;;;; terrafirma.lisp (defpackage #:terrafirma (:use #:cl) (:export #:validate #:defvalidator)) (in-package #:terrafirma) (defvar *indentation* 0) (defun report-validation-error (err stream) (with-slots (type reason suberror) err (loop :repeat *indentation* :do (princ #\space stream)) (format stream "Error validating ~a: ~a~%" type reason) (when suberror (loop :repeat *indentation* :do (princ #\space stream)) (format stream "More specifically:~%") (let ((*indentation* (+ 2 *indentation*))) (report-validation-error suberror stream))))) (define-condition validation-error (error) ((type :initarg :type :initform (error "TYPE Required") :type symbol :documentation "The type of the invalid object.") (instance :initarg :instance :initform (error "INSTANCE Required") :documentation "The invalid object.") (reason :initarg :reason :initform (error "INSTANCE Required") :type string :documentation "A description of why the instance is invalid.") (suberror :initarg :suberror :initform nil :documentation "A validation error that may have been signalled while validating a part of the structure of INSTANCE.")) (:report report-validation-error)) (defvar *type*) (defvar *instance*) (defmacro defvalidator ((var type &key name) &body body) (assert (and var (symbolp var)) (var) "VAR must be a symbol.") (let ((validator-name (cond ((and name (symbolp name)) name) ((symbolp type) (intern (format nil "VALIDATED-~a" type))) (t (error "Validator Name: Either TYPE must be a symbol or a NAME must be provided."))))) `(defun ,validator-name (,var) (macrolet ((validate (check msg &rest args) (let ((suberr (gensym))) `(prog1 t (let (,suberr) (assert (handler-case ,check (validation-error (sub) (setf ,suberr sub) nil)) () 'terrafirma::validation-error :type terrafirma::*type* :instance terrafirma::*instance* :reason (format nil ,msg ,@args) :suberror ,suberr)))))) (let ((terrafirma::*type* ',type) (terrafirma::*instance* ,var)) ,@body)))))