path: root/parzival.lisp
diff options
authorBoutade <>2019-04-30 20:33:28 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-04-30 20:33:28 -0500
commit97fd7b67522abd6370f92ff0b401b75e5dbec322 (patch)
tree5b3e0fdd5c85118a6a83d9794a083a3f7beb2e0f /parzival.lisp
parent016b7e4fe17890d0e07a6d651ddf157d4251b467 (diff)
This commit will probably be abandoned
Diffstat (limited to 'parzival.lisp')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/parzival.lisp b/parzival.lisp
index 26a2cfd..28fb2f9 100644
--- a/parzival.lisp
+++ b/parzival.lisp
@@ -183,15 +183,15 @@ the input stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
parser in sequence, ignoring any intermediate results. The result (<<AND P1
P2 ... PN) is the result of PN."
(if parsers
- (apply #'<<and (cons (<<bind parser1 (lambda (ignore) parser2)) parsers))
- (<<bind parser1 (lambda (ignore) parser2))))
+ (apply #'<<and (cons (<<bind parser1 (returning parser2)) parsers))
+ (<<bind parser1 (returning parser2))))
(defun <<ending (parser)
"Creates a parser that succeeds if PARSER succeeds and the end of the input has been reached."
(<<bind parser
(lambda (result)
- (<<map (lambda (ignore) result) <eof<))))
+ (<<map (returning result) <eof<))))
;;; PARSING INDIVIDUAL ITEMS from the stream. The basic parser thats of any real
@@ -215,6 +215,12 @@ the input stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
+(defmacro <<asat (form)
+ "An anaphoric macro for defining a <<sat type parser where IT is bound to the
+ character being tested"
+ (let ((it (intern (symbol-name 'it))))
+ `(<<sat (lambda (,it) ,form))))
(defmacro <<def-item-sat (name pred &optional docstring)
;; This is a less general version of <<~def, it is only to be used to define
@@ -321,6 +327,10 @@ the character C."
(<<map (lambda (tail) (cons head tail)) tail-parser))))
+(defun <<list (&rest parsers)
+ (if (null parsers) (<<result nil)
+ (<<cons (car parsers) (apply #'<<list (cdr parsers)))))
(defun <<* (parser)
"Runs the parser PARSER zero or more times, resulting in of list of parsed values."
(lambda (stream)
@@ -356,6 +366,8 @@ the character C."
(<<result results))))))
(defun <<sep-by (value-parser separator-parser)
"Parses a sequence of values with VALUE-PARSER ignoring a separator that is
parsed with SEPARATOR-PARSER. E.g. (<<SEP-BY <NAT< (<<CHAR #\,)) would parse
@@ -366,18 +378,29 @@ the character C."
(<<map-cons val (<<sep-by value-parser separator-parser)))
(<<result (list val))))))
+(defun <<brackets (left center right)
+ (<<and left (<<bind center
+ (lambda (bracketed-value)
+ (<<map (returning bracketed-value) right)))))
+(defun <<char-brackets (left-char center right-char)
+ (<<brackets (<<char left-char) center (<<char right-char)))
;;; VALUE PARSERS. The following section contains utilities for parsing common
;;; values like strings or numbers.
(defun <<string (str)
"Parses exactly the string STR, resulting in STR on success."
- (<<map (lambda (ignore) str)
+ (<<map (returning str)
(apply #'<<and (loop for c across str collect (<<~char c)))))
(defun <<~string (str)
"Parses exactly the string STR, resulting in STR. Rewinding version."
- (<<map (lambda (ignore) str)
+ (<<map (returning str)
(<<~ (apply #'<<and (loop for c across str collect (<<char c))))))
@@ -406,5 +429,47 @@ the character C."
"Parses an integer")
+(defun flatten (tree)
+ (let ((ls 'nil))
+ (labels ((rec (tr)
+ (cond ((null tr) nil)
+ ((atom (car tr))
+ (push (car tr) ls)
+ (rec (cdr tr)))
+ (t (rec (car tr))
+ (rec (cdr tr))))))
+ (rec tree)
+ (nreverse ls))))
+(defun read-from-tree (tree)
+ (read-from-string
+ (concatenate 'string
+ (remove-if-not (lambda (x) x)
+ (flatten tree)))))
+(<<def <frac<
+ (<<or (<<bind (<<char #\.)
+ (lambda (dot)
+ (<<map (lambda (frac)
+ (read-from-char-list (cons dot frac)))
+ (<<+ <digit<))))
+ (<<result 0)))
+(<<def <real<
+ (<<bind (<<? (<<char #\-))
+ (lambda (neg?)
+ (<<bind <int<
+ (lambda (whole)
+ (<<map (lambda (frac)
+ (* (if neg? -1 1) (+ whole frac)))
+ <frac<))))))
+(defun returning (x)
+ "Returns a lambda that returns x no matter what it gets as an argument"
+ (lambda (ignore) x))