-hook 'cl:defmethod #'standard-extractor #'standard-form-key)
@@ -57,7 +82,7 @@
(fmakunbound ',name)))))
-(register-hook 'cl:defun #'standard-extractor #'defun-restarts-expander)
+(register-hook 'cl:defun #'standard-extractor #'standard-form-key #'defun-restarts-expander)
@@ -67,4 +92,4 @@
;; (:tests ...)
;; `(or number null))
-(register-hook 'cl:deftype #'standard-extractor)
+(register-hook 'cl:deftype #'standard-extractor #'standard-form-key)
diff --git a/src/testiere.lisp b/src/testiere.lisp
index 6ccf5ae..c7c7e73 100644
--- a/src/testiere.lisp
+++ b/src/testiere.lisp
@@ -4,15 +4,87 @@
(defstruct testiere-hook
;; a function that extracts '(:tests ...), returning them and the modified form
- (extractor nil)
+ (extractor (error "required"))
;; a function that accepts a form and returns a list of restart handlers
- (restarts-expander nil))
+ (restarts-expander nil)
+ ;; a function that accepts an sexpr and returns a list of symbols
+ ;; (MACRO NAME . MORE) where MACRO names the macro being expanded,
+ ;; NAME is some kind of unique name in the package where the form is
+ ;; being defined, and MORE is a possibly empty list of arbitrary
+ ;; symbols. These lists should uniquely name, a particular
+ ;; invocation of a macro up to comparison by EQUAL.
+ (form-key-fn (error "required")))
(defvar *testiere-hooks*
"Registry of macro functions and testiere-hook")
-(defun register-hook (macro extractor &optional restarts-expander)
+(defvar *suite-dict*
+ (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
+(defun add-test-to-package-suite (form-key test-thunk)
+ (let ((suite (or (gethash (symbol-package (second form-key)) *suite-dict*)
+ (setf (gethash (symbol-package (second form-key)) *suite-dict*)
+ (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))))
+ (setf (gethash form-key suite) test-thunk)))
+(define-condition testiere-error (error)
+ ((reason :initarg :reason)))
+(define-condition test-failure-error (testiere-error)
+ ((test :initarg :test)))
+(defun failed (test reason-fmt &rest fmt-args)
+ "Signal a TEST-FAILURE-ERROR. TEST is a deignator for the
+test. REASON-FMT is a format string and FMT-ARGS are arguments to that
+string, to be processed by CL:FORMAT."
+ (error 'test-failure-error
+ :test test
+ :reason (apply #'format nil reason-fmt fmt-args)))
+(defun report (fmt-string &rest args)
+ (apply #'format *standard-output* fmt-string args))
+(defun run-test (key thunk)
+ (report " Testing ~{~a~^ ~}~65,1t~:[[FAIL]~;[pass]~]~%"
+ key
+ (restart-case (funcall thunk)
+ (report-and-continue-tests () nil))))
+(defun report-and-continue-tests (e)
+ (declare (ignore e))
+ (invoke-restart 'report-and-continue-tests))
+(defun run-package-suite (package &optional required)
+ (let ((suite (gethash (find-package package) *suite-dict*)))
+ (cond ((not suite)
+ (if required
+ (error 'testiere-error
+ :reason (format nil "No test suite found for package ~s"
+ (package-name package)))
+ (report "~%No tests found for package ~s~%" (package-name package))))
+ (t
+ (report "~%Running tests for package ~s~%" (package-name package))
+ (loop :for form-key :being :the :hash-keys :of suite
+ :using (:hash-value test-thunk)
+ :do (run-test form-key test-thunk))))))
+(defun run-suites (packages &key (automatic-continue nil) (require-all t))
+ "PACKAGES is a list of pacakge designators. Attempts to run test
+suites named in PACKAGES.
+handled by printing a test failure before continuing with the suite.
+If REQUIRE-ALL is T then an error will be signalled if no suite exists
+for one of the members of PACKAGES."
+ (if automatic-continue
+ (handler-bind ((test-failure-error #'report-and-continue-tests))
+ (loop :for p :in packages :do (run-package-suite p require-all)))
+ (loop :for p :in packages :do (run-package-suite p require-all))))
+(defun register-hook (macro extractor form-key-fn &optional restarts-expander)
"Register a new hook for use with testiere.
MACRO is a symbol naming a macro-function
@@ -29,25 +101,28 @@ restarts to try when tests fail."
(setf (gethash (macro-function macro) *testiere-hooks*)
:extractor extractor
+ :form-key-fn form-key-fn
:restarts-expander restarts-expander)))
(defvar *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)
(defun testiere-hook (expander form environment)
- (let* ((hook
- (gethash expander *testiere-hooks*)))
+ (let* ((hook (gethash expander *testiere-hooks*)))
- (with-slots (extractor restarts-expander) hook
+ (with-slots (extractor restarts-expander form-key-fn) hook
(multiple-value-bind (form test-forms) (funcall extractor form)
(if test-forms
- (let ((tests (expand-test-forms test-forms)))
+ (let ((key (funcall form-key-fn form))
+ (tests (expand-test-forms test-forms)))
(if restarts-expander
`(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
(restart-case (progn ,@tests)
- ,@(funcall restarts-expander form)))
+ ,@(funcall restarts-expander form))
+ (add-test-to-package-suite ',key (lambda () ,@tests t)))
`(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
- ,@tests)))
+ ,@tests
+ (add-test-to-package-suite ',key (lambda () ,@tests t)))))
(funcall expander form environment)))))
(funcall expander form environment)))))
@@ -148,20 +223,6 @@ restarts to try when tests fail."
(when ,orig-generic
(setf (fdefinition ',name) ',orig-generic))))))
-(defun standard-extractor (orig-form)
- "A somewhat naive default test form extractor. Returns two values,
-orig-form without test forms included, and a collection of test forms."
- (loop
- :for form :in orig-form
- :when (and (listp form)
- (eq :tests (first form)))
- :append (cdr form) :into tests-forms
- :else
- :collect form :into defun-form
- :finally (return (values defun-form tests-forms))))
(defun on ()
(unless (member :testiere *features*)
(pushnew :testiere *features*)