;;;; lazybones.lisp (in-package #:lazybones) ;;; DYNAMIC VARIABLES (defvar *request* nil "Dynamic Variable holding the current request object. Dynamically bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound to *request* varies according to the current backend.") (defvar *response* nil "Dynamic variable holding the current response object. Dynamically bound and available to each handler. The exact object bound *response* varies according to the current backend. ") (defvar *app* nil "Dynamic variable holding the an APP instance. Dynamically bound by RUN-ENDPOINT so that it is available if needed in request handlers.") ;;; APP NAMESPACE (lisp-namespace:define-namespace lazybones) ;;; LAZYBONES CLASSES (defclass app () ((name :reader app-name :initarg :name :initform (error "Appname is required") :type symbol) (version :reader app-version :initarg :vsn :initarg :version :initform "0.0.1" :type string) (authorizer :reader request-authorizer :initarg :auth :initform nil :documentation "A function of zero arguments that uses the request API functions in LAZYBONES.BACKEND to determine whether or not the current request is authorized. This is the default authorizer, and is evoked when an ENDPOINT's AUTH slot is T. Endpoints may override this behavor by supplying a function in place of T. A value of NIL means that there is no default authorizer.") (app-error-response-contents :accessor app-error-response-contents :initform nil :documentation "an alist of (CODE CONTENT)") (default-content-type :accessor default-content-type :initarg :content-type :initform "text/html" :documentation "Default content type sent back to clients.") (endpoints :accessor app-endpoints :initform nil))) (defmethod initialize-instance :before ((app app) &key name &allow-other-keys) (when (app name) (error "an app named ~s already exists" name))) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((app app) &key) (setf (symbol-lazybones (app-name app)) app)) (defun app (name) (symbol-lazybones name nil)) (defclass endpoint () ((method :reader endpoint-method :initarg :method :initform :get) (route :reader endpoint-route :initarg :route :initform (error "endpoint route required")) (authorizer :reader request-authorizer :initarg :auth :initform nil :documentation "A function of zero arguments used to authorize the request currently bound to *REQUEST*. Returns non-nil if authorized, and NIL if not.") (dispatch-pattern :reader endpoint-dispatch-pattern :initarg :pattern) (handler-function :reader endpoint-request-handler :initarg :function) (endpoint-documentation :reader endpoint-documentation :initarg :doc :initform ""))) (defun routekey-term-match-p (pattern-term routekey-term) "Internal helper function. Returns T if both arguments are strings and they compare with STRING-EQUAL. Otherwise, PATTERN-TERM is assumed to be a route variable representation, in which case T is returned, indicating that the variable should bind to anything." (if (stringp pattern-term) (string-equal pattern-term routekey-term) t)) (defun matches-routekey-p (pattern key) "PATTERN is a list, each member of which is a string or a variable representation. PATTERN will have been generated by PARSE-ROUTE-STRING-TEMPLATE. If there are no variables in PATTERN, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns T or NIL. If there are variables in the pattern, MATCHES-ROUTEKEY-P returns a list of values, in the case of success, or NIL in the case of failure." (when (= (length pattern) (length key)) (loop for pterm in pattern for rterm in key for matchp = (routekey-term-match-p pterm rterm) unless matchp return nil when (listp pterm) ; looks like (var) or (var value-parser) collect (if (second pterm) (funcall (second pterm) rterm) ; parse value from rterm if we can rterm) ; otherwise use rterm string into arguments finally (return (or arguments t))))) (defun find-endpoint (app &optional (request *request*)) (find-endpoint-matching-key app (request-method request) (request-routekey request))) (defun find-endpoint-matching-key (app method key) "Returns a list. NIL represents failure to find match. Otherwise the result is (ENDPOINT . ARGS) where ENDPOINT is an endpoint instanceq and ARGS is a list of arguments to pass to ENDPOINT's handler function." (loop for endpoint in (app-endpoints app) for match = (and (eql method (endpoint-method endpoint)) (matches-routekey-p (endpoint-dispatch-pattern endpoint) key)) when match return (cons endpoint (when (listp match) match)))) (defun patterns-match-p (p1 p2) (and (eql (length p1) (length p2)) (every 'routekey-term-match-p p1 p2))) (defun find-endpoint-matching-pattern (app method pattern) (loop for ep in (app-endpoints app) when (and (eql method (endpoint-method ep)) (patterns-match-p pattern (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep))) return ep)) (defun unregister-endpoint (app method dispatch-pattern) (a:when-let (extant-ep (find-endpoint-matching-pattern app method dispatch-pattern)) (setf (app-endpoints app) (delete extant-ep (app-endpoints app))))) (defun register-endpoint (app ep) (unregister-endpoint app (endpoint-method ep) (endpoint-dispatch-pattern ep)) (push ep (app-endpoints app))) (defparameter +http-methods+ (list :get :head :put :post :delete :patch)) (defun url-path->request-routekey (path) "A routekey is used to match urls to endpoints that handle them." (str:split #\/ path)) (defun request-routekey (request) (url-path->request-routekey (request-path request))) (defun parse-route-string-template (template) "Routes are of the form /foo/bar/<>/blah /foo/bar/<>/blah On success returns things like: (\"foo\" \"bar\" (VARIABLE) \"blah\") (\"foo\" \"bar\" (VAR PARSE-INTEGER) \"blah\") Returns NIL on failure" (cond ((equal "" template) nil) (t (when (search "//" template) (warn "The proposed route ~s contains a double forward-slash (//), is this intended?" template)) (when (a:ends-with #\/ template) (warn "The proposed route ~s ends with a forward-slash (/), is this intended?" template)) (unless (eql #\/ (elt template 0)) (warn "The proposed route ~s does not begin with a forward-slash, is this intended?" template)) (loop for field in (str:split #\/ template) for var? = (parse-route-variable-string field) when var? collect var? else collect (string-downcase field))))) (defun parse-route-variable-string (string) "A route variable string looks like <> or <> In the case of a successful parse, a list of one or two symbols is returned. These symbosl are created using read-from-string, which allows for these symbols' packages to be specified if desired. Returns NIL on failure." (when (and (a:starts-with-subseq "<<" string) (a:ends-with-subseq ">>" string)) (destructuring-bind (var-name . decoder?) (re:split " +" (string-trim " " (subseq string 2 (- (length string) 2)))) (if decoder? (list (string-upcase var-name) (read-from-string (first decoder?))) (list (string-upcase var-name)))))) (defun route-variables (route) (loop for term in route when (listp term) collect (first term))) (defun run-endpoint (endpoint args request response app) "Bind dynamic variables *request* *response* and *app* before applying HANDLER-FUNCTION slot of ENDPOINT to the ARGS list." (let ((*request* request) (*response* response) (*app* app)) (when (request-authorized-p endpoint) (apply (endpoint-request-handler endpoint) args)))) (defun request-authorized-p (endpoint) "Attempts to authorize an endpoint. If the endpoint's request-authorizer is NIL, then the endpoint doesn't require authorization, and T is returned. If the endpoint's request-authorizer is a function, call it. If the endpoint's request-authorizer is T, then the app's default authorizer is used. Hence, if the endpoint authorizer is T and the app doesn't have an authorizer, then, the endpoint wants to be authorized but there isn't any way to do it, hence NIL is returned." (a:if-let (specific-authorizer (request-authorizer endpoint)) (if (functionp specific-authorizer) (funcall specific-authorizer) (when (request-authorizer *app*) ; perhaps this should be an if, and (funcall (request-authorizer *app*)))) t)) ;;; ENDPOINT DEFINITION (defmacro defendpoint (appname method route (&key (auth nil) (endpoint-class 'lazybones:endpoint) (endpoint-initargs nil) (app-class 'lazybones:app) (app-initargs nil)) &body body) "Defines and installs an ENDPOINT instance to the APP instance indicated by APPNAME, first checking an APP called APPNAME exits, making a new one if not." (assert (and (symbolp endpoint-class) (subtypep endpoint-class 'lazybones:endpoint)) () "ENDPOINT-CLASS must be a literal symbol naming a subclass of LAZYBONES::ENDPOINT") (assert (and (symbolp app-class) (subtypep app-class 'lazybones:app)) () "APP-CLASS must be a literal symbol naming a subclass of LAZYBONES::APP") (assert (member method +http-methods+) () "~a is not a valid http method keyword" method) (a:with-gensyms (the-app auth-method) (let* ((dispatch-pattern (parse-route-string-template route)) (params (mapcar 'intern (route-variables dispatch-pattern))) (documentation (when (stringp (first body)) (first body))) (real-body (if (stringp (first body)) (rest body) body))) `(let* ((,the-app (or (app ',appname) (make-instance ',app-class :name ',appname ,@app-initargs))) (,auth-method ,auth)) (register-endpoint ,the-app (make-instance ',endpoint-class :route ,route :pattern ',dispatch-pattern :doc ,documentation :auth ,auth-method :function (lambda ,params ,@real-body) ,@endpoint-initargs)))))) ;;; utilities (defun set-response-headers (&rest headers) "Sets response headers for *RESPONSE*. Handy for setting many headers at once. E.g. (set-response-headers :content-type \"text/html\" :content-length (length html-bytes))" (loop for (name value . more) on headers by #'cddr do (setf (response-header name *response*) value))) (defun http-ok (content) "Content should be a string, a byte-vector, or a pathname to a local file. CONTENT-TYPE should be a MIME type string." (http-respond 200 content)) (defun http-err (code &optional content) "*APP*, *RESPONSE* and *REQUEST* should all be defined here." (http-respond code (or content (default-error-response code)))) (defun default-error-response (code &optional (app *app*)) (cdr (assoc code (app-error-response-contents app))))