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-# What
-`lazybones` is a small HTTP routing framework.
-Features include:
-- Different server backends. (At the moment only Hunchentoot is supported)
-- Modular and "installable" applications.
-- Handy macros for provisioning apps and defining endpoints.
-- In particular, endpoint routes may contain variables and include
- parsers for variables and for query parameters
-- customizable errors.
-- Livecoding supported for your endpoint handlers and application configurations.
-- Automatic documentation generation for `lazybones:app` instances.
-Although lazybones can be used to develop and serve page-oriented web
-sites, it has been written to help me develop "self documenting" HTTP
-## Main Components
-The main components in `lazybones` are the two classes: `lazybones:app`
-and `lazybones:endpoint`.
-Endpoints are objects that represent everything required to handle an
-HTTP request. Endpoints are collected into groups called apps.
-Apps, in addition to being collections of endpoints, are the main unit
-of development for larger lazybones projects. Apps can be installed to
-running servers on the fly as whole units. If desired, they can also
-be uninstalled. Apps are meant to be devolped in a
-one-app-per-package manner. That is, although you can create and work
-with multiple apps in a single Common Lisp package, `lazybones`
-encourages you to limit yourself to one per package.
-See the example below for more.
-## A Hello World Example
-``` lisp
-(asdf:load-system "lazybones-hunchentoot")
-(defpackage #:hello-lazybones
- (:use #:cl)
- (:local-nicknames (#:lzb #:lazybones))
- (:import-from #:lazybones #:defendpoint* #:http-ok))
-(in-package :hello-lazybones)
-(defendpoint* :get "/hello/:name:" () ()
- "Responds with a greeting to NAME"
- (format nil "Welcome to Lazybones, ~a" name))
-(defvar *my-server* (lzb:create-server))
-(lzb:install-app *my-server* (lzb:app))
-(lzb:start-server *my-server*)
-Go ahead and test this sever out with curl:
-``` shell
-$ curl -v http://localhost:8888/hello/colin
-* Trying
-* Connected to localhost ( port 8888 (#0)
-> GET /hello/colin HTTP/1.1
-> Host: localhost:8888
-> User-Agent: curl/7.74.0
-> Accept: */*
-* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
-< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-< Content-Length: 27
-< Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:26:01 GMT
-< Server: Hunchentoot 1.3.0
-< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
-* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
-Welcome to Lazybones, colin
-Check the `example` directory in this repository for a more elaborate example.
-## Documentation Generation
-You can generate Markdown documentation for an instance of
-`layzbones:app` using `lazybones:generate-app-documentation`. For an
-example API and example documentation, see the `example` directory in
-this repository.
-## Backends
-**WARNING** Users can mostly ignore thissection. The API for alternate backends is in
-To implement a new backend for lazybones, consult the
-`lazybones.backend` package. Define a new system and a new package
-that `uses` the lazybones.backend package. Implement functions for
-each symbol. Consult the `lazybones-hunchentoot` system for an
-example backend.