path: root/package.lisp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-12-21removed dep on parzival, introduced dep on hunchentootColin Okay
hopefully the hunchentoot dep is temporary. I had to patch over my ill-conceived multipart form decoder.
2020-12-14added http-redirectColin Okay
2020-06-24exporting mimetype fallback symbolColin Okay
2020-06-24mimetype registry, serve-directoryColin Okay
2020-05-09added logging switch and streamColin Okay
2020-04-24application/x-www-form-urlencoded decoderCoin Okay
2020-04-23aliasing http-ok and http-err inside defrouteCoin Okay
2020-04-23added with-handler-preamble and implicit block to handler defsCoin Okay
2020-04-22multipart/form-data decoderCoin Okay
2020-04-22created decoders package, moved json decoderCoin Okay
2020-04-22reorganizing, removed iterate depCoin Okay
2020-04-22decoder lookup is more flexibleCoin Okay
2020-04-20package nickname and import-from package clausesCoin Okay
2020-04-20initial commitCoin Okay