path: root/examples
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deleted file mode 100644
index 737f5e8..0000000
--- a/examples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-* A JSON parser written with =parzival=
- This file introduces the =parzival= Common Lisp library by building a simple
- JSON parser. The parser that is completed will not be a "full" JSON parser in
- that it won't parse the full range of number forms in the JSON spec, nor will
- it parse escaped quote characters inside of strings. The code is for
- educational purposes only.
- While as [[][Parzival]] sought the Holy Grail through much trial and folly,
- =parzival= searches the space of context free languages while avoiding the
- unholy =<fail<=.
-** Preliminary Concepts & Conventions
- =parzival= is a Common Lisp library that provides a domain-specific language
- for writing parsers. Specifically, =parzival= defines a parser to be a
- function that accepts a stream of characters as input and returns structured
- data. For example, a parser might accept a string containing HTML and return a
- data structure representing the hierarchical structure of an HTML document.
- The =parzival= language uses the *parser-combinator* approach to parser
- construction. Here, the word *combinator* is used to mean "higher-order
- function". If a parser is a function that accepts character stream and returns
- some data, then a parser-combinator is a function that accepts and returns
- parsers.
-*** By your parsers combined....
- The basic notion of the parser-combinator approach is to build large parsers
- by combining smaller ones. You create utility combinators that stick parsers
- together to make bigger parsers. A common approach, and one that you will
- expore in what follows, is to create small parsers for different kinds of
- values, each of which can operate on their own, but that become more powerful
- when combined. Think [[][Captain Planet]] or [[][Voltron]], but for parsing text into
- structured data.
-*** More About Parsers
- The characterization of parsers above i *almost* accurate. In =parzival=, a
- parser is a function that accepts a stream of characters, and retunrs three
- values: a possible result, a boolean indicating whether the parse succeed or
- failed, and a stream which may or may not be identical to the stream the
- parser was passed as its argument.
- **NOTE:** The third value, the stream, may not be a part of the final design.
- For the most part, however, when you are building your own parsers, you
- don't have to think about the other two values. =parzival= provides
- abstractions that let you work focus your attention on the results of a
- parse while managing success states and stream modifications for
- you.
-*** Naming Conventions
- In order to quickly and easily distinguish between parsers and
- parser-combinators while you are building your projects, =parzival= adopts a
- simple naming convention.
- 1. The name of a parser should begin and end with =<= symbols. E.g. =<foo<=
- 2. The name of a function that accepts or returns a parser should begin with
- =<<=, E.g. =<<foo=
- There are a few more little naming conventions that the =parzival= package
- adopts, such as a =?= indicating that the parser's value is "optional" and a
- =~= indicating that the parser is "rewinding", i.e. it will rewind the
- stream to a certain point before failing. You do not need to adhere to these
- littler rules if they would chafe you.
- These conventions may seem grotesque to some Lispers, but in practice they
- have helped keep clear the meaning of =parzival= code. The =<= symbol was
- chosen to be suggesting of an arrow pointing from right to left, or perhaps
- stream of data flowing in and flowing out, from right to left.
-** A JSON Parser
- Now you get to see now fun and easy it is to use =parzival= to make "real"
- parsers.
-*** JSON for you
- If you are not familar with [[][JSON]], you should check it out. The [[][]] site
- is especially relevant if you want to create a parser for the the format.
- You will be using the following JSON document as reference for the remainder
- of the tutorial:
-#+begin_src json
-{"name" : "Boutade",
- "languages" : [ {"lang" : "Common Lisp",
- "proficiency" : null,
- "lovesIt" : true }
- , {"lang" : "Rust",
- "proficiency" : 0.8,
- "lovesIt" : true,
- "isAshamedToLoveIt" : true}
- , {"lang" : "Haskell",
- "proficiency" : 0.5,
- "lovesIt" : "sometimes, in some ways"}
- ],
- "pizzaOrder" : ["Tempeh Italian Sausage", "Spinach", "Mushrooms", "Red Pepper Flakes"],
- "isCool" : false,
- "isFunny" : false,
- "thinksPeopleAreLaughing" : true,
- "beHonest_thinksPeopleAreLaughing" : false
- Time to start writing code to parse the above!
-*** Lisp boiler plate
- Open your text editor and define the package you will use throughout:
-#+begin_src lisp
-;; Assuming you have parzival available to you, e.g. via ~/quicklisp/local-projects/
-(defpackage "json-parzival"
- (:use :cl :parzival))
-(in-package "json-parzival")
-*** Parsing JSON Values
- A JSON value is one of the following things:
- 1. string, e.g. ="Hey whats happening?"=
- 2. number, e.g. =33.234=
- 3. boolean, e.g. =true= or =false=
- 4. =null=
- 5. object, e.g. ={"foo" : "bar"}=
- 6. array, e.g. =["hey", "I'm", "an", "array"]=
- In the following you will build a parser called =<json-value<= that will
- accpet some JSON and return a Lisp structure. The =<json-value<= parser will
- be built out of several smaller parsers, one for each of the items in the
- above list.
-*** Matching Whitespace
- The first parser you will write matches any number of whitespace characters.
- You will want to ignore much of the whitespace in your input string, so this
- is your most basic utility parser.
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <whitespace< (<<* (<<plus <space< <newline<)))
- The definition of =<whitespace<= demonstrates a surprising number of concepts
- central to the =parzival= way. Here's how it works:
- First the =<space<= and =<newline<= parsers, which are built-in to
- =parzival=, each accept a single character of input, matching a space or a
- newline character repsectively, and returning that character as the parse
- result.
- Next, the =<<plus= combinator is used to create a new parser that will
- succeed if either one of its arguments succeeds. In this case, you make a
- parser =(<<plus <space< <newline<)= that will match and return *either* a
- space character *or* a newline character. Pretty cool.
- Finally, the combinator =<<*= creates a new parser that matches zero or more
- of its argument, returning the results in a list. That is, if =<foo<= is a
- parser, then the new parser =(<<* <foo<)= will consume the input by parsing
- =<foo= over and over again until =<foo= fails to parse any more input,
- returning all those parse results in a list.
- *ASIDE*: The =*= is meant to be reminiscent of the Kleene-star that you might be
- familiar with from common regular expression syntaxes.)
- To better see how all this fits together, check out this REPL session:
-#+begin_src lisp
-;; matching and returning a single space from a string of spaces
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string <space< " ")
-;; failing to match a space, input starts with an #\x character
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string <space< "xyz")
-;; matching and returning a newline
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string (<<or <space< <newline<) "
-;; failing to match either, empty string
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string (<<or <space< <newline<) "")
-;; finally, matching a bunch of spaces or newlines and returning them as a list
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string (<<* (<<or <space< <newline<)) "
- ")
-(#\ #\ #\ #\ #\ #\Newline #\ #\ )
-;; equivalently, just use your newly minted <whitespace< parser
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string <whitespace< "
- ")
-(#\ #\ #\ #\ #\ #\Newline #\ #\ )
- Looking at the above, you already begin to see how new parsers can be built
- up from old. We can go from a parser that accepts a single character, to one
- that accepts either of two characters, to one that accepts a list of zero or
- more of either of those two characters in a single clean line of code. Nice
- stuff!
-**** Ignoring Whitespace
- Now that you can match strings of whitespace you will create a parser to
- ignore whitespace. Specifially, you'll write a parser that effectively
- "strips" the whitespace around some other parser. The combinator doing the
- heavy lifting is called =<<brackets=, here is its docstring:
-(<<BRACKETS LEFT CENTER RIGHT) parses CENTER delimited by LEFT and RIGHT. The
-results of LEFT and RIGHT are ignored. (<<BRACKETS LEFT CENTER RIGHT) fails if
-any of its three arguments fails.
- In case it isn't clear, =<<brackets= lets you parse strings like ="[stuff]"=
- or ="{{432}}"= that begin and end with some kind of opening and closing
- "brackets" that serve only to delmite the values you're interested in.
- Here's how you can use =<<brackets= to create a new combinator that is used
- to ignore the whitespace surrounding some text of interest:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defun <<strip (parser)
- "Ignore whitespace around PARSER"
- (<<brackets <whitespace< parser <whitespace<))
- Well thats enough utilities for now. Your next step is to parse actual JSON values!
-*** The simple JSON values: null, bool, and, number
- Here you will build small, stand-alone, parsers capable of transforming a
- few kinds of JSON formatted expressions into Common Lisp atoms. Specifically
- - ="null"= will parse to =null=
- - ="true"= will parse to =T=
- - ="false"= will parse to =NIL=
- - and a number string like ="33.421"= will become =33.421=
- The first new combinator you need to understand is called =<<string=. Its job
- is to create a parser that matches exactly one string and return it. For
- example, evaluating =(<<string "goobers")= returns a parser that matches
- exactly the string ="goobers"= in the input and returns that same string. If
- ="goobers"= is not found in the input, then the parse fails.
- The next combinator is slightly interesting, and it is called =<<map=. If
- =my-cool-parser= is a parser that results in a value =x=, then evaluating
- =(<<map func my-cool-parser)= returns a new parser that results in a the
- value =(funcall func x)=. That is, =<<map= changes the output of a successful
- parse. If =my-cool-parser= fails, then so does =(<<map func my-cool-parser)=.
- A concrete example should help:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <json-null< (<<map (lambda (null) :null)
- (<<string "null")))
- So, =<json-null<= matches exactly the string ="null"= using =(<<string "null")=.
- If the match was successful, instead of returning just returning
- ="null"= you feed it to the function =(lambda (null) :null)=, which just
- ignores its argument and returns =:null=.
- Similarly you can define =<json-bool<=:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <json-bool< (<<map (lambda (bool) (if (equal bool "true") T NIL))
- (<<plus (<<string "true") (<<string "false"))))
- The =<json-bool<= will only succed if it matches either the string ="true"=
- or the string ="false"=. You then check which string was matched and return
- =T= or =NIL=.
- Finally, you're going to cheat a bit on number parsing and just use the
- built-in number parser that ships standard with =parzival=.
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <json-num< <real<)
- It should be re-emphasized that =<json-num<= doesn't actually parse the full
- range of number forms that JSON is supposed to support. This parser is purely
- educational.
-*** The JSON String Parser
- The only new forms you must understand in order to write =<json-string<= are
- =<<char= and =<<sat=. Both combinators are used to create parsers that
- accept a single character. Quite simply, evaluating =(<<char #\x)= returns a
- parser that accepts exactly the character =#\x=, and =(<<sat a-predicate)=
- returns a parser that accepts a character =c= if =(funcall a-predicate c)=
- is true. In fact, =<<char= is written in terms of =<<sat=. With that in
- mind, you can proceed.
- #+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <json-string< (<<brackets (<<char #\")
- (<<to-string (<<* (<<sat (lambda (c) (not (eql c #\"))))))
- (<<char #\")))
- #+end_src
- So you can see that =<json-string<= matchs a double quote character, then
- matches zero or more characters that are not a double quote character, then
- another double quote character. The result is returned as a lisp string by
- means of the =<<to-string= combinator, which uses =<<map= and =concatenate=
- under the hood.
-*** Some trickery with mutually recursive parsers
- You're nearly ready to write your =<json-value<= parser. You're only missing
- =<json-object<= and =<json-array<=, but there's a sticky point to consider:
- A JSON value can be anything from that list of six values in [[Parsing JSON Values]] above.
- But here's the rub. A JSON value can be an JSON object, but a JSON object
- can contain JSON values. And the same can be said of JSON arrays.
- Recalling that a parser is just a function, you can defer the definition of
- these two parsers by defining them as functions that simply call some other
- function that has yet to be defined. Here's how it works:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defun <json-array< (stream)
- (funcall <real-json-array< stream))
-(defun <json-object< (stream)
- (funcall <real-json-object< stream))
-;; The <<or combinator is like <<plus, but it accepts two or more arguments.
-(defvar <json-value<
- (<<or <json-num< <json-bool< <json-null< <json-string< #'<json-array< #'<json-object<))
- So there it is! You've "defined" you JSON parser, but only in a sense. You
- still need to fill in the missing values for =<real-json-object<= and
- =<real-json-array<=.
-*** Parsing sequences sperated by tokens
- To parse JSON arrays and JSON objects, you will make use of the handy
- =<<sep-by= combinator. The job of =<<sep-by= is to produce a parser that
- parses a list of values seperated by some token. In your case, you want to
- parse arrays like =[1,2,3,4]= and key-value pairs
- like ={"foo" : true, "bar" : false}= which are seperated by commas.
- In fact, because commas surrounded by whitespace are used to separate JSON
- values in both objects as well as arrays, you should define a handy helper to
- parse that separator:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <comma-sep< (<<strip (<<char #\,)))
- Now you're ready to define =<real-json-array<= :
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <real-json-array<
- (<<char-brackets #\[
- (<<sep-by <json-value< <comma-sep<)
- #\]))
- You can almost read what its doing there: Parse a list of comma-separated JSON
- values that are brackted by the =[= and =]= characters. Incredible!
- The parser for JSON objects seems like it should be very similar. It too is a
- comma-separated list of things, but those things are key-value pairs instead
- of simple json values. Pretend that you have a parser called
- =<json-key-value-pair<= already written. Then you can write:
-#+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <real-json-object<
- (<<char-brackets #\[
- (<<sep-by <json-key-value-pair< <comma-sep<)
- #\]))
- But of course, that wont compile because you haven't actually written that
- missing parser. To do so, you will use the final core combinator that
- =parzival= provides, it is called =<<bind=.
-*** The <<bind Combinator a.k.a. What's a Monad?
- Before you read an explanation of how bind works, it might help to see an example:
-#+begin_src lisp
-> (parse-string (<<bind <nat<
- (lambda (count) (<<times count (<<char #\x))))
- "4xxxx")
-(#\x #\x #\x #\x)
-|json-parzival|> (parse-string (<<bind <nat<
- (lambda (count) (<<times count (<<char #\x))))
- "4xxx")
- So what's happening here? First, the parser =<nat<= parses a natural number,
- like =3= or =432=, and evaluating the combinator =(<<times n parser1)= returns
- a parser that parses =parser1= exactly =n= times.
- The above fragment parses a number, and then uses that number to create a new
- parser that will parse the character =#\x= exactly that number of times.
- You can see that "4xxxx" will succeed but "4xxx" will fail.
- With that in mind, its time to write =<json-key-value-pair<= and wrap up this
- document.
- #+begin_src lisp
-(defvar <json-key-value-pair<
- (<<bind (<<brackets <whitespace<
- <json-string<
- (<<and <whitespace<
- (<<char #\:)
- <whitespace<))
- (lambda (key)
- (<<map (lambda (value) (cons key value))
- <json-value<))))
- #+end_src
- A quick explaination: the call to =<<brackets= produces a parser that matches
- the key as a string, ensuring that a =#\:= occurs after the key. Then, using
- that key, you return a parser that reads any JSON value and returns the cons
- of the key and that value. Ta da!
-*** Demo
-#+begin_src lisp
-|json-parzival|> (defvar json-txt "{\"name\" : \"Boutade\",
- \"languages\" : [ {\"lang\" : \"Common Lisp\",
- \"proficiency\" : null,
- \"lovesIt\" : true }
- , {\"lang\" : \"Rust\",
- \"proficiency\" : 0.8,
- \"isAshamedToLoveIt\" : true}
- , {\"lang\" : \"Haskell\",
- \"proficiency\" : 0.5,
- \"lovesIt\" : \"sometimes, in some ways\"}
- ],
- \"religion\" : \"Goofism\",
- \"pizzaOrder\" : [\"Tempeh Italian Sausage\", \"Spinach\", \"Mushrooms\", \"Red Pepper Flakes\"],
- \"isCool\" : false,
- \"isFunny\" : false,
- \"thinksPeopleAreLaughing\" : true,
- \"beHonest_thinksPeopleAreLaughing\" : false
-|json-parzival|> (parse json-txt <json-value< t)
-(("name" . "Boutade")
- ("languages"
- (("lang" . "Common Lisp") ("proficiency" . :NULL) ("loves-it" . T))
- (("lang" . "Rust") ("proficiency" . 0.8) ("is-ashamed-to-love-it" . T))
- (("lang" . "Haskell") ("proficiency" . 0.5)
- ("loves-it" . "sometimes, in some ways")))
- ("religion" . "Goofism")
- ("pizzaOrder" "Tempeh Italian Sausage" "Spinach" "Mushrooms"
- "Red Pepper Flakes")
- ("isCool") ("isFunny") ("thinksPeopleAreLaughing" . T)
- ("beHonest_thinksPeopleAreLaughing"))
diff --git a/examples/json-parzival.lisp b/examples/json-parzival.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8937ab9..0000000
--- a/examples/json-parzival.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-;;;; A Toy parser for a most of JSON.
-;;;; Specificially, double-quote characters are not escaped in strings
-;;;; And the full range of numbers defined in the JSON specification are
-;;;; not supported. This is file is intended to be a demonstration
-(defpackage "json-parzival"
- (:use :cl :parzival))
-(in-package "json-parzival")
-;;; Parses and returns JSON's null value
-(<<def <json-null< (<<and (<<string "null") (<<result :null)))
-;;; Parses and returns JSON's boolean values, true => T, false => NIL
-(<<def <json-bool< (<<map (lambda (bool) (equal bool "true"))
- (<<plus (<<string "true") (<<string "false"))))
-;;; Parses a subset of JSON's real number expressions using parzival's built-in
-;;; real number parser
-(<<def <json-num< <real<)
-;;; Parses most of the strings that can be represented in JSON, excepting only
-;;; those strings that contain an escaped double-quote symbol
-(<<def <json-string<
- (<<char-brackets #\"
- (<<to-string (<<* (<<asat (not (eql it #\")))))
- #\"))
-;;; This is the main JSON parser, and will parse any stream containing JSON values.
-(<<def <json-value<
- (<<or <json-object< <json-array< <json-string< <json-num< <json-bool< <json-null<))
-;;; A utility parser to match a comma surrounded by whitespace
-(<<def <comma-sep< (<<strip (<<char #\,)))
-;;; A JSON array is a comma separated list of <json-value<'s, surrounded by [ and ].
-(<<def <json-array<
- (<<brackets (<<strip (<<char #\[))
- (<<sep-by <json-value< <comma-sep<)
- (<<strip (<<char #\]))))
-;;; A utility to turn a string into a KEYWORD. It is probably not general purpose.
-(defun make-keyword-symbol (str)
- (read-from-string (format nil ":~a" str)))
-;;; A JSON object is a collectin of key-value pairs. This parser matchs and
-;;; retunrs such a pair. Ignoring whitespace, a pair is a string followed by a :
-;;; followed by any JSON value. Here, strings in the key position are
-;;; transformed into KEYWORDs. The pair is returned as a (cons key value).
-(<<def <json-object-pair<
- (<<bind (<<brackets <whitespace<
- <json-string<
- (<<strip (<<char #\:)))
- (lambda (key)
- (<<map (lambda (value) (cons (make-keyword-symbol key) value))
- <json-value<))))
-;;; Finally, a JSON object is a comma separated list of key-value pairs,
-;;; surrounded by { and }.
-(defvar <json-object<
- (<<brackets (<<strip (<<char #\{))
- (<<sep-by <json-object-pair< <comma-sep<)
- (<<strip (<<char #\}))))
-;;; An Example
-(defun run-the-example ()
- (with-open-file (input "foo.json")
- (let ((stream (make-instance 'replay-streams:character-input-replay-stream
- :source input)))
- (parse stream <json-value<))))
-;; should produce:
-;; (((:NAME . "Boutade")
-;; (:LANGUAGES ((:LANG . "Common Lisp") (:PROFICIENCY . :NULL) (:LOVESIT . T))
-;; ((:LANG . "Rust") (:PROFICIENCY . 0.8) (:LOVESIT . T)
-;; ((:LANG . "Haskell") (:PROFICIENCY . 0.5)
-;; (:LOVESIT . "sometimes, in some ways")))
-;; (:PIZZAORDER "Tempeh Italian Sausage" "Spinach" "Mushrooms"
-;; "Red Pepper Flakes")
-;; ((:NAME . "Goofist")
-;; ((:LANG . "Common Lisp") (:PROFICIENCY "over" 9000) (:LOVESIT . T))
-;; ((:LANG . "Rust") (:PROFICIENCY . -1) (:LOVESIT . T)
-;; ((:LANG . "Haskell") (:PROFICIENCY . -1)
-;; (:LOVESIT . "i cannot tell a lie")))
-;; (:PIZZAORDER "Blue Stilton" "Walnuts" "Pork Sausage" "Apple Slices")