(defpackage #:gtwiwtg (:use #:cl)) (in-package :gtwiwtg) (defclass generator! () ((dirty-p :accessor dirty-p :initform nil) (state :accessor gen-state :initarg :state :initform (error "no state")) (next-p-fn :accessor next-p-fn :initarg :next-p-fn :initform (error "no next-p")) (next-fn :accessor next-fn :initarg :next-fn :initform (error "no next-fn")))) (defgeneric next (gen) (:documentation "gets next if available. Throws an error otherwise.")) (defmethod next ((gen generator!)) (assert (has-next-p gen)) (with-slots (state next-fn dirty-p) gen (setf dirty-p t) (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall next-fn state) (setf state new-state) val))) (defgeneric has-next-p (gen) (:documentation "returns true if next can be called on this generator!")) (defmethod has-next-p ((gen generator!)) (with-slots (next-p-fn state) gen (funcall next-p-fn state))) (defun make-dirty (g) (setf (dirty-p g) t)) ;;; CONSTRUCTORS (defun range (&key (from 0) to (by 1)) "Create a generator that produces a series of numbers between FROM and TO, inclusive, with step size of BY. If TO is NIL, then the generator produces an infinite sequence." (let ((comparator (if (plusp by) #'< #'>))) (make-instance 'generator! :state (list (- from by) to) :next-p-fn (lambda (state) (or (not to) (apply comparator state))) :next-fn (lambda (state) (incf (car state) by) (values (car state) state))))) (defun times (n) "Shorthand for (RANGE :TO N)" (range :to n)) (defun seq (sequence) "Turns a sequecne (a list, vector, string, etc) into a generator. The resulting generator will generate exactly the memebers of the sequence." (make-instance 'generator! :state 0 :next-p-fn (lambda (state) (< state (length sequence))) :next-fn (lambda (state) (let ((val (elt sequence state))) (values val (1+ state)))))) (defun repeater (&rest args) "Produces a generator that produces an infinite series consisting in the values passed as ARGS looped forever." (make-instance 'generator! :state (copy-list args) :next-p-fn (constantly t) :next-fn (lambda (state) (if (cdr state) (values (car state) (cdr state)) (values (car args) (copy-list (cdr args))))))) ;;; Some utilities (defun all-different (things) (= (length things) (length (remove-duplicates things)))) (defun all-clean (gens) (every (complement #'dirty-p) gens)) (defun all-good (gens) (and (all-clean gens) (all-different gens))) ;;; MODIFIERS and COMBINATORS (defmethod yield-to! (gen1 gen2) "GEN1 passes generation control to GEN2. This control will be return to GEN1 after GEN2 is done. This function modifies GEN1. Hence, YIELD-TO! can be used within an iteration to conditionally dive off into some new iteration, knowing that business as usuall will resume when the \"sub iteration\" finishes. It is kind of dark magic, and so I don't recommend using it except in the rareest of circumstances." (assert (not (eq gen1 gen2))) (make-dirty gen2) (let ((orig-pred (next-p-fn gen1)) (orig-fn (next-fn gen1))) (with-slots ((s1 state) (p1 next-p-fn) (f1 next-fn)) gen1 (with-slots ((s2 state) (p2 next-p-fn) (f2 next-fn)) gen2 (setf s1 (list s1 s2)) (setf p1 (lambda (state) (or (funcall p2 (second state)) (funcall orig-pred (first state))))) (setf f1 (lambda (state) (if (funcall p2 (second state)) (multiple-value-bind (val new-s2) (funcall f2 (second state)) (values val (list (first state) new-s2))) (multiple-value-bind (val new-s1) (funcall orig-fn (car state)) (values val (list new-s1 (second state))))))))))) (defun map! (map-fn gen &rest gens) "Maps a function over a number of generators, returning a generator that produces values that result from calling MAP-FN on those generators' elements, in sequence. The resulting generator will stop producing values as soon as any one of the source generators runs out of arguments to pass to MAP-FN. I.e. The mapped generator is as long as the shortest argument generators. THIS FUNCTION MODIFIES AND RETURNS ITS FIRST GENERATOR ARGUMENT. Also, all of the generators must be different from one another. If any compare EQL then an error is signaled." (assert (all-good (list* gen gens))) (dolist (g gens) (make-dirty g)) ;; to ensure gens wont be re-used after use here. (let ((orig-fns (mapcar #'next-fn (cons gen gens))) (orig-preds (mapcar #'next-p-fn (cons gen gens)))) (setf (gen-state gen) (mapcar #'gen-state (cons gen gens)) (next-p-fn gen) (lambda (states) (loop :for state :in states :for pred :in orig-preds :unless (funcall pred state) :do (return nil) :finally (return t))) (next-fn gen) (lambda (states) (let ((args) (new-states)) (loop :for state :in states :for fn :in orig-fns :do (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall fn state) (push val args) (push new-state new-states))) (values (apply map-fn (reverse args)) (reverse new-states)))))) gen) (defun filter! (pred gen) "Produces a generator that filters out members of GEN that are NIL when applied to PRED. THIS FUNCTION MODIFIES AND RETURNS ITS GENERATOR ARGUMENT." (assert (not (dirty-p gen))) (let* ((orig-fn (next-fn gen)) (orig-p-fn (next-p-fn gen)) (last-good nil) (last-known-state (gen-state gen)) (new-next-p-fn (lambda (state) (or last-good (loop :while (funcall orig-p-fn state) :do (multiple-value-bind (val new-state) (funcall orig-fn state) (if (funcall pred val) (progn (setf last-good (list val)) (setf last-known-state (list new-state)) (return t)) (setf state new-state))) :finally (return nil)))))) (setf (next-p-fn gen) new-next-p-fn) (setf (next-fn gen) (lambda (state) (declare (ignore state)) (let ((tmp-state (car last-known-state)) (tmp-val (car last-good))) (setf last-good nil) (setf last-known-state nil) (values tmp-val tmp-state)))) gen)) (defun bind! (fn gen) "FN is expected to be a function that accepts elements of GEN and returns a new generator. (BIND! FN GEN) returns a generator that is equivalent to (FUNCALL #'CONCAT! (MAP! FN GEN)) That is it generates each element of (FN X) for each X in GEN. BIND! MODIFIES AND RETURNS ITS GENERATOR ARGUMENT." (assert (not (dirty-p gen))) (let ((orig-fn (next-fn gen)) (orig-p (next-p-fn gen)) (orig-state (gen-state gen))) (multiple-value-bind (val state) (funcall orig-fn orig-state) (setf orig-state state (gen-state gen) (funcall fn val) (next-p-fn gen) (lambda (sub) (or (has-next-p sub) (funcall orig-p orig-state))) (next-fn gen) (lambda (sub) (if (has-next-p sub) (values (next sub) sub) (multiple-value-bind (val state) (funcall orig-fn orig-state) (setf orig-state state) (let ((new-sub (funcall fn val))) (values (next new-sub) new-sub)))))))) gen) (defun concat! (gen &rest gens) "Returns a generator that is the concatenation of the generators passed as arguments. Each of the arguments to CONCAT! must be different. If any compare EQL, an error will be signalled. CONCAT! MODIFIES AND RETURNS ITS FIRST ARGUMENT." (assert (all-good (list* gen gens))) (dolist (g gens) (make-dirty g)) ;; to help ensure that gens can be combined elsewhere (bind! #'identity (seq (list* gen gens)))) (defun zip! (gen &rest gens) (apply #'map! #'list gen gens)) ;;; CONSUMERS (defmacro iter ((var-exp gen) &body body) "The basic generator consumer. VAR-EXP can be either a symbol, or a form sutible for using as the binding form in DESTRUCTURING-BIND. GEN is an expression that should evaluate to a generator. BODY is any form you like, it will be evaluated for each value procuded by GEN. Example: (iter ((x y) (zip! (repeater 'a 'b 'c) (times 5))) (format t \"~a -- ~a~%\" x y)) A -- 0 B -- 1 A -- 2 B -- 3 A -- 4 B -- 5 " (let* ((gen-var (gensym "generator!")) (expr-body (if (consp var-exp) `(destructuring-bind ,var-exp (next ,gen-var) ,@body) `(let ((,var-exp (next ,gen-var))) ,@body)))) `(let ((,gen-var ,gen)) (loop :while (has-next-p ,gen-var) :do ,expr-body)))) (defmacro fold ((acc init-val) (var-exp gen) expr) "The accumulating generator consumer. ACC is a symbol and INIT-VAL is any lisp expression. ACC is where intermediate results are accmulated. INIT-VAL is evaluated to initialize the value of ACC. VAR-EXP can be either a symbol, or a form sutible for using as the binding form in DESTRUCTURING-BIND. GEN is an expression that should evaluate to a generator. EXPR is a sigle lisp expression whose value is bound to ACC on each iteration. When iteration has concluded, ACC becomes the value of the FOLD form. Example: > (fold (sum 0) (x (times 10)) (+ sum x)) 55 Example: > (fold (acc 0) ((x y) (zip! (times 10) (range :by -1))) (sqrt (+ acc (* x y)))) #C(0.4498776 9.987898) " `(let ((,acc ,init-val)) (iter (,var-exp ,gen) (setf ,acc ,expr)) ,acc)) (defun collect (gen) "Consumes GEN by collecting its values into a list." (nreverse (fold (xs nil) (x gen) (cons x xs)))) (defun size (gen) "Consumes GEN by calculating its size." (fold (n 0) (x gen) (1+ n))) (defun maximum (gen) "Consumes GEN, returning its maximum value." (fold (m nil) (x gen) (if m (max m x) x))) (defun minimum (gen) "Consumes GEN, returning its minimum value." (fold (m nil) (x gen) (if m (min m x) x))) (defun average (gen) "Consumes GEN, returning its average value." (let ((sum 0) (count 0)) (iter (x gen) (incf sum x) (incf count)) (/ sum count))) (defun argmax (fn gen) "Consumes GEN. Returns a pair (X . VALUE) such that (FUNCALL FN X) is maximal among the values of GEN. VALUE is the value of (FUNCALL FN X)" (fold (am nil) (arg gen) (let ((val (funcall fn arg))) (if (or (not am) (> val (cdr am))) (cons arg val) am)))) (defun argmin (fn gen) "Consumes GEN. Returns a pair (X . VALUE) such that (FUNCALL FN X) is minimal among the values of GEN. VALUE is the value of (FUNCALL FN X)" (fold (am nil) (arg gen) (let ((val (funcall fn arg))) (if (or (not am) (< val (cdr am))) (cons arg val) am)))) ;;; example (defun fill-and-insert (idx elem vec buffer) "A Utility function that inserts ELEM at IDX into BUFFER. For every other space in BUFFER, the lements of VEC are inserted in order. Implicity expects (= (LENGTH BUFFER) (1+ (LENGTH VEC))) Not meant for general use. just a utility used by THREAD-THROUGH" (loop :for i :below (length buffer) :when (= i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer idx) elem) :when (< i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer i) (aref vec i)) :when (> i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer i) (aref vec (1- i)))) ) (defun thread-through (elem vec) (let ((buffer (concatenate 'vector vec (list elem)))) ;; reusable buffer (map! (lambda (idx) (fill-and-insert idx elem vec buffer) buffer) (range :from 0 :to (length vec))))) (defun perms (vec) (if (= 1 (length vec)) (seq (list vec)) (let ((elem (elt vec 0)) (subperms (perms (make-array (1- (length vec)) :displaced-to vec :displaced-index-offset 1 :element-type (array-element-type vec))))) (bind! (lambda (subperm) (thread-through elem subperm)) subperms))))