;;;; posterbot.lisp (in-package #:posterbot) (defclass posterbot (client auto-joiner) ()) (defvar *posterbot* nil "Dynamic variable holding the bot instance. Bound by HANDLE-EVENT.") (defparameter +image-link-regex+ (ppcre:create-scanner "http.+\.(png|gif|jpeg|bmp|jpg)" :case-insensitive-mode t)) (defun download-link (link) "Downloads the file at LINK to a temporary file. Returns the path to the downloaded file." (cl-fad:with-output-to-temporary-file (out :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (let ((buffer (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (file-stream (drakma:http-request link :want-stream t))) (loop :for bytes = (read-sequence buffer file-stream) :while (plusp bytes) :do (write-sequence buffer out))))) (defun filename-from-link (link) "Extracts the filename of a link. I.e. everything after the last / character." (first (last (ppcre:split "/" link)))) (defun make-mime-type (filename) "Given a string FILENAME, returns a string representing a sensible guess for a mimetype." (format nil "image/~a" (let ((type (string-downcase (pathname-type filename)))) (cond ((member type '("jpg" "jpeg") :test #'equal) "jpeg") ((equal type "svg") "svg+xml") (t type))))) (defun handle-link-candiate (word) "Checks if WORD is an HTTP URI pointing to an image resource. If it is, downloads the image and posts it to the current room." (let ((link (ppcre:scan-to-strings +image-link-regex+ word))) (when link (let* ((file-path (download-link link)) (file-name (filename-from-link link)) (mxc-uri (upload *posterbot* file-name (alexandria:read-file-into-byte-vector file-path) :content-type (make-mime-type word)))) (send-image-message *posterbot* *room-id* file-name mxc-uri :info (list :|mimetype| (make-mime-type word))))))) ;; look for links to images, one word at a time, downloading and ;; posting any images found to the room at the current *ROOM-ID* (defmethod handle-event :after ((*posterbot* posterbot) (event text-message-event)) (mapc #'handle-link-candiate (ppcre:split " " (msg-body event))))