;;;; imbricate.lisp (defpackage #:imbricate (:use #:cl) (:export #:imbricate #:imbricate-and-save)) (in-package #:imbricate) (defclass rect () ((x :accessor rect-x :initarg :x :initform 0 :type fixnum) (y :accessor rect-y :initarg :y :initform 0 :type fixnum) (width :accessor rect-width :initarg :width :initform 0 :type fixnum) (height :accessor rect-height :initarg :height :initform 0 :type fixnum))) (defun rect-area (r) (* (rect-width r) (rect-height r))) (defun contains-point-p (r px py) (with-slots (x y width height) r (and (<= x px (1- (+ x width))) (<= y py (1- (+ y height)))))) (defun top-left (rect) (with-slots (x y) rect (cons x y))) (defun top-right (rect) (with-slots (x y width) rect (cons (1- (+ x width)) y))) (defun bottom-left (rect) (with-slots (x y width height) rect (cons (1- (+ x width)) (1- (+ y height))))) (defun bottom-right (rect) (with-slots (x y height) rect (cons x (1- (+ y height))))) (defun translate-pt (pt dx dy) (cons (+ dx (car pt)) (+ dy (cdr pt)))) (defun left-most (rect) (rect-x rect)) (defun right-most (rect) (1- (+ (rect-x rect) (rect-width rect)))) (defun bottom-most (rect) (1- (+ (rect-y rect) (rect-height rect)))) (defun top-most (rect ) (rect-y rect)) (defun corners (rect) (list (top-left rect) (top-right rect) (bottom-right rect) (bottom-left rect))) (defun intersects-p (r1 r2) (loop :for (x . y) :in (corners r2) :when (contains-point-p r1 x y) :do (return-from intersects-p t))) (defclass tile (rect) ((path :accessor tile-path :initarg :path :initform (error "must supply path")) (data :accessor tile-data :initarg :data :initform (error "Must supply data")))) (defmethod print-object ((ob tile) stream) (with-slots (x y width height path) ob (format stream "#" path width height x y))) (defun tile-meta-info (tile) (with-slots (x y width height path) tile (list :path path :x x :y y :width width :height height))) (defclass sheet-plan (rect) ((candidates :accessor candidates :initform nil) (positioned :accessor positioned :initform nil))) (defun validly-positioned-p (plan tile) (and (contains-point-p plan (right-most tile) (bottom-most tile)) (not (some (lambda (other) (intersects-p tile other)) (positioned plan))))) (defun position-tile (plan tile) "finds a place for the tile in the tilesheet under construction and places the tile into the 'positioned' list of the corner plan instance. " (loop :for (x . y) :in (candidates plan) :do (setf (rect-x tile) x (rect-y tile) y) :until (validly-positioned-p plan tile)) ;; if no position was found, set a position based ;; on the current size of the tilesheet (unless (validly-positioned-p plan tile) (with-slots (width height) plan (if (< width height) (setf (rect-x tile) width (rect-y tile) 0) (setf (rect-x tile) 0 (rect-y tile) height)))) ;; update width and height of the sheet (setf (rect-width plan) (max (rect-width plan) (1+ (right-most tile))) (rect-height plan) (max (rect-height plan) (1+ (bottom-most tile)))) ;; update the corner plan (push tile (positioned plan)) (setf (candidates plan) (delete (top-left tile) (candidates plan) :test #'equal)) (pushnew (translate-pt (top-right tile) 1 0) (candidates plan) :test #'equal) (pushnew (translate-pt (bottom-left tile) 0 1) (candidates plan) :test #'equal)) (defun position-tiles (tiles) (let ((plan (make-instance 'sheet-plan)) (tiles (sort tiles #'> :key #'rect-area))) (dolist (tile tiles plan) (position-tile plan tile)))) (defun render-sheet (plan) (let ((sheet (opticl:make-8-bit-rgba-image (rect-width plan) (rect-height plan)))) (dolist (tile (positioned plan)) (with-slots (x y width height data) tile (dotimes (px width) (dotimes (py height) (setf (opticl:pixel sheet (+ x px) (+ y py) ) (opticl:pixel data px py )))))) sheet)) (defun make-sheet-info (plan) (mapcar #'tile-meta-info (positioned plan))) (defun load-tile (path) (let ((data (opticl:convert-image-to-rgba (opticl:read-png-file path)))) (opticl:with-image-bounds (w h) data (make-instance 'tile :path path :data data :width w :height h)))) (defun png-file-p (path) (declare (type pathname path)) (string-equal "png" (pathname-type path))) (defvar *bad-images* nil) (defun images-under-dir (dir) (let ((images '())) (uiop:collect-sub*directories dir (constantly t) (constantly t) (lambda (subdir) (dolist (file (uiop:directory-files subdir)) (when (png-file-p file) (handler-case (push (load-tile file) images) (error (e) (declare (ignore e)) (push file *bad-images*))))))) images)) (defun imbricate (dir) (let ((*bad-images* nil) (plan (position-tiles (images-under-dir dir)))) (values (render-sheet plan) (make-sheet-info plan) *bad-images*))) (defun imbricate-and-save (dir save-to title) (multiple-value-bind (sheet info bad) (imbricate dir) (let ((png-path (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a.png" title) save-to)) (info-path (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a.sexp" title) save-to)) (bad-path (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a.errors.txt" title) save-to))) (ensure-directories-exist png-path) (with-open-file (out info-path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print info out)) (with-open-file (out bad-path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (print bad out)) (opticl:write-png-file png-path sheet))))