;;;; lambda-tools.lisp (in-package #:lambda-tools) (defun $or (&rest predicates) "Each argument in PREDICATES is a predicate function of one argument. Returns a new predicate, call it P, that is the disjunction of each of the PREDICATES. The value of (P X) is the value of the first predicate Q in PREDICATES such that (Q X) is non-NIL, or is NIL if none of the PREDICATES return non-NIL. That is, the disjuction of PREDICATES is short-circuiting. If any PREDICATES have side effects, they will be executed only if each of the preceding predicates in the list returned NIL." (labels ((disj (x preds) (if (null preds) nil (or (funcall (car preds) x) (disj x (cdr preds)))))) (lambda (x) (disj x predicates)))) (defun $and (&rest predicates) "Each argument in PREDICATES is a predicate function of one argument. Returns a new predicate of one argument, call it P, that is the conjunction of each of the PREDICATES. The value of (P X) is NIL if any of the PREDICATES applied to X are NIL. Otherwise it is the value of the last member in PREDICATES applied to X. That is, the conjunction of PREDICATES is short-circuiting. If any PREDICATES have side effects, they will be executed only if each of the preceding predicates in the list returned non-NIL." (labels ((conj (x preds) (cond ((null preds) t) ((null (cdr preds)) (funcall (car preds) x)) ((funcall (car preds) x) (conj x (cdr preds)))))) (lambda (x) (conj x predicates)))) (defun >> (arg &rest fns) (dolist (fn fns) (setf arg (funcall fn arg))) arg) (defun <> (&rest fns) (lambda (arg) (apply #'>> arg fns)))