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authorBoutade <>2019-05-03 14:36:22 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-05-03 14:36:22 -0500
commit9955b59b4e1ede1965485e6b9a3ed3bd7fc68757 (patch)
parent56d8fd69566312d3dcf45f8dc683a707e8596399 (diff)
Updated version to 0.1.0, updated README
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 5640103..3577dc7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,93 +1,69 @@
* =replay-streams=
-=replay-streams= let the programmer rewind and replay an input stream, providing
-input streams with a kind of look-ahead.
-The implementation uses [[][trivial-gray-streams]] under the cheese, and so
-=replay-streams= are supported in the most common of Common Lisps.
-** Basic Use
-The most basic function exported by =replay-streams= is the =replay-on=
-function, which transforms an input stream into a "replayable stream". Right now
-*only character streams* are supported, but extending support to byte-oriented
-streams is on the +haruspectic+ to-do list below.
-A brief catalog of exports:
-+ =replay-character-stream= is the *class* for replayable chracter streams.
- - =(make-instance 'replay-character-stream :source (make-string-input-stream "Hey"))=
- - Or, more conveniently using =replay-on=: =(replay-on (make-string-input-stream "Hey"))=
-+ =rewind= is a =defgeneric= that is currently only implemented for
- =replay-character-stream=, its purpose is to rewind the stream. A stream may
- only be rewound once.
-+ =rewound-p= a predictate that tests whether or not a stream as been rewound yet.
-+ =replay-finished-p= a predicate that returns =T= if the rewound content has all
- been read through again. That is, you rewind at some point, you can then
- replay back to that point. =replay-finished-p= returns =T= if you've passed
- that point from which you initially rewound.
-+ =recover-source= returns the source input stream.
-*** Example
-#+begin_src common-lisp
-CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'replay-streams) ;; NOT IN QUICKLISP. Install into quicklisp/local-projects/
-To load "replay-streams":
- Load 1 ASDF system:
- replay-streams
-; Loading "replay-streams"
-[package replay-streams]
-CL-USER> (use-package :replay-streams)
-CL-USER> (defvar *source* (make-string-input-stream "Hey there here is a string!"))
-CL-USER> (defvar *rpstream* (make-instance 'replay-character-stream
- :source *source*))
-CL-USER> (let ((buf (make-string 10)))
- (read-sequence buf *rpstream*)
- buf)
-"Hey there "
-CL-USER> (let ((buf (make-string 10)))
- (read-sequence buf *rpstream*)
- buf)
-"here is a "
-CL-USER> (rewind *rpstream*) ;; rewind returns two values, the stream and a success indicator
-CL-USER> (let ((buf (make-string 10)))
- (read-sequence buf *rpstream*)
- buf)
-"Hey there "
-CL-USER> (let ((buf (make-string 10)))
- (read-sequence buf *rpstream*)
- buf)
-"here is a "
-CL-USER> (let ((buf (make-string 10)))
- (read-sequence buf *rpstream*)
- buf)
-CL-USER> (rewind *rpstream*) ;; YOU CAN ONLY REWIND ONCE
-** [1/3] Haruspectic Divination
-- [X] Support =stream-unread-char= for =replay-character-stream=
-- [ ] Extend support to byte-oriented streams
-- [ ] Add Test Suite
+ Replay streams let the programmer rewind to points in a stream that have
+ already been read.
+ At the moment, replay streams only support character streams, but *should*
+ someday support more exotic binary stream types.
+ NOTE: *This is alpha quality software*
+** The Replay Stream Types
+ The following clases are exported by the =replay-streams= package:
+ - =static-text-replay-stream= : This is the most efficient of the
+ =replay-streams= classes, and is analogous to =make-string-input-stream= in
+ that it transforms a string into a stream.
+ - =character-input-replay-stream= : This is used to transform a characer
+ input stream into a replayable stream. Suitable for reading files or
+ character network streams.
+*** The Replay Stream Interface
+ Each class in the =replay-streams= package supports the following methods:
+ - =(checkpoint stream)= : returns a "checkpoint" which you can use to rewind
+ to a specific point in your input stream.
+ - =(rewind-to stream checkpoint)= : is used to actually rewind a stream to a
+ checkpoint.
+ - =(free-checkpoint stream checkpoint)= : tells the stream that it no longer
+ needs to support rewinds to the supplied checkpoint.
+**** Some Notes
+ For =static-text-replay-stream= instances, =free-checkpoint= doesn't
+ actually do anything, but a dummy implementation is included to permit
+ general purpose code.
+ Support for rewinding streams is enabled by logging reads to the stream. As
+ you might imagine, logging every read can take can begin to take its toll
+ on the memory heap. Hence, freeing a checkpoint can signal to the stream
+ that it may be acceptable to discard the log. Internally, the log is freed
+ whenever there are no checkpoints remaining and when any play back on the
+ log has been exhausted - i.e. whenever the log is certain to be no longer
+ needed.
+ NOTE: As it stands right now, rewinding a stream to a checkpoint will also
+ free that checkpoint and all checkpoints AFTER the rewind point.
+*** Why?
+ This small library was created in order to support the [[][parzival]] streaming
+ parser-combinator DSL, which needs replayable streams for its implementation
+ of the =<<plus= combinator.
+*** [0/4] To Do
+ 1. [ ] Add a test suite.
+ 2. [ ] For =character-input-replay-stream=, support user control over initial log size.
+ 3. [ ] For =character-input-replay-stream=, support optional maximum log.
+ size, along with an error condition if the log size is exceeded.
+ 4. [ ] Support binary streams.
diff --git a/replay-streams.asd b/replay-streams.asd
index f4d711d..5ddea39 100644
--- a/replay-streams.asd
+++ b/replay-streams.asd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
:description "`replay-streams` let the programmer rewind an input stream to a previous state so the contents may be read again."
:author "Boutade <>"
:license "GPLv3"
- :version "0.0.1"
+ :version "0.1.0"
:serial t
:depends-on (#:trivial-gray-streams)
:components ((:file "package")