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authorBoutade <>2019-04-27 13:42:24 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-04-27 13:42:24 -0500
commitbeb9bb8273974fc8df6e84fd5e59781faa3ac5b6 (patch)
parent1be484f80d20ebe8a753cc942824cc8ba8613775 (diff)
added parse function and <<ending combinator, typo fixes, comments
2 files changed, 41 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index e234acc..3e5330e 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
(defpackage #:parzival
(:use #:cl #:replay-streams)
+ #:parse
+ #:<peek<
- #:<~item<
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
+ #:<<ending
diff --git a/parzival.lisp b/parzival.lisp
index 3442eb0..ad2767d 100644
--- a/parzival.lisp
+++ b/parzival.lisp
@@ -11,6 +11,31 @@
;;;; indicates an "optional" parser, one that will either succeed or will result
;;;; in NIL and will safely rewind the stack.
+;;;; In parzival, a parser is a function that accepts an input stream and
+;;;; returns three values. The first value is the parse result, which can be any
+;;;; lisp value (numbers, lists, strings, anything your little heart desires).
+;;;; As a matter of terminology: if the first value is X, we say that the parser
+;;;; "results in X". The second value returned by a parser is T if the parse
+;;;; succeeded and is NIL if the parse failed. We return this second value so
+;;;; that parsers can meaningfully result in NIL but still be considered to have
+;;;; succeded. The third value is the stream which may have been transformed or
+;;;; altered in some way as a result of passing it to the parser. Mostly,
+;;;; however, you can ignore the second and third values returned by a parser.
+;;;; Parzival includes machinery (in the form of higher order functions and a
+;;;; few macros) to abstract the second and third values away. When you are
+;;;; building your own parsers you usually need only concentrate on the parse
+;;;; results.
+;;; The PARSE function. Runs parsers.
+(defun parse (stream parser &optional string-as-stream-p)
+ "Parse STREAM with PARSER. If STRING-AS-STREAM-P then STREAM can be a string."
+ (if string-as-stream-p
+ (funcall parser (make-string-input-stream stream))
+ (funcall parser stream)))
;;; A private utility macro for defining a defvar and a defun at the same time,
;;; intended for use in defining parsers as the result of other parsers, but
@@ -98,7 +123,7 @@ PARSER2."
(defun <<or (parser1 parser2 &rest parsers)
"Tries each parser one after the other, rewinding the input stream after each
failure, and resulting in the first successful parse."
- (if ps
+ (if parsers
(<<plus parser1 (apply #'<<or (cons parser2 parsers)))
(<<plus parser1 parser2)))
@@ -156,7 +181,7 @@ the input stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
(<<bind parser1 (lambda (ignore) parser2))))
-(defun <<end (parser)
+(defun <<ending (parser)
"Creates a parser that succeeds if PARSER succeeds and the end of the input has been reached."
(<<bind parser
(lambda (result)
@@ -205,6 +230,7 @@ the character C."
"Like <<CHAR but wont consume the input if the input is not equal to C."
(<<~sat (lambda (x) (eql x c))))
(defun <<char-equal (c)
"The case-insensitive version of <<CHAR."
(<<sat (lambda (x) (char-equal x c))))
@@ -257,12 +283,12 @@ the character C."
(defun <<map-cons (x parser)
"If the parser PARSER results in Y then the parser (<<MAP-CONS X PARSER) results in
(CONS X Y). If PARSER fails, then so does (<<MAP-CONS X P)"
- (<<map (lambda (xs) (cons x xs)) p))
+ (<<map (lambda (xs) (cons x xs)) parser))
(defun <<map-cons? (x parser)
"Like <<MAP-CONS except if the parser PARSER fails, then the result is (CONS X NIL)"
- (<<map-cons x (<<? p)))
+ (<<map-cons x (<<? parser)))
@@ -309,17 +335,18 @@ the character C."
(<<result results))))))
-(defun <<sep-by (val-p sep-p)
- "Parses a sequence of values with VAL-P ignoring a seperator that is parsed with SEP-P.
- E.g. (<<SEP-BY <DIGIT< (<<CHAR #\,)) would parse a string like '1,2,3,4' and
- result the list in a list (#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4)"
- (<<bind val-p
+(defun <<sep-by (value-parser separator-parser)
+ "Parses a sequence of values with VALUE-PARSER ignoring a separator that is
+ parsed with SEPARATOR-PARSER. E.g. (<<SEP-BY <NAT< (<<CHAR #\,)) would parse
+ a string like '1,2,3,4' and result in a list (1 2 3 4)"
+ (<<bind value-parser
(lambda (val)
- (<<or (<<and sep-p
- (<<map-cons? val (<<sep-by val-p sep-p)))
+ (<<or (<<and separator-parser
+ (<<map-cons val (<<sep-by value-parser separator-parser)))
(<<result (list val))))))
;;; VALUE PARSERS. The following section contains utilities for parsing common
;;; values like strings or numbers.