diff options
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-rw-r--r--src/legacy/package.lisp (renamed from package.lisp)4
-rw-r--r--src/legacy/testiere.lisp~ (renamed from testiere.lisp)0
13 files changed, 932 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 755a885..0e4ca0c 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -1,175 +1,264 @@
A [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/testiere][testiere]] is armor for the head of a horse and ~testiere~ is armor
-for the head of your ~defun~ forms.
+for the your lisp forms.
* Testiere
-With ~testiere~ you can program in an interactive TDD-like
-fashion. Tests are included at the top of a ~defun/t~ form. When you
-recompile your functions interactively, the tests are run. If any
-fail, you are dropped into a debugger where you can decide to revert
-the definition to the last known working version, or you can choose to
-unbind it altogether.
+With ~testiere~, you embed test expressions directly into your
+code. When you compile, those tests are run. If any tests fail, you
+are dropped into the debugger where you can decide what to do.
-The system supports mocking and stubbing in your tests, so that you
-can, e.g. test the system in different dynamic contexts or by mocking
-network request functions.
+This approach has several beneifts:
-Here is an example:
+1. **Does Not Add Dependencies** You do not need to add ~testiere~ as
+ a dependency to your project. It is enough to load ~testiere~ into
+ your Lisp image and evoke ~(testiere:on)~.
+2. **TDD** Common Lisp is a language well suited to interactive
+ development. Why should testing be any different? With ~testiere~
+ you can test functions as you =C-c C-c= them in SLIME, or whenever
+ you load or compile a file.
+3. **Self Documentation** Because tests are in the source (but do not
+ end up compiled into executable code unless ~testiere~ is "on"),
+ you get purposeful documentation of your code for free. Why read a
+ comment when there's a test!?
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defun/t sum-3 (x y &key (z 10))
- "Sums three numbers, Z has a default value of 10"
- :tests
- (:program some-test-function)
- (= (1 2) 13) ; (sum-3 1 2) == 13
- (= (1 2 :z 3) 6) ; (sum-3 1 2 :z 3) == 6
- (:outputp (0 0) ; tests that (sum-3 0 0) passes the predicate
- (lambda (result) (= 10 result)))
- (:fails ; ensures that (sum-3 "strings" "ain't" :z "numbers") fails
- ("strings" "ain't" :z "numbers"))
- :end
- (+ x y z))
-In the above, a function ~sum-3~ is defined with five embedded
-tests. The test specification syntax is detailed below. If any of the
-tests fail, the function will not be redefined and you will drop into
-the debugger, which asks you how you'd like to proceed.
+Out of the box, ~testiere~ supports testing of the following:
-The approach to TDD-like development taking by ~testiere~ may not be
-appropriate to all circumstances, but it is good for interactive
-development of interactive applications (😉) whose "main loop"
-involves a good sized collection of unit-testable functions.
+- ~defun~
+- ~defmethod~
+- ~deftype~
+- ~defclass~
+- ~defstruct~
-** Test Specification
-There are a few kinds of tests available.
-*** For the Impatient, Just Use =:program= Tests
-Most users will probably benefit from the ~:program~ style test. Here
-is a quick example:
+** A Basic Example
#+begin_src lisp
-(defun test-fibble ()
- (assert (= 13 (fibble 1 2))))
-(defun/t fibble (x y &key (z 10))
- "Adds three numbers, one of which defaults to 10."
- :tests
- (:program test-fibble)
- :end
+(defun add3 (x y z)
+ "Adds three numbers"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (= 6 (add3 1 2 3))
+ (:fails (add3 "hey"))
+ (:fails (add3 1 2)))
(+ x y z))
-In the above test, we insist that the ~test-fibble~ function not
-signal an error condition in order for ~fibble~ to be successfully
-*** Basic Test Specifications
+This compiles as normal. If you wish to run the tests in the
+~(:tests ...)~ form, however, you need to turn testiere on.
-A test suite is a list of forms that appear between ~:tests~ and
-~:end~ in the body of a ~defun/t~ form. The test suite must appear
-after any optional docstring and before the function body actually
-A catalog of test form specifications follows.
+#+begin_src lisp
-**** Comparator Test Specifications
-: (comparator (&rest args...) value)
-The ~comparator~ should be the name of a binary predicate (like ~<~ or
-~eql~). These tests proceed by calling ~(comparator (apply my-fun args) value)~
-If the comparison fails, an error condition is signaled.
+Now if you try recompiling =add3= those tests will be run.
-Amending the above example, we include a comparator test:
+This approach lets you add tests to functions without actually
+including the testiere source in your distributed code. You need only
+have testiere loaded and turned on during development.
+You can, of course, turn testiere off too:
#+begin_src lisp
-(defun/t fibble (x y &key (z 10))
- "Adds three numbers, one of which defaults to 10."
- :tests
- (:program test-fibble)
- (= (0 0 :z 30) 30) ; (assert (= (fibble 0 0 :z 30) 30))
- :end
- (+ x y z))
-**** Other Test Specifications
+** Tests Expressions
+Within the body of a ~(:tests ...)~ form are test expressions.
+| Expression | Description |
+| ~(:is form)~ | The test fails if ~form~ evaluates |
+| | to NIL. |
+| ~(pred form1 form2)~ | E.g ~(= (foo) 10)~ Provides more |
+| | informative error messages than ~:is~ |
+| ~(:funcall function arg1 ...)~ | Calls a function with some arguments. |
+| | If this function signals an error, |
+| | then the test fails. Useful when |
+| | running many or complex tests. |
+| ~(:fails form)~ | Evaluates ~form~ and expects it to |
+| | signal an error. If it does not |
+| | signal an error, the test fails. |
+| ~(:signals condition form)~ | Evaluates ~form~ and expects it to |
+| | signal a condition of type |
+| | ~condition~. If it does not, then |
+| | the test fails. |
+| ~(:let bindings test1 ...)~ | Runs test expressions in the context |
+| | of some bound variables. |
+| ~(:with-defuns ((name args body) ...) tests ... )~ | Mimics ~labels~ syntax. Used for |
+| | stubbing / mocking functions will which |
+| | have temporary definitions for the |
+| | duration of the ~:with-defuns~ form. |
+| ~(:with-generic name methods tests ... )~ | Temporarily redefine the an entire generic |
+| | function for the duration of the enclosed |
+| | ~tests~. ~methods~ is a list of forms, each of |
+| | is essentially anything that normally follows |
+| | ~(defmethod name ...)~. |
+| | E.g. ~((x string) (string-upcase x))~ or |
+| | ~(:after (x string) (print "after"))~ |
+** Examples
-Every other form appearing in a test suite is a list that starts with
-a keyword.
+#+begin_src lisp
+(defpackage :testiere.examples
+ (:use #:cl #:testiere))
-- ~(:program FUNCTION-NAME ARGS...)~ runs a function named
- FUNCTION-NAME with arguments ARGS. This function is meant to act as
- a test suite for the function being defined with defun/t. It may
- call that function and ASSERT things about it.
-- ~(:outputp (..ARGS...) PREDICATE)~ asserts that the output passes
- the one-argument predicate.
-- ~(:afterp (...ARGS...) THUNK)~ asserts that the thunk should return
- non-nil after the function has run. Good for testing values of
- dynamic variables that the function might interact with.
-- ~(:fails (...ARGS...))~ asserts that the function will produce an
- error with the given arguments.
-- ~(:signals (...ARGS...) CONDITION)~ where ~CONDITION~ is the name of
- a condition. Asserts that the function will signal a condition of
- the supplied type when called with the provided arguments.
+(defpackage :dummy
+ (:use #:cl))
+(in-package :testiere.examples)
-*** Mocking and Stubbing
+;;; Turn Testiere On.
-The following test forms allow for the running of tests inside a
-context in which certain functions or global values are bound:
-Binding variables looks like
+(defun add3 (x y z)
+ "Adds three numbers"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (= 6 (add3 1 2 3))
+ (:is (evenp (add3 2 2 2)))
+ (:fails (add3))
+ (:fails (add3 1 2 "oh no")))
+ (+ x y z))
-and are useful for binding dynamic variables for use during a set of
+;;; Using external tests
+(defun dummy::test-add10 (n)
+ "Tests add10 in the same way N times. Obviously useless. We define
+this in a separate package to give you an idea that you can embed
+tests that aren't part of the package you're testing."
+ (loop :repeat n :do
+ (assert (= 13 (add10 3)))))
+(defun add10 (x)
+ "Adds 10 to X"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:funcall 'dummy::test-add10 1))
+ (+ x 10))
+;;; Adding some context to tests with :LET
+(defvar *count*)
+(defun increment-count (&optional (amount 1))
+ "Increments *COUNT* by AMOUNT"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((*count* 5))
+ (:funcall #'increment-count)
+ (= *count* 6)
+ (:funcall #'increment-count 4)
+ (= *count* 10))
+ (:let ((*count* -10))
+ (= (increment-count) -9)))
+ (incf *count* amount))
+;;; Stubbing functions with :WITH-DEFUNS
+(defun dummy::make-drakma-request (url)
+ "Assume this actually makes an HTTP request using drakma"
+ )
+(defun test-count-words-in-response ()
+ (assert (= 3 (count-words-in-response "blah"))))
+(defun count-words-in-response (url)
+ "Fetches a url and counts the words in the response."
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:with-defuns
+ ((dummy::make-drakma-request (url)
+ (declare (values (simple-array character)))
+ "Hello there dudes"))
+ (= 3 (count-words-in-response "dummy-url"))
+ (:funcall 'test-count-words-in-response)))
+ (loop
+ :with resp string := (dummy::make-drakma-request url)
+ :with in-word? := nil
+ :for char :across resp
+ :when (and in-word? (not (alphanumericp char)))
+ :count 1 :into wc
+ :and :do (setf in-word? nil)
+ :when (alphanumericp char)
+ :do (setf in-word? t)
+ :finally (return
+ (if (alphanumericp char) (1+ wc) wc))))
+;;; Testing Classes
+(defclass point ()
+ ((x
+ :accessor px
+ :initform 0
+ :initarg :x)
+ (y
+ :accessor py
+ :initform 0
+ :initarg :y))
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((pt (make-instance 'point :x 10 :y 20)))
+ (= 20 (py pt))
+ (= 10 (px pt))
+ (:is (< (px pt) (py pt))))))
+;;; Testing Structs
+(defstruct pt
+ x y
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((pt (make-pt :x 10 :y 20)))
+ (= 20 (pt-y pt))
+ (:is (< (pt-x pt) (pt-y pt))))))
+;;; Testing Types
+(deftype optional-int ()
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:is (typep nil 'optional-int))
+ (:is (typep 10 'optional-int))
+ (:is (not (typep "foo" 'optional-int))))
+ '(or integer null))
-For example
-#+begin_src lisp
- (defvar *count*)
- (defun/t increment-count ()
- "Increments the *count* variable."
- :tests
- (:let ((*count* 4))
- (:afterp () (lambda () (= *count* 5))) ; 5 after the first call
- (= () 6) ; 6 after the second
- (:outputp () (lambda (x) (= x 7)))) ; and 7 after the third
- :end
- (incf *count*))
-The ~:with-stubs~ form is similar, except that it binds temporary
-values to functions that might be called by the form in
-questions. Useful for mocking.
+** How does it work?
-#+begin_src lisp
+Under the hood, ~testiere~ defines a custom ~*macroexpand-hook*~ that
+consults a registry of hooks. If a macro is found in the registery,
+tests are extracted and run whenever they appear. Otherwise the hook
+expands code normally.
+** Extending
- (defun just-a-function ()
- (print "Just a function."))
- (defun/t call-just-a-function ()
- :tests
- (:with-stubs ((just-a-function () (print "TEMP JUST-A-FUNCTION.")))
- (equal () "TEMP JUST-A-FUNCTION."))
- :end
- (just-a-function))
+Users can register ~testiere~ hooks by calling
+~testiere:register-hook~ on three arguments:
-In the above, the temporary redefinition of ~JUST-A-FUNCTION~ is used.
+1. A symbol naming a macro
+2. A function designator for a function that extracts tests from a
+ macro call (from the ~&whole~ of a macro call), returning the
+ modified form and a list of the extracted test expressions. All of
+ the built-ins hooks use the ~testiere::standard-extractor~.
+3. An optional function accepting the same ~&whole~ of the macro call,
+ and returning a list of restart handlers that are inserted as-is
+ into the body of a ~restart-case~. See =src/standard-hooks.lisp=
+ for examples.
diff --git a/clpmfile b/clpmfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e087ff..0000000
--- a/clpmfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- Mode: common-lisp; -*-
-(:api-version "0.4")
-(:source "quicklisp" :url "https://beta.quicklisp.org/dist/quicklisp.txt" :type :quicklisp)
-(:asd "testiere.asd")
diff --git a/examples/examples.lisp b/examples/examples.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a188f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/examples.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+(defpackage :testiere.examples
+ (:use #:cl #:testiere))
+(defpackage :dummy
+ (:use #:cl))
+(in-package :testiere.examples)
+;;; Turn Testiere On.
+(defun add3 (x y z)
+ "Adds three numbers"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (= 6 (add3 1 2 3))
+ (:is (evenp (add3 2 2 2)))
+ (:fails (add3))
+ (:fails (add3 1 2 "oh no")))
+ (+ x y z))
+;;; Using external tests
+(defun dummy::test-add10 (n)
+ "Tests add10 in the same way N times. Obviously useless. We define
+this in a separate package to give you an idea that you can embed
+tests that aren't part of the package you're testing."
+ (loop :repeat n :do
+ (assert (= 13 (add10 3)))))
+(defun add10 (x)
+ "Adds 10 to X"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:funcall 'dummy::test-add10 1))
+ (+ x 10))
+;;; Adding some context to tests with :LET
+(defvar *count*)
+(defun increment-count (&optional (amount 1))
+ "Increments *COUNT* by AMOUNT"
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((*count* 5))
+ (:funcall #'increment-count)
+ (= *count* 6)
+ (:funcall #'increment-count 4)
+ (= *count* 10))
+ (:let ((*count* -10))
+ (= (increment-count) -9)))
+ (incf *count* amount))
+;;; Stubbing functions with :WITH-DEFUNS
+(defun dummy::make-drakma-request (url)
+ "Assume this actually makes an HTTP request using drakma"
+ )
+(defun test-count-words-in-response ()
+ (assert (= 3 (count-words-in-response "blah"))))
+(defun count-words-in-response (url)
+ "Fetches a url and counts the words in the response."
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:with-defuns
+ ((dummy::make-drakma-request (url)
+ (declare (values (simple-array character)))
+ "Hello there dudes"))
+ (= 3 (count-words-in-response "dummy-url"))
+ (:funcall 'test-count-words-in-response)))
+ (loop
+ :with resp string := (dummy::make-drakma-request url)
+ :with in-word? := nil
+ :for char :across resp
+ :when (and in-word? (not (alphanumericp char)))
+ :count 1 :into wc
+ :and :do (setf in-word? nil)
+ :when (alphanumericp char)
+ :do (setf in-word? t)
+ :finally (return
+ (if (alphanumericp char) (1+ wc) wc))))
+;;; Testing Classes
+(defclass point ()
+ ((x
+ :accessor px
+ :initform 0
+ :initarg :x)
+ (y
+ :accessor py
+ :initform 0
+ :initarg :y))
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((pt (make-instance 'point :x 10 :y 20)))
+ (= 20 (py pt))
+ (= 10 (px pt))
+ (:is (< (px pt) (py pt))))))
+;;; Testing Structs
+(defstruct pt
+ x y
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:let ((pt (make-pt :x 10 :y 20)))
+ (= 20 (pt-y pt))
+ (:is (< (pt-x pt) (pt-y pt))))))
+;;; Testing Types
+(deftype optional-int ()
+ #+testiere
+ (:tests
+ (:is (typep nil 'optional-int))
+ (:is (typep 10 'optional-int))
+ (:is (not (typep "foo" 'optional-int))))
+ '(or integer null))
diff --git a/examples.lisp b/examples/legacy-examples.lisp
index b515b98..b515b98 100644
--- a/examples.lisp
+++ b/examples/legacy-examples.lisp
diff --git a/src/legacy/README.org b/src/legacy/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755a885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/legacy/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+A [[https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/testiere][testiere]] is armor for the head of a horse and ~testiere~ is armor
+for the head of your ~defun~ forms.
+* Testiere
+With ~testiere~ you can program in an interactive TDD-like
+fashion. Tests are included at the top of a ~defun/t~ form. When you
+recompile your functions interactively, the tests are run. If any
+fail, you are dropped into a debugger where you can decide to revert
+the definition to the last known working version, or you can choose to
+unbind it altogether.
+The system supports mocking and stubbing in your tests, so that you
+can, e.g. test the system in different dynamic contexts or by mocking
+network request functions.
+Here is an example:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(defun/t sum-3 (x y &key (z 10))
+ "Sums three numbers, Z has a default value of 10"
+ :tests
+ (:program some-test-function)
+ (= (1 2) 13) ; (sum-3 1 2) == 13
+ (= (1 2 :z 3) 6) ; (sum-3 1 2 :z 3) == 6
+ (:outputp (0 0) ; tests that (sum-3 0 0) passes the predicate
+ (lambda (result) (= 10 result)))
+ (:fails ; ensures that (sum-3 "strings" "ain't" :z "numbers") fails
+ ("strings" "ain't" :z "numbers"))
+ :end
+ (+ x y z))
+In the above, a function ~sum-3~ is defined with five embedded
+tests. The test specification syntax is detailed below. If any of the
+tests fail, the function will not be redefined and you will drop into
+the debugger, which asks you how you'd like to proceed.
+The approach to TDD-like development taking by ~testiere~ may not be
+appropriate to all circumstances, but it is good for interactive
+development of interactive applications (😉) whose "main loop"
+involves a good sized collection of unit-testable functions.
+** Test Specification
+There are a few kinds of tests available.
+*** For the Impatient, Just Use =:program= Tests
+Most users will probably benefit from the ~:program~ style test. Here
+is a quick example:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(defun test-fibble ()
+ (assert (= 13 (fibble 1 2))))
+(defun/t fibble (x y &key (z 10))
+ "Adds three numbers, one of which defaults to 10."
+ :tests
+ (:program test-fibble)
+ :end
+ (+ x y z))
+In the above test, we insist that the ~test-fibble~ function not
+signal an error condition in order for ~fibble~ to be successfully
+*** Basic Test Specifications
+A test suite is a list of forms that appear between ~:tests~ and
+~:end~ in the body of a ~defun/t~ form. The test suite must appear
+after any optional docstring and before the function body actually
+A catalog of test form specifications follows.
+**** Comparator Test Specifications
+: (comparator (&rest args...) value)
+The ~comparator~ should be the name of a binary predicate (like ~<~ or
+~eql~). These tests proceed by calling ~(comparator (apply my-fun args) value)~
+If the comparison fails, an error condition is signaled.
+Amending the above example, we include a comparator test:
+#+begin_src lisp
+(defun/t fibble (x y &key (z 10))
+ "Adds three numbers, one of which defaults to 10."
+ :tests
+ (:program test-fibble)
+ (= (0 0 :z 30) 30) ; (assert (= (fibble 0 0 :z 30) 30))
+ :end
+ (+ x y z))
+**** Other Test Specifications
+Every other form appearing in a test suite is a list that starts with
+a keyword.
+- ~(:program FUNCTION-NAME ARGS...)~ runs a function named
+ FUNCTION-NAME with arguments ARGS. This function is meant to act as
+ a test suite for the function being defined with defun/t. It may
+ call that function and ASSERT things about it.
+- ~(:outputp (..ARGS...) PREDICATE)~ asserts that the output passes
+ the one-argument predicate.
+- ~(:afterp (...ARGS...) THUNK)~ asserts that the thunk should return
+ non-nil after the function has run. Good for testing values of
+ dynamic variables that the function might interact with.
+- ~(:fails (...ARGS...))~ asserts that the function will produce an
+ error with the given arguments.
+- ~(:signals (...ARGS...) CONDITION)~ where ~CONDITION~ is the name of
+ a condition. Asserts that the function will signal a condition of
+ the supplied type when called with the provided arguments.
+*** Mocking and Stubbing
+The following test forms allow for the running of tests inside a
+context in which certain functions or global values are bound:
+Binding variables looks like
+and are useful for binding dynamic variables for use during a set of
+For example
+#+begin_src lisp
+ (defvar *count*)
+ (defun/t increment-count ()
+ "Increments the *count* variable."
+ :tests
+ (:let ((*count* 4))
+ (:afterp () (lambda () (= *count* 5))) ; 5 after the first call
+ (= () 6) ; 6 after the second
+ (:outputp () (lambda (x) (= x 7)))) ; and 7 after the third
+ :end
+ (incf *count*))
+The ~:with-stubs~ form is similar, except that it binds temporary
+values to functions that might be called by the form in
+questions. Useful for mocking.
+#+begin_src lisp
+ (defun just-a-function ()
+ (print "Just a function."))
+ (defun/t call-just-a-function ()
+ :tests
+ (:with-stubs ((just-a-function () (print "TEMP JUST-A-FUNCTION.")))
+ (equal () "TEMP JUST-A-FUNCTION."))
+ :end
+ (just-a-function))
+In the above, the temporary redefinition of ~JUST-A-FUNCTION~ is used.
diff --git a/package.lisp b/src/legacy/package.lisp
index 9583460..3724728 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/src/legacy/package.lisp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
;;;; package.lisp
-(defpackage #:testiere
+(defpackage #:testiere.legacy
(:use #:cl)
- (:import-from #:trivia #:match #:guard)
+ (:import-from #:trivia #:match)
(:export #:defun/t #:with-stubs #:with-stub))
diff --git a/src/legacy/testiere.lisp b/src/legacy/testiere.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..010b12d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/legacy/testiere.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;;;; testiere.lisp
+(in-package #:testiere.legacy)
+(defun build-test (name spec)
+ (match spec
+ ((list :fails inputs)
+ `(assert
+ (handler-case (progn (,name ,@inputs) nil)
+ (error (e) (declare (ignore e)) t))))
+ ((list :signals inputs condition)
+ `(assert
+ (handler-case (progn (,name ,@inputs) nil)
+ (,condition (c) (declare (ignore c)) t)
+ (condition (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil))))
+ ((list* :program function-name args)
+ `(when (fboundp ',function-name)
+ (funcall ',function-name ,@args)))
+ ((list* :with-stubs redefs more-specs)
+ (let* ((assoc-vars
+ (loop for (stub-name . more) in redefs
+ collect (list stub-name (gensym (symbol-name stub-name)))))
+ (cache-binding-forms
+ (loop for (stub-name tmp-var) in assoc-vars
+ collect `(,tmp-var (fdefinition ',stub-name))))
+ (redef-forms
+ (loop for (stub-name lambda-list . body) in redefs
+ collect `(setf (fdefinition ',stub-name)
+ (function (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body)))))
+ (clean-up
+ (loop for (stub-name . more) in redefs
+ for binding = (assoc stub-name assoc-vars)
+ collect `(setf (fdefinition ',stub-name) ,(second binding)))))
+ `(let ,cache-binding-forms
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ,@redef-forms
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) (build-test name s)) more-specs))
+ ,@clean-up))))
+ ((list* :let bindings more-specs)
+ `(let ,bindings
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) (build-test name s)) more-specs)))
+ ((list :afterp inputs thunk-test)
+ `(progn (,name ,@inputs)
+ (assert (funcall ,thunk-test))))
+ ((list :outputp inputs output-test)
+ `(assert (funcall ,output-test (,name ,@inputs))))
+ ((list comparator-function inputs expected-output)
+ `(assert (,comparator-function (,name ,@inputs) ,expected-output)))))
+(defun extract-tests (name body)
+ (let ((end-pos (position :end body))
+ (start-pos (position :tests body)))
+ (when (and end-pos start-pos)
+ (let ((specs (subseq body (1+ start-pos) end-pos))
+ (before (subseq body 0 start-pos))
+ (after (nthcdr (1+ end-pos) body)))
+ (list (mapcar (lambda (spec) (build-test name spec)) specs)
+ (append before after))))))
+(defmacro with-stub ((name lambda-list &body body) &body forms)
+ "Runs forms in a context where NAME is temporarily rebound to a
+different function. If NAME is not FBOUNDP then it is temporarily
+ (let ((cached (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,cached
+ (when (fboundp ',name)
+ (fdefinition ',name))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body))
+ ,@forms)
+ (if ,cached
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ ,cached)
+ (fmakunbound ',name))))))
+(defmacro with-stubs (redefinitions &body forms)
+. BODY) list, suitable for defining a function."
+ (loop
+ with inner = `(progn ,@forms)
+ for (name lambda-list . body) in (reverse redefinitions)
+ do (setf inner `(with-stub (,name ,lambda-list ,@body)
+ ,inner))
+ finally (return inner)))
+(defmacro defun/t (name lambda-list &body body)
+ "Like regular DEFUN, but with embedded unit tests. If those tests
+ would fail, the function fails to be defined. "
+ (destructuring-bind (tests function-body) (extract-tests name body)
+ (let ((cached (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,cached
+ (when (fboundp ',name)
+ (fdefinition ',name))))
+ (restart-case
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (progn
+ (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@function-body)
+ ,@tests))
+ (make-unbound () (fmakunbound ',name))
+ (revert-to-last-good-version ()
+ (if ,cached
+ (setf (symbol-function ',name)
+ ,cached)
+ (fmakunbound ',name))))))))
diff --git a/testiere.lisp b/src/legacy/testiere.lisp~
index b606b9f..b606b9f 100644
--- a/testiere.lisp
+++ b/src/legacy/testiere.lisp~
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9594019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;;; package.lisp
+(defpackage #:testiere
+ (:use #:cl #:testiere.legacy)
+ (:import-from #:trivia #:ematch)
+ (:export
+ #:on
+ #:off
+ #:register-hook
+ ;; legacy
+ #:defun/t
+ #:with-stub
+ #:with-stubs))
diff --git a/src/package.lisp~ b/src/package.lisp~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe3e8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/package.lisp~
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+;;;; package.lisp
+(defpackage #:testiere
+ (:use #:cl)
+ (:import-from #:trivia #:ematch)
+ (:export #:testiere-on
+ #:testiere-off
+ #:register-testiere-hook))
diff --git a/src/standard-hooks.lisp b/src/standard-hooks.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcf1367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/standard-hooks.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+;;;; standard-hooks.lisp -- built-in hooks for standard def* macros
+(in-package :testiere)
+;; (defstruct moo
+;; #+testiere
+;; (:tests ...)
+;; a b c)
+ 'cl:defstruct
+ #'standard-extractor)
+;; (defclass fooar ()
+;; (slots...)
+;; #+testiere
+;; (:tests ...))
+(defun defclass-restarts-expander (form)
+ (let ((name (second form)))
+ `((make-unbound
+ ()
+ (setf (find-class ',name) nil)))))
+ 'cl:defclass
+ #'standard-extractor
+ #'defclass-restarts-expander)
+;; (defmethod okwhat ((x moo) (y bar) z)
+;; "Here's a method"
+;; #+testiere
+;; (:tests ...)
+;; (flah (moo-blah x) (barbar y)))
+(register-hook 'cl:defmethod #'standard-extractor)
+;;; DEFUN
+;; (defun add3 (x y z)
+;; "Adds three thigns"
+;; #+testiere
+;; (:tests ...)
+;; (+ x y z))
+(defun defun-restarts-expander (form)
+ (let ((name (second form)))
+ `((make-unbound
+ ()
+ (fmakunbound ',name)))))
+(register-hook 'cl:defun #'standard-extractor #'defun-restarts-expander)
+;; (deftype optional-number ()
+;; "Its a number, or not"
+;; #+testiere
+;; (:tests ...)
+;; `(or number null))
+(register-hook 'cl:deftype #'standard-extractor)
diff --git a/src/testiere.lisp b/src/testiere.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df516e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testiere.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+;;;; testiere.lisp -- core testiere functionality
+(in-package #:testiere)
+(defstruct testiere-hook
+ ;; a function that extracts '(:tests ...), returning them and the modified form
+ (extractor nil)
+ ;; a function that accepts a form and returns a list of restart handlers
+ (restarts-expander nil))
+(defvar *testiere-hooks*
+ (make-hash-table)
+ "Registry of macro functions and testiere-hook")
+(defun register-hook (macro extractor &optional restarts-expander)
+ "Register a new hook for use with testiere.
+MACRO is a symbol naming a macro-function
+EXTRACTOR is a function of one argument, FORM representing the &WHOLE
+of the macro-function call. It returns two values: a modified s form
+identical with FORM except (:tests ...) forms have been
+removed. The second value should be the conatenation of the CDRs of
+these (:tests ...) forms.
+RESTARTS-EXPANDER is an optional functionof one argument. It returns
+the restart handler clauses of a RESTART-CASE form. These are the
+restarts to try when tests fail."
+ (setf (gethash (macro-function macro) *testiere-hooks*)
+ (make-testiere-hook
+ :extractor extractor
+ :restarts-expander restarts-expander)))
+(defvar *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)
+(defun testiere-hook (expander form environment)
+ (let* ((hook
+ (gethash expander *testiere-hooks*)))
+ (cond
+ (hook
+ (with-slots (extractor restarts-expander) hook
+ (multiple-value-bind (form test-forms) (funcall extractor form)
+ (if test-forms
+ (let ((tests (expand-test-forms test-forms)))
+ (if restarts-expander
+ `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
+ (restart-case (progn ,@tests)
+ ,@(funcall restarts-expander form)))
+ `(prog1 ,(funcall expander form environment)
+ ,@tests)))
+ (funcall expander form environment)))))
+ (t
+ (funcall expander form environment)))))
+(defun expand-test-forms (forms)
+ (mapcar #'expand-test-form forms))
+(defun expand-test-form (form)
+ (ematch form
+ ((list :fails failing-form)
+ `(assert (handler-case (progn ,failing-form nil)
+ (error () t))
+ ()
+ "~s should have signalled an error but did not."
+ ',failing-form))
+ ((list :signals condition signalling-form)
+ `(assert (handler-case (progn ,signalling-form)
+ (,condition () t)
+ (condition () nil))
+ ()
+ "~s should have signalled ~s but did not."
+ ',condition))
+ ((list* :funcall function args)
+ `(funcall ,function ,@args))
+ ((list* :with-defuns (list* stubs) body)
+ (expand-defun-stubs stubs body))
+ ((list* :with-generic name (list* method-stubs) body)
+ (expand-generic-stub name method-stubs body))
+ ((list* :let (list* bindings) body)
+ `(let ,bindings ,@(expand-test-forms body)))
+ ((list :is form)
+ `(assert ,form () "~s failed" ',form))
+ ((list comparator a b)
+ (let ((a-result (gensym))
+ (b-result (gensym))
+ (pred-result (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,a-result ,a)
+ (,b-result ,b)
+ (,pred-result (,comparator ,a-result ,b-result)))
+ (assert ,pred-result () "~s failed with ~s"
+ ',form
+ (list ',comparator ,a-result ,b-result)))))))
+(defun expand-defun-stubs (defs body)
+ (let* ((redef-names
+ (mapcar #'car defs))
+ (defun-cache
+ (loop :for name :in redef-names
+ :collect `(cons ',name
+ (and (fboundp ',name)
+ (fdefinition ',name)))))
+ (defun-cache-var
+ (gensym "DEFUN-CACHE"))
+ (defun-redefs
+ (loop :for (name lambda-list . fbod) :in defs
+ :collect `(setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ (lambda ,lambda-list ,@fbod))))
+ (defun-restore
+ (loop :for name :in redef-names
+ :collect `(if (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var))
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name)
+ (cdr (assoc ',name ,defun-cache-var)))
+ (fmakunbound ',name)))))
+ `(let ((,defun-cache-var (list ,@defun-cache)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@defun-redefs
+ ,@(expand-test-forms body))
+ ,@defun-restore))))
+(defun expand-generic-stub (name method-stubs body)
+ (let* ((orig-generic
+ (gensym "DEFGENERIC-CACHE"))
+ (method-defs
+ (loop :for stub :in method-stubs
+ :collect `(defmethod ,name ,@stub))))
+ `(let ((,orig-generic (and (fboundp ',name) (fdefinition ',name))))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ ,@method-defs
+ ,@(expand-test-forms body))
+ (when ,orig-generic
+ (setf (fdefinition ',name) ',orig-generic))))))
+(defun standard-extractor (orig-form)
+ "A somewhat naive default test form extractor. Returns two values,
+orig-form without test forms included, and a collection of test forms."
+ (loop
+ :for form :in orig-form
+ :when (and (listp form)
+ (eq :tests (first form)))
+ :append (cdr form) :into tests-forms
+ :else
+ :collect form :into defun-form
+ :finally (return (values defun-form tests-forms))))
+(defun on ()
+ (unless (member :testiere *features*)
+ (pushnew :testiere *features*)
+ (setf
+ *cached-macroexpand-hook* *macroexpand-hook*
+ *macroexpand-hook* 'testiere-hook )))
+(defun off ()
+ (when (member :testiere *features*)
+ (setf *features* (delete :testiere *features*))
+ (setf *macroexpand-hook* *cached-macroexpand-hook*
+ *cached-macroexpand-hook* nil)))
diff --git a/testiere.asd b/testiere.asd
index 3db3701..147b556 100644
--- a/testiere.asd
+++ b/testiere.asd
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
;;;; testiere.asd
(asdf:defsystem #:testiere
- :description "Interactive Testing for DEFUN"
- :author "Colin Okay <colin@cicadas.surf>"
+ :description "TDD system for Common Lisp"
+ :author "Colin OKeefe <colin@cicadas.surf>"
:license "GPLv3"
- :version "0.1.0"
+ :version "1.0.0"
:depends-on (:trivia)
+ :pathname "src/"
:serial t
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "testiere")))
+ :components ((:module "legacy"
+ :serial t
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "testiere")))
+ (:file "package")
+ (:file "testiere")
+ (:file "standard-hooks")))