AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-08-12Update README.orgthegoofist
2019-05-11exporing <<any-char and <<any-stringBoutade
2019-05-11exporting <<letBoutade
2019-05-10updated readmeBoutade
2019-05-10realized <<let* should be called <<letBoutade
2019-05-10updating readmeBoutade
2019-05-10updated parzival.asdBoutade
2019-05-10bugfix in <<string, added <<let*Boutade
2019-05-04Added comments to the json exampleBoutade
2019-05-04added advisory and commentBoutade
2019-05-04added <<list to exportsBoutade
2019-05-03added super-practical natural language calculator demoBoutade
2019-05-03added to the example json, cleaned up parzival.lispBoutade
2019-05-03Altered tests.lisp to use character input streamsBoutade
2019-05-02added org file about making a JSON parserBoutade
2019-05-02added more utility parsers, altered definition of parse exportBoutade
2019-05-01temporarily refactored to use static-text-replay-streamsBoutade
2019-04-30This commit will probably be abandonedBoutade
2019-04-28added testsBoutade
2019-04-28Addressed insidious bug in <<plus making me question my existenceBoutade
2019-04-28bugfix in <peek<, added a few util parsersBoutade
2019-04-27adding testsBoutade
2019-04-27added parse function and <<ending combinator, typo fixes, commentsBoutade
2019-04-27renamed variables in lambda lists an updated doc stringsBoutade
2019-04-27removed <~item<, changed semantics of <item<, added <peek<Boutade
2019-04-26testing org mode readmeBoutade
2019-04-26altered the readmeBoutade
2019-04-26fixed semantics in <~item<, dunno what I was smokinBoutade
2019-04-26bugfix in <eof<Boutade
2019-04-26exporting more symbols, some bugfixes, made case-insensitve versionsBoutade
2019-04-25added <eof< and renamed <<= to <<and-thenBoutade
2019-04-25renamed <<cons to <<map-cons and defined new <<consBoutade
2019-04-25revised naming conventions. Added rewinding parsers for utilsBoutade
2019-04-25renamed parsersBoutade
2019-04-25renamed parser-returning combinatorsBoutade
2019-04-24Added documentation to a number of parsers and combinatorsBoutade
2019-04-24added rewinding combinator and "peeking" versions of basic parsersBoutade
2019-04-23renamed >>= to >>bind and redefined >>=. added >>map, >>stringBoutade
2019-04-23initial commitBoutade