path: root/the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp b/the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp
index af7e73a..36de32d 100644
--- a/the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp
+++ b/the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee.lisp
@@ -2,31 +2,42 @@
(in-package #:the-price-of-a-cup-of-coffee)
-(defun make-keyword-symbol (s)
- "Makes a keyword from a string or symbol."
- (let ((s (format nil "~a" s)))
- (read-from-string
- (format nil ":~a"
- (substitute #\- #\Space s)))))
-(defmacro def-normal-class (name super &rest slots)
- "Defines a class with the given name and slots, with accessors and initargs for each slot."
- `(defclass ,name ,super
- (,@(loop :for slot :in slots
- :when (consp slot)
- :collect (list (car slot)
- :accessor (car slot)
- :initform (cadr slot)
- :initarg (make-keyword-symbol (car slot)))
- :else
- :collect (list slot
- :accessor slot
- :initform nil
- :initarg (make-keyword-symbol slot))))))
-(def-normal-class pedestrian ()
+(defvar *human-fps* 3)
+(def-normal-class human ()
+ pos
+ sheet
+ faces
+ (face :facing-down)
+ (frame 0)
+ (next-frame-at 0))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((human human) &key)
+ (with-slots (faces pos) human
+ (let ((rect (aref (getf faces :facing-down) 0)))
+ (setf pos
+ (sdl2:make-rect 0 0
+ (sdl2:rect-width rect)
+ (sdl2:rect-height rect))))))
+(defgeneric render (sprite renderer))
+(defgeneric update (thing time))
+(defmethod update ((human human) ticks)
+ (with-slots (frame next-frame-at faces face) human
+ (when (<= next-frame-at ticks)
+ (incf next-frame-at (/ 1000 *human-fps*))
+ (setf next-frame-at (max next-frame-at ticks))
+ (setf frame (mod (1+ frame) (length (getf faces face)))))))
+(defmethod render ((human human) renderer)
+ (with-slots (pos sheet faces face frame) human
+ (sdl2:render-copy renderer sheet
+ :dest-rect pos
+ :source-rect (aref (getf faces face) frame))))
+(def-normal-class pedestrian (human)
(walk-vec (list 2 0))
(comfort-rad 60)
(react-per-sec 1)
@@ -35,27 +46,120 @@
(generosity 0.25)
(vulnerability 3))
-(def-normal-class ()
+(def-normal-class hero (human)
(stress 0)
(money 0)
(coldness 0)
(sick-p nil)
- (speed 5)
- (relax-rate 1)
+ (walking-speed 5)
+ (relax-rate 1))
+(defvar *nance* nil)
+(defun boot-up (renderer)
+ (setf *nance-tile-defs* (make-source-rects *nance-tile-defs*))
+ (with-surface-from-file (surf +nance-sheet-image+)
+ (setf *nance*
+ (make-instance 'hero
+ :sheet (sdl2:create-texture-from-surface renderer surf)
+ :faces (create-sprite-faces *nance-tile-defs*)))))
+(defparameter +frame-delay+ (round (/ 1000 24)))
+(defparameter +action-key+ :scancode-space)
+(defun action-key-pressed ()
+ (print "Action"))
+(defun walking-face (dir)
+ (case dir
+ (:left :walking-left)
+ (:right :walking-right)
+ (:up :walking-up)
+ (:down :walking-down)))
+(defun standing-face (dir)
+ (case dir
+ (:left :facing-left)
+ (:right :facing-right)
+ (:up :facing-up)
+ (:down :facing-down)))
+(defun facing-p (human dir)
+ (equal dir
+ (case (face human)
+ ((:facing-down :walking-down) :down)
+ ((:facing-up :walking-up) :up)
+ ((:facing-left :walking-left) :left)
+ ((:facing-right :walking-right) :right))))
+(defun walk-hero (dir)
+ (unless (facing-p *nance* dir)
+ (setf (face *nance*) (walking-face dir))
+ (setf (frame *nance*) 0)))
+(defun stop-hero (dir)
+ (setf (face *nance*)
+ (standing-face dir))
+ (setf (frame *nance*) 0))
+(defun handle-keydown (keysym)
+ (let ((key (sdl2:scancode-value keysym)))
+ (match-key key
+ (:scancode-left (walk-hero :left))
+ (:scancode-right (walk-hero :right))
+ (:scancode-up (walk-hero :up))
+ (:scancode-down (walk-hero :down)))))
+(defun handle-keyup (keysym)
+ (let ((key (sdl2:scancode-value keysym)))
+ (match-key key
+ (+action-key+ (action-key-pressed))
+ (:scancode-left (stop-hero :left))
+ (:scancode-right (stop-hero :right))
+ (:scancode-up (stop-hero :up))
+ (:scancode-down (stop-hero :down)))))
+(defmethod render ((game (eql :game)) renderer)
+ (sdl2:render-clear renderer)
+ (render *nance* renderer)
+ (sdl2:render-present renderer))
(defun main ()
(sdl2:with-init (:everything)
(sdl2:with-window (win :w 800 :h 600 :title "The Price Of A Cup Of Coffee" :flags '(:shown))
- (sdl2:with-renderer (rndr win :flags '(:accelerated))
+ (sdl2:with-renderer (renderer win :flags '(:accelerated))
+ (boot-up renderer)
(sdl2:with-event-loop (:method :poll)
(:keydown (:keysym keysym)
(if (sdl2:scancode= (sdl2:scancode-value keysym) :scancode-escape)
- (sdl2:push-event :quit)))
- (:idle ())
+ (sdl2:push-event :quit)
+ (handle-keydown keysym)))
+ (:keyup (:keysym keysym) (handle-keyup keysym))
+ (:idle ()
+ ;; update sprites
+ (update *nance* (sdl2:get-ticks))
+ ;; update tweens
+ ;; render
+ (render :game renderer)
+ (sdl2:delay +frame-delay+))
- (:quit () t))))))
+ (:quit ()
+ (free-assets)
+ t))))))
+(defun free-assets ()
+ (setf (sheet *nance*) nil))