** Build and Run There is a =build.lisp= file in this repo, build an executable like so: #+begin_src shell sbcl --load build.lisp #+end_src Run the pastiche executable like so: #+begin_src shell ./pastiche /path/to/pastiche.conf #+end_src There is an example of what =pastiche.conf= looks like in this directory. ** Using With Emacs First, this uses ~http-post-simple.el~, a copy of which can be found in the ~emacs/~ subdirectory. Make sure that is loaded, then: #+begin_src elisp (defvar pastiche-paste-url "the real url here") (defun pastiche-paste-current-buffer () (interactive) (let* ((content (buffer-string)) (title (buffer-name)) (result (http-post-simple pastiche-paste-url (list (cons 'title title) (cons 'content content))))) (let ((url (first result))) (kill-new url) (message url)))) #+end_src