path: root/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp b/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
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index 2b3bf1e..0000000
--- a/lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp
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-;; Copyright (C) 2022 Colin Okay
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;;; lazybones-hunchentoot.lisp -- hunchentoot backend for lazybones
-(defpackage #:lazybones.backend/hunchentoot
- (:use #:cl #:lazybones.backend)
- (:local-nicknames (#:h #:hunchentoot)
- (#:lzb #:lazybones)
- (#:a #:alexandria)))
-(in-package :lazybones.backend/hunchentoot)
-;;; Hunchentoot Acceptor Subclass
-(defvar %server% nil
- "unexported defvar holding the lazybones-acceptor instance.")
-(defclass lazybones-acceptor (h:acceptor)
- ((installed-apps
- :accessor acceptor-apps
- :initform nil
- :documentation "Instances of LAZYBONES:APP installed to this
- acceptor. APPs are, among other things, collections of ENDPOINT
- instances. The acceptor instance uses them to dispatch handlers
- on requests.")
- (canned-responses
- :accessor canned-responses
- :initarg :canned-responses
- :initform nil
- :documentation "an alist of (CODE CONTENT-FUNCTION CONTENT-TYPE)")
- (domain
- :accessor domain
- :initarg :domain
- :initform nil
- :documentation "A specific domain to associate with this server
- for the purposes of cookie handling. NIL by default, which is
- fine."))
- (:default-initargs
- :address ""))
-(defvar %request-body-cache% nil
- "Internal use. Dynamically bound per request. Caches the request
- body after the first call to REQUEST-BODY so that subsequent calls
- return the same thing, even if they've already been read off the
- stream.")
-(defmethod h:acceptor-dispatch-request ((%server% lazybones-acceptor) request)
- (let* ((%request-body-cache% nil)
- (route
- (request-path request))
- (apps
- (remove-if-not (lambda (app) (a:starts-with-subseq (lzb::app-prefix app) route))
- (acceptor-apps %server%))))
- (handler-case
- (loop for app in apps
- for (endpoint . args) = (lzb::find-endpoint app request)
- when endpoint
- return (lzb::run-endpoint endpoint args request h:*reply* app)
- ;; if no endpoint was found, call next method.
- finally (let ((lzb:*request* request)
- (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
- (lzb:http-err 404)))
- (lzb::http-error (http-error)
- (let ((lzb:*request* request)
- (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
- (with-slots (lzb::code lzb::content) http-error
- (http-respond lzb::content lzb::code))))
- (error (e)
- (declare (ignorable e))
- (let ((lzb:*request* request)
- (lzb:*response* h:*reply*))
- (if lzb:*debugging*
- (invoke-debugger e)
- (http-respond nil 500)))))))
-(defun create-server (&key (port 8888) (address "") (domain "localhost"))
- "Creates an opaque server on port PORT, and returns it. Servers are
-backend specific, but each may be passed in to INSTALL-APP,
- (let ((server (make-instance 'lazybones-acceptor
- :port port
- :address address
- :domain domain)))
- (set-canned-response server 404 "Not Found" "text/plain")
- (set-canned-response server 500 "Server Error" "text/plain")
- server))
-(defun start-server (server)
- (h:start server))
-(defun stop-server (server)
- (h:stop server))
-(defun install-app (server app)
- "Installs a LAZYBONES:APP instance to SERVER, first checking that
-the app exists. If app is already installed, does nothing."
- (a:if-let (app (and app (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app)))
- (pushnew app (acceptor-apps server) :key 'lzb::app-name)
- (error () "No app to install.")))
-(defun uninstall-app (server app)
- (setf (acceptor-apps server)
- (delete (if (symbolp app) (lzb:app app) app) (acceptor-apps server))))
-(defun canned-response (server code)
- "If a canned response is installed to the server for the HTTP
-response code CODE, return it as a list (RESPONSE-SOURCE CONTENT-TYPE).
-RESPONSE-SOURCE is either a function designator for a function taking
-zero arguments that is expected to return data that matches the
-CONTENT-TYPE. Such a function can always make use of *REQUEST*.
-RESPONSE-SOURCE can also be a pathname to a file to serve."
- (cdr (assoc code (canned-responses server))))
-(defun set-canned-response (server code content-source content-type)
- "Set a new canned response for the code CODE."
- (push (list code content-source content-type) (canned-responses server)))
-(defun server-domain (&optional (server %server%))
- (domain server))
-(defun request-path (&optional (request lzb:*request* ))
- "Returns the PATH part of the REQUEST URL.
-See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax."
- (h:script-name request))
-(defun request-host (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the HOST part of the REQUEST URL.
-See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
- (h:host request))
-(defun request-url (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the full url of REQUST"
- (h:request-uri* request))
-(defun request-port (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "The port associated with REQUEST."
- (h:local-port* request))
-(defun request-query-string (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the full query string of the URL associated with REQUEST
-See Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL#Syntax"
- (h:query-string request))
-(defun request-parameter (name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the the value of the query parameter named NAME, or NIL
- if there there is none."
- (h:get-parameter name request))
-(defun request-parameters (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns an alist of parameters associated with REQUEST. Each
-member of the list looks like (NAME . VALUE) where both are strings."
- (h:get-parameters request))
-(defun request-headers (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns an alist of headers associated with REQUEST. Each member of
-the list looks like (HEADER-NAME . VALUE) where HEADER-NAME is a
-keyword or a string and VALUE is a string."
- (h:headers-in request))
-(defun request-header (header-name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the string value of the REQUEST header named HEADER-NAME.
-HEADER-NAME can be a keyword or a string."
- (h:header-in header-name request))
-(defun request-cookie (name &optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns the cookie with NAME sent with the REQUEST"
- (h:cookie-in name request))
-(defun request-method (&optional (request lzb:*request*))
- "Returns a keyword representing the http method of the request."
- (h:request-method request))
-(defparameter +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
- '("multipart/form-data" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
-(defun pre-decoded-body-p (request)
- (let ((header (request-header :content-type request)))
- (when (stringp header)
- (loop for prefix in +hunchentoot-pre-decoded-content-types+
- thereis (a:starts-with-subseq prefix header)))))
-(defparameter +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+
- '(:post :put :patch))
-(defun request-body (&key (request lzb:*request*) (want-stream-p nil))
- "Returns the decoded request body. The value returned depends upon
-the value of the Content-Type request header.
-If WANT-STREAM-P is non-null, then an attempt is made to return a
-stream from which the body content can be read. This may be impossible
-if the Content-Type of the request is one of multipart/form-data or
-If the body's Content-Type is application/json, multipart/form-data,
-or application/x-www-form-urlencoded then a property-list
-representation of the body is returned.
-Otherwise a bytevector of the body is returned.
-Work to unpack the body is performed once per request. Calling this"
- (if %request-body-cache% %request-body-cache%
- (setf %request-body-cache%
- (when (member (request-method request) +hunchentoot-methods-with-body+)
- (let ((pre-decoded-body-p
- (pre-decoded-body-p request))
- (content-type
- (request-header :content-type request)))
- (cond
- ;; try to get a stream on request
- (want-stream-p
- ;; can't do it if the body is already decoded - return nil so
- ;; that request-body can be called again
- (unless pre-decoded-body-p
- (h:raw-post-data :request request :want-stream t)))
- (pre-decoded-body-p
- (format-as-lazybones-document
- (h:post-parameters request)))
- ((string-equal "application/json" content-type)
- (jonathan:parse
- (h:raw-post-data :request request :external-format :utf8)
- :as :plist
- :keywords-to-read *allowed-keywords*))
- (t
- ;; default case is to return a bytevector
- (h:raw-post-data :request request :force-binary t))))))))
-(defun format-as-lazybones-document (post-parameters)
- "internal function. Formats all the post parmaeters (see docstring
- on hunchentoot:post-parameters) into a plist with keyword keys, as
- is the convention for lazybones."
- (loop for (k . value) in post-parameters
- collect (alexandria:make-keyword k)
- collect value))
-(defun response-code (&optional (response lzb:*response*))
- "Access the return code of the resposne. Return code should be an integer."
- (h:return-code response))
-(defun (setf response-code) (code &optional (response lzb:*response*))
- (setf (h:return-code response) code))
-(defun response-header (name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
- "Access the response header that has NAME, which can be a keyword (recommended) or a string."
- (h:header-out name response))
-(defun (setf response-header) (value name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
- (setf (h:header-out name response) value))
-(defun response-cookie (name &optional (response lzb:*response*))
- "Access the cookie with NAME in the response object."
- (h:cookie-out name response))
-(defun set-response-cookie
- (name value
- &key expires max-age path domain secure http-only (response lzb:*response*))
- "Sets the response cookie"
- (apply 'h:set-cookie name
- :value value
- :reply response
- (nconc (when expires (list :expires expires))
- (when max-age (list :max-age max-age))
- (when path (list :path path))
- (cond
- (domain (list :domain domain))
- ((server-domain) (list :domain (server-domain))))
- (when secure (list :secure secure))
- (when http-only (list :http-only http-only)))))
-(defun http-respond (content)
- "Final step preparing response before backend does the rest. For
-Hunchentoot set a few headers. If content is a pathname, pass off to
-HUNCHENTOOT:HANDLE-STATIC-FILE, otherwise just return the content."
- ;; When http-err is called, the content is likely to be null. If
- ;; that is the case, look for the default content for the error
- ;; code, and set content and content-type appropriately
- (a:when-let (data
- (and (null content)
- (canned-response %server% (response-code))))
- (destructuring-bind (source content-type) data
- (setf (response-header :content-type) content-type
- content (if (or (functionp source) (symbolp source))
- (funcall source)
- source))))
- ;; set the response code and header.
- (setf
- (response-header :content-type) (or (response-header :content-type)
- (when (pathnamep content)
- (h:mime-type content))
- (when lzb:*app*
- (lzb::default-content-type lzb:*app*))
- "text/plain"))
- (if (pathnamep content)
- (h:handle-static-file content)
- content))