path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index db4d7eb..45a0bcd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -117,152 +117,147 @@ PARZIVAL-NUMBERS>
-** the code
+*** the code
-#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
+ #+BEGIN_SRC lisp
-(defpackage :parzival-numbers
- (:use :cl :parzival))
+ (defpackage :parzival-numbers
+ (:use :cl :parzival))
-(in-package :parzival-numbers)
+ (in-package :parzival-numbers)
-(defun <<map-to (parser value)
- (<<map (lambda (x) value) parser))
+ (defun <<map-to (parser value)
+ (<<map (lambda (x) value) parser))
-(<<def <ones<
- (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "one") 1)
- (<<map-to (<<string "two") 2)
- (<<map-to (<<string "three") 3)
- (<<map-to (<<string "four") 4)
- (<<map-to (<<string "five") 5)
- (<<map-to (<<string "six") 6)
- (<<map-to (<<string "seven") 7)
- (<<map-to (<<string "eight") 8)
- (<<map-to (<<string "nine") 9)))
-(<<def <teens<
- (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "ten") 10)
- (<<map-to (<<string "eleven") 11)
- (<<map-to (<<string "twelve") 12)
- (<<map-to (<<string "thirteen") 13)
- (<<map-to (<<string "fourteen") 14)
- (<<map-to (<<string "fifteen") 15)
- (<<map-to (<<string "sixteen") 16)
- (<<map-to (<<string "seventeen") 17)
- (<<map-to (<<string "eighteen") 18)
- (<<map-to (<<string "nineteen") 19)))
-(<<def <tens<
- (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "twenty") 20)
- (<<map-to (<<string "thirty") 30)
- (<<map-to (<<string "forty") 40)
- (<<map-to (<<string "fifty") 50)
- (<<map-to (<<string "sixty") 60)
- (<<map-to (<<string "seventy") 70)
- (<<map-to (<<string "eighty") 80)
- (<<map-to (<<string "ninety") 90)))
-(<<def <20-to-99<
- (<<bind <tens<
- (lambda (tens)
- (<<map (lambda (ones) (+ tens ones))
- (<<and (<<char #\-) <ones<)))))
-(<<def <1-to-99<
- (<<or <20-to-99< <tens< <teens< <ones<))
-(<<def <one-hundreds<
- (<<bind <ones<
- (lambda (num)
- (<<map (lambda (ignore) (* num 100))
- (<<and (<<+ <space<) (<<string "hundred"))))))
-(<<def <in-hundreds<
- (<<bind <one-hundreds<
- (lambda (hundreds)
- (<<map (lambda (num) (+ hundreds num))
- (<<and (<<+ <space<) <1-to-99<)))))
-(<<def <all-hundreds<
- (<<plus <in-hundreds< <one-hundreds<))
-(defun <<magnitude-order (name factor)
- (<<bind (<<or <all-hundreds< <1-to-99<)
- (lambda (val)
- (<<map (lambda (ignore) (* val factor))
- (<<and (<<+ <space<) (<<string name))))))
-(<<def <thousands< (<<magnitude-order "thousand" 1000))
-(<<def <millions< (<<magnitude-order "million" 1000000))
-(<<def <billions< (<<magnitude-order "billion" 1000000000))
-(<<def <trillions< (<<magnitude-order "trillion" 1000000000000))
-(<<def <quadrillions< (<<magnitude-order "quadrillion" 1000000000000000))
-(<<def <number<
- (<<map (lambda (ls) (apply #'+ ls))
- (apply #'parzival::<<list
- (mapcar (lambda (p) (<<or (<<strip p) (<<result 0)))
- (list <quadrillions< <trillions< <billions<
- <millions< <thousands<
- <all-hundreds< <1-to-99<)))))
-(defun parse-number (str)
- "Just for parsing numbers"
- (parse str <number< t))
-;; three plus forty-seven thousand plus two hundred million sixty-five
-(<<def <op< (<<strip (<<or (<<string "plus")
- (<<string "minus")
- (<<string "times")
- (<<string "over"))))
-(<<def <calc<
- (<<plus
- (<<bind <number<
- (lambda (number)
- (<<map (lambda (op-calc)
- (cond ((equal (car op-calc) "plus")
- (+ number (cdr op-calc)))
- ((equal (car op-calc) "minus")
- (- number (cdr op-calc)))
- ((equal (car op-calc) "times")
- (* number (cdr op-calc)))
- ((equal (car op-calc) "over")
- (round (/ number (cdr op-calc))))))
- (<<cons <op< #'<calc<))))
- <number<))
-(defun natural-language-calc ()
- (format t "Hello! And Welcome To the Super Practical Natural Language Calculator!~%~%")
- (format t "Type quit to quit~%")
- (format t "> ")
- (loop named goof-calc
- for line = (read-line)
- do
- (if (equal line "quit")
- (return-from goof-calc "OK")
- (let ((parsed (parse (string-downcase line) <calc< t)))
- (if parsed
- (format t "EQUALS ~R~%> " parsed)
- (format t "No no no.. all wrong...~%> "))))))
+ (<<def <ones<
+ (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "one") 1)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "two") 2)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "three") 3)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "four") 4)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "five") 5)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "six") 6)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "seven") 7)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "eight") 8)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "nine") 9)))
+ (<<def <teens<
+ (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "ten") 10)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "eleven") 11)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "twelve") 12)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "thirteen") 13)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "fourteen") 14)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "fifteen") 15)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "sixteen") 16)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "seventeen") 17)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "eighteen") 18)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "nineteen") 19)))
+ (<<def <tens<
+ (<<or (<<map-to (<<string "twenty") 20)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "thirty") 30)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "forty") 40)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "fifty") 50)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "sixty") 60)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "seventy") 70)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "eighty") 80)
+ (<<map-to (<<string "ninety") 90)))
+ (<<def <20-to-99<
+ (<<bind <tens<
+ (lambda (tens)
+ (<<map (lambda (ones) (+ tens ones))
+ (<<and (<<char #\-) <ones<)))))
+ (<<def <1-to-99<
+ (<<or <20-to-99< <tens< <teens< <ones<))
+ (<<def <one-hundreds<
+ (<<bind <ones<
+ (lambda (num)
+ (<<map (lambda (ignore) (* num 100))
+ (<<and (<<+ <space<) (<<string "hundred"))))))
+ (<<def <in-hundreds<
+ (<<bind <one-hundreds<
+ (lambda (hundreds)
+ (<<map (lambda (num) (+ hundreds num))
+ (<<and (<<+ <space<) <1-to-99<)))))
+ (<<def <all-hundreds<
+ (<<plus <in-hundreds< <one-hundreds<))
+ (defun <<magnitude-order (name factor)
+ (<<bind (<<or <all-hundreds< <1-to-99<)
+ (lambda (val)
+ (<<map (lambda (ignore) (* val factor))
+ (<<and (<<+ <space<) (<<string name))))))
+ (<<def <thousands< (<<magnitude-order "thousand" 1000))
+ (<<def <millions< (<<magnitude-order "million" 1000000))
+ (<<def <billions< (<<magnitude-order "billion" 1000000000))
+ (<<def <trillions< (<<magnitude-order "trillion" 1000000000000))
+ (<<def <quadrillions< (<<magnitude-order "quadrillion" 1000000000000000))
+ (<<def <number<
+ (<<map (lambda (ls) (apply #'+ ls))
+ (apply #'parzival::<<list
+ (mapcar (lambda (p) (<<or (<<strip p) (<<result 0)))
+ (list <quadrillions< <trillions< <billions<
+ <millions< <thousands<
+ <all-hundreds< <1-to-99<)))))
+ (defun parse-number (str)
+ "Just for parsing numbers"
+ (parse str <number< t))
+ ;; three plus forty-seven thousand plus two hundred million sixty-five
+ (<<def <op< (<<strip (<<or (<<string "plus")
+ (<<string "minus")
+ (<<string "times")
+ (<<string "over"))))
+ (<<def <calc<
+ (<<plus
+ (<<bind <number<
+ (lambda (number)
+ (<<map (lambda (op-calc)
+ (cond ((equal (car op-calc) "plus")
+ (+ number (cdr op-calc)))
+ ((equal (car op-calc) "minus")
+ (- number (cdr op-calc)))
+ ((equal (car op-calc) "times")
+ (* number (cdr op-calc)))
+ ((equal (car op-calc) "over")
+ (round (/ number (cdr op-calc))))))
+ (<<cons <op< #'<calc<))))
+ <number<))
+ (defun natural-language-calc ()
+ (format t "Hello! And Welcome To the Super Practical Natural Language Calculator!~%~%")
+ (format t "Type quit to quit~%")
+ (format t "> ")
+ (loop named goof-calc
+ for line = (read-line)
+ do
+ (if (equal line "quit")
+ (return-from goof-calc "OK")
+ (let ((parsed (parse (string-downcase line) <calc< t)))
+ (if parsed
+ (format t "EQUALS ~R~%> " parsed)
+ (format t "No no no.. all wrong...~%> "))))))
-** [0/4] To Do
- 1) [ ] Signal Conditions on Parse Failures from =parse= function
- 2) [ ] Related to (1), provide prettying-printing options for parse failures
- 3) [ ] Extend to support Binary stream parsers.
- 4) [ ] Complete Test Coverage