path: root/macros.lisp
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1 files changed, 23 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/macros.lisp b/macros.lisp
index d560b68..9ecf7ef 100644
--- a/macros.lisp
+++ b/macros.lisp
@@ -174,28 +174,40 @@ printed. But the next time only the return value is used.
-(defmacro monadic> ((init &key (fail-when #'null) fail-with) &rest functions)
+(defmacro monadic ((&key (exit-when #'null) (exit-with #'identity)) init &rest functions)
"A threading macro. Some examples:
- (\"hey dude what's the big idea\") ; starting state
+(monadic ()
+ \"hey dude what's the big idea\" ; starting state
#$(values (search \"the\" $s) $s) ; multiple-values are passed along as arguments
#$(subseq $2 $1)) : returns the result of the last form
should return \"the big idea\"
- (\"hey dude what's the big idea?\" :fail-with \"☹\")
+(monadic (:exit-with \"☹\")
+ \"hey dude what's the big idea?\"
#$(values (search \"NOOOOOOPE\" $s) $s)
#$(subseq $2 $1))
should return \"☹\".
-FAIL-WHEN should be a function, a predicate, that operates on the
-first value returned from one of the forms. If non-NIL, the MONADIC>
-form returns with the value of the expression FAIL-WITH .
+EXIT-WHEN should be a function, a predicate, that operates on the
+first value returned from one of the forms. If non-NIL, the MONADIC
+form returns by calling the EXIT-WITH function on the list of values
+returned the the most recently called function.
-The default value of FAIL-WHEN is the predicate NULL.
+(monadic (:exit-when #'evenp
+ :exit-with #$(list* :failed $x))
+ 33
+ #$(+ 11 $x)
+ #$(- 5 $x))
+will return (:FAILED 44)
+The default value of EXIT-WHEN is the predicate NULL.
+The default value of EXIT-WITH is IDENTITY
(let ((vals (gensym))
@@ -205,8 +217,8 @@ The default value of FAIL-WHEN is the predicate NULL.
(block ,block-label
(dolist (,fn (list ,@functions) (values-list ,vals))
(setq ,vals (multiple-value-list (apply ,fn ,vals)))
- (when (funcall ,fail-when (car ,vals))
- (return-from ,block-label ,fail-with)))))))
+ (when (funcall ,exit-when (car ,vals))
+ (return-from ,block-label (funcall ,exit-with ,vals))))))))