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authorBoutade <>2019-04-27 10:35:56 -0500
committerBoutade <>2019-04-27 10:35:56 -0500
commit1be484f80d20ebe8a753cc942824cc8ba8613775 (patch)
parent1bed2e23644ca4514a2dfbca521f5841fa3507b2 (diff)
renamed variables in lambda lists an updated doc strings
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/parzival.lisp b/parzival.lisp
index 9dd9630..3442eb0 100644
--- a/parzival.lisp
+++ b/parzival.lisp
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
;;; The CORE PARSERS out of which all other parsers are built! A most solemn
;;; section of code. Have you properly prepared yourself to read on?
-(defun <<result (x)
- "Creates a parser that results in X, having consumed nothing on the input stream."
- (lambda (stream) (values x t stream)))
+(defun <<result (value)
+ "Creates a parser that results in VALUE, having consumed nothing on the input stream."
+ (lambda (stream) (values value t stream)))
(<<def <fail<
@@ -80,38 +80,39 @@ in then. If the parse fails the combinator else is run instead."
;;; The <<PLUS COMBINATOR is vital, and gives us amazing powers to choose our
;;; own future! This section defines <<plus and uses it to define some nice utilities.
-(defun <<plus (p1 p2)
- "Introduces a choice between two parsers. If P1 succeeds then its result is
-used. If P1 fails then the stream is rewound and tried again with P2."
+(defun <<plus (parser1 parser2)
+ "Introduces a choice between two parsers. If PARSER1 succeeds then its result
+is used. If PARSER1 fails then the stream is rewound and tried again with
(lambda (stream)
(let ((stream (replay-on stream)))
- (<<if (res p1 stream)
+ (<<if (res parser1 stream)
(lambda (s)
(funcall (<<result res) (recover-source s)))
(lambda (s)
(rewind s)
- (funcall p2 s))))))
+ (funcall parser2 s))))))
-(defun <<or (p1 p2 &rest ps)
+(defun <<or (parser1 parser2 &rest parsers)
"Tries each parser one after the other, rewinding the input stream after each
failure, and resulting in the first successful parse."
(if ps
- (<<plus p1 (apply #'<<or (cons p2 ps)))
- (<<plus p1 p2)))
+ (<<plus parser1 (apply #'<<or (cons parser2 parsers)))
+ (<<plus parser1 parser2)))
(defun <<~ (parser)
- "Turns a parser into a rewinding parser. I.e. If the parser would fail input
-stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
+ "Turns a parser into a rewinding parser. I.e. If the PARSER would fail, then
+the input stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
(<<plus parser <fail<))
-(defun <<? (p)
- "Makes a parser optional. I.e. if the parser P would fail, it instead succeeds
+(defun <<? (parser)
+ "Makes a parser optional. I.e. if the PARSER would fail, it instead succeeds
with NIL and the input stream is rewound."
- (<<plus p (<<result nil)))
+ (<<plus parser (<<result nil)))
(defmacro <<~def (name parser &optional docstring)
@@ -128,32 +129,40 @@ stream is first rewound before the fail occurrs."
;;; letting us fail the first time any parser in the chain fails. The following
;;; section defines <<bind and some utilities that derive from it.
-(defun <<bind (p f)
- "Performs a parse P and returns a new parser that results from applying F to
-the result of P. If P fails, then so does (<<BIND P F)."
+(defun <<bind (parser fn)
+ "Parses a stream with PARSER. If PARSER fails then so does (<<BIND PARSER FN).
+ If PARSER succeeds with result RESULT then, RESULT is passed to the function
+ FN, which is expected to return a parser."
(lambda (stream)
- (<<when (result p stream)
- (funcall f result))))
+ (<<when (result parser stream)
+ (funcall fn result))))
-(defun <<and-then (p f &rest fs)
+(defun <<and-then (parser fn &rest fns)
"Just like bind but with a chain of functions. Each function accepts the
-result of the parse from the previous step and returns a new parser. If any
-intermediate parser fails, the whole chain fails."
- (if fs
- (apply #'<<and-then (cons (<<bind p f) fs))
- (<<bind p f)))
+ result of the parse from the previous step and returns a new parser. If any
+ intermediate parser fails, the whole chain fails."
+ (if fns
+ (apply #'<<and-then (cons (<<bind parser fn) fns))
+ (<<bind parser fn)))
-(defun <<and (p1 p2 &rest ps)
- "Just like <<AND-THEN but where parse results are ignored. I.e. Applies each parser
-in sequence, ignoring any intermediate results. The result (<<AND P1 P2 ... PN)
-is the result of PN."
- (if ps
- (apply #'<<and (cons (<<bind p1 (lambda (ignore) p2)) ps))
- (<<bind p1 (lambda (ignore) p2))))
+(defun <<and (parser1 parser2 &rest parsers)
+ "Just like <<AND-THEN but where parse results are ignored. I.e. Applies each
+ parser in sequence, ignoring any intermediate results. The result (<<AND P1
+ P2 ... PN) is the result of PN."
+ (if parsers
+ (apply #'<<and (cons (<<bind parser1 (lambda (ignore) parser2)) parsers))
+ (<<bind parser1 (lambda (ignore) parser2))))
+(defun <<end (parser)
+ "Creates a parser that succeeds if PARSER succeeds and the end of the input has been reached."
+ (<<bind parser
+ (lambda (result)
+ (lambda (stream)
+ (<<when (eof <eof< stream)
+ (<<result result))))))
;;; PARSING INDIVIDUAL ITEMS from the stream. The basic parser thats of any real
@@ -239,64 +248,70 @@ the character C."
;;; <<MAP GIVES YOU NEW RESULTS FROM OLD PARSERS! This section contains a few
;;; utilities built with <<map.
-(defun <<map (f p)
- "Turns a parser that results in X into a parser that results in (FUNCALL F X)."
+(defun <<map (fn parser)
+ "Turns a parser that results in X into a parser that results in (FUNCALL FN X)."
(lambda (s)
- (<<when (val p s) (<<result (funcall f val)))))
+ (<<when (val parser s) (<<result (funcall fn val)))))
-(defun <<map-cons (x p)
- "If the parser P results in Y then the parser (<<MAP-CONS X P) results in
- (CONS X Y). If P fails, then so does (<<MAP-CONS X P)"
+(defun <<map-cons (x parser)
+ "If the parser PARSER results in Y then the parser (<<MAP-CONS X PARSER) results in
+ (CONS X Y). If PARSER fails, then so does (<<MAP-CONS X P)"
(<<map (lambda (xs) (cons x xs)) p))
-(defun <<map-cons? (x p)
- "Like <<MAP-CONS except if the parser P fails, then the result is (CONS X NIL)"
+(defun <<map-cons? (x parser)
+ "Like <<MAP-CONS except if the parser PARSER fails, then the result is (CONS X NIL)"
(<<map-cons x (<<? p)))
-(defun <<cons (hd tl)
- "Returns a parser that conses the result of parsing head to the result of
- parsing tail, fails if either fails"
- (<<bind hd
+(defun <<cons (head-parser tail-parser)
+ "Returns a parser that conses the result of parsing HEAD-PARSER to the result of
+ parsing TAIL-PARSER, fails if either fails"
+ (<<bind head-parser
(lambda (head)
- (<<map (lambda (tail) (cons head tail)) tl))))
+ (<<map (lambda (tail) (cons head tail)) tail-parser))))
-(defun <<* (p)
- "Runs the parser P zero or more times, resulting in of list of parsed values."
- (<<bind (<<? p)
+(defun <<* (parser)
+ "Runs the parser PARSER zero or more times, resulting in of list of parsed values."
+ (<<bind (<<? parser)
(lambda (val) (if val
- (<<map-cons val (<<* p))
+ (<<map-cons val (<<* parser))
(<<result nil)))))
- ;(<<? (<<cons p (<<* p))))
-(defun <<+ (p)
+(defun <<+ (parser)
"Like <<* but fails if P does not succeed at least once."
- (<<cons p (<<* p)))
+ (<<cons parser (<<* parser)))
-(defun <<times (n p)
+(defun <<times (n parser)
+ "Builds a parser that will run PARSER exactly N times, returning a list of the
+ results."
(if (<= n 0) (<<result nil)
- (<<cons p (<<times (1- n) p))))
+ (<<cons parser (<<times (1- n) parser))))
+(defun <<min-times (n parser)
+ "Builds a parser that will run PARSER at least N times, possibly more,
+ returning a list of the results."
+ (if (<= n 0) (<<* parser)
+ (<<cons parser (<<min-times (1- n) parser))))
-(defun <<min-times (n p)
- (if (<= n 0) (<<* p)
- (<<cons p (<<min-times (1- n) p))))
-(defun <<max-times (n p)
+(defun <<max-times (n parser)
+ "Builds a parser that will run PARSER at most N times, possibly fewer,
+ returning a list of the results."
(let ((count 0))
- (<<bind (<<* (<<map (lambda (r) (incf count) r) p))
+ (<<bind (<<* (<<map (lambda (r) (incf count) r) parser))
(lambda (results) (if (> count n) <fail<
(<<result results))))))
(defun <<sep-by (val-p sep-p)
- "Parses a sequence of values ignoring a seperator.
- E.g. (<<sep-by <digit< (<<char #\,)) would parse a string like '1,2,3,4' and
+ "Parses a sequence of values with VAL-P ignoring a seperator that is parsed with SEP-P.
+ E.g. (<<SEP-BY <DIGIT< (<<CHAR #\,)) would parse a string like '1,2,3,4' and
result the list in a list (#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4)"
(<<bind val-p
(lambda (val)
@@ -309,13 +324,13 @@ the character C."
;;; values like strings or numbers.
(defun <<string (str)
- "Parses exactly the string str, resulting in that str on success."
+ "Parses exactly the string STR, resulting in STR on success."
(<<map (lambda (ignore) str)
(apply #'<<and (loop for c across str collect (<<~char c)))))
(defun <<~string (str)
- "Parses exactly the string str, resulting in that str. Rewinding version."
+ "Parses exactly the string STR, resulting in STR. Rewinding version."
(<<map (lambda (ignore) str)
(<<~ (apply #'<<and (loop for c across str collect (<<char c))))))