# Lazybones Demo App - v0.0.0 Just an API that defines some endpoints. These endpoints aren't meant to accomplish anything. merely to test out the lazybones HTTP routing framework. ## Endpoints ### POST /hello/:who: *text/plain* Route Variables: - WHO Authorization Required: > Request is authorized if it contains the right TESTAPPSESSION > cookie. Obtain such a cookie by posting to the /login endpoint. Post something to hello who ### GET /hello/:who: *text/plain* Route Variables: - WHO Just says hello to WHO ### POST /login *text/plain* Dummy login endpoint for returning a session cookie. Always returns the "true" and sends a set-cookie header, setting 'testappsession' to 'coolsessionbro'. ### GET /person/:person: *application/json* Route Variables: - PERSON: A Person Instance Returns a json representation of the person. ### POST /search *text/plain* Authorization Required: > Randomly decides that the request is authorized Echo the search parameters in a nice list, but also has a post-body ### GET /search *text/plain* Echo the search parameters in a nice list. ### GET /search/:category: *text/plain* Route Variables: - CATEGORY: An Integer Echo the search back, but in a specific category