To test: 1. clone this repo and granolin into your =~/quicklisp/local-projects= directory. For example: #+BEGIN_SRC bash cd ~/quicklisp/local-projects git clone posterbot git clone granolin #+END_SRC 2. fire up lisp and load the posterbot system, make a new instance, log in, and start #+BEGIN_SRC lisp (ql:quickload :posterbot) (in-package :posterbot) (let ((bot (make-instance 'posterbot :ssl nil :user-id "mybotaccount" :homeserver "localhost:8008"))) (login bot "mybotaccount" "mypassword") (start bot)) #+END_SRC 3. Invite the bot to a room, it should automatically accept your invitation. 4. Post a link to an image. The link should end in one of =.gif=, =.jpg=, =.bmp=, =.jpeg=, or =.png=.