path: root/README.md
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authorColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-07-08 19:43:55 -0500
committerColin Okay <cbeok@protonmail.com>2020-07-08 19:43:55 -0500
commit98b01afa04cd04796100b217b04f5f5f1b58e63e (patch)
tree9e3bfc461615e9986e13bc7d88ea63563cea7b02 /README.md
parentd7cf8b1aa1daf27bd7b64e5c643b7cca4177571f (diff)
added examples and readme
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+*Generators The Way I Want Them Generated*
+A naive generator library that doesn't use fancy pants concepts like
+first class continuations.
+GTWIWTG is meant to be a small, explorable, and understandable
+library. The source code is meant to be readible and easy to
+Every symbol exported from the `GTWIWTG` package has a useful
+docstring. Many docstrings include examples of use.
+## Installation
+ git clone https://github.com/cbeo/gtwiwtg /path/to/quicklisp/local-projects/
+``` lisp
+(ql:quickload :gtwiwtg)
+(use-package :gtwiwtg)
+## Motivating Examples
+Here's some code to show you what you can do. A more involved example
+for efficient permutations generation appears at the end of this
+### All The Primes
+``` lisp
+> (defun prime-p (n)
+ "Naive test for primes."
+ (loop
+ :for x :from 2 :upto (sqrt n)
+ :when (zerop (mod n x)) :do (return nil)
+ :finally (return t)))
+> (defun all-primes ()
+ "Creates a generator that produces an infinite series of primes."
+ (filter! #'prime-p (range :from 2)))
+> (take 10 (all-primes)) ;; (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)
+### Fun With Fibbonacci
+``` lisp
+> (defun fibs ()
+ "Creates an infinite series of Fibbonacci numbers."
+ (from-recurrence
+ (lambda (n-1 n-2) (+ n-1 n-2))
+ 1 0))
+;; First ten Fibbonacci numbers
+> (take 10 (fibs)) ;; (1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89)
+;; Just the 40th Fibbonacci number, indexed from 0
+> (car (pick-out '(40) (fibs))) ;; 267914296
+## Tutorial
+GTWIWTG is a tiny library for creating and using generators. If you've
+never heard of generators beforeq, a generator is an object that can
+produce a series of values, one value at a time. Generators are
+convenient when you want to deal with a series of values that you do
+not want to store in memory at any one time.
+For example, if you're generating permutations of strings (as we will
+do in this tutorial), you may not want to store all of those
+permutations in memory in the course of generating them. For example,
+generating all permutations of "generators are cool" would easily overflow
+the heap if you were to keep them in a list or array.
+### Three Kinds Of Function
+In GTWIWTG, there are functions that *construct* generators, functions
+that *combine* generators, and functions and macros that *consume*
+### The Constructors
+The two most common generator constructors are:
+- `(range &key (from 0) to (by 1) inclusive)`
+- `(seq sequence)`
+Here are some examples using `range` and `seq` to make generators.
+``` lisp
+ ;; all positive integers starting at 0
+> (range)
+ ;; positive integers from 0 to 9
+> (range :to 10)
+;; positive integers from 0 to 10
+> (range :to 10 :inclusive t)
+;; numbers between 4.0 and -15.7 incremented by -0.44
+> (range :from 4 :to -15.7 :by -0.44)
+#<GTWIWTG::GENERATOR! {1001B09D63}>
+;; the characters in the string "hello"
+> (seq "hello")
+#<GTWIWTG::GENERATOR! {1001B93E63}>
+;; the symbols in the list
+> (seq '(h e l l o))
+;; the symbols in the vector
+> (seq #('h 'e 'l 'l 'o))
+#<GTWIWTG::GENERATOR! {1001BE4883}>
+As you can see, generators are objects. Nothing is generated until you
+consume a generator. As a quick, but greatly impoverished, example,
+consider this:
+``` lisp
+;; get the first 4 numbers from the range starting at 20
+> (take 4 (range :from 20))
+(20 21 22 23)
+### Other Constructors
+Here is a brief listing of the other generator constructors in GTWIWTG:
+- `(times n)` is shorthand for `(range :to n)`
+- `(repeater &rest args)` repeats its arguments in order, looping forever.
+- `(noise &optional (arg 1.0))` an infinite sequence of random numbers
+- `(from-thunk thunk)` an infinite sequence of calls to `(funcall thunk)`
+- `(from-thunk-until thunk until)` like `from-thunk`, but stops when `(funcall until)` is non nil
+- `(from-thunk-times thunk n)` like `from-thunk` but stops after `n` times.
+- `(from-recurrence fn n-1 &rest n-m)` generate using a recurrence relation
+- `(from-input-stream stream reader)` turn a stream into a generator
+- `(file-lines file)` a file-backed generator. Produces lines from that file (strings)
+- `(file-chars file)` a file-backed generator. Produces characters from that file.
+- `(file-bytes file)` a file-backed generator. Produces bytes from that file.
+You'll some of these in action when you reach the examples section below.
+### The Combination and Transformation Functions
+You can create more intersting and more specific generators by using a
+few higher-order functions to transform generator into other
+generators. These transformations are desirable because they can be
+performed before any elements are produced by any of the generators
+involved. That is, if you think of a generator as a computation that
+produces a series of values, then transformation functions allow you
+to incrementally "build up" a desired computation before it is run.
+The three core transformation functions are:
+- `(map! fn gen &rest gens)` makes a new generator by mapping `fn` over other generators
+- `(filter! pred gen)` makes a new generator by discarding some elements that
+- `(inflate! fn gen)` The function `fn` should make new generators using the values produced by the generator `gen`. The `inflate!` function combines all those "intermediate" generators into a single generator.
+Admittedly, the behavior of `inflate!` is difficult to grok by reading a description.
+Once you begin to use it, however, it becomes indispensible.
+[NB: `inflate!` is really the monadic bind operator in disguise.]
+Here are some simple examples of their use:
+``` lisp
+;; map cons over two generators
+> (map! #'cons (times 3)
+ (range :from 8))
+;; consuming the above using collect
+> (collect (map! #'cons (times 3) (range :from 8)))
+((0 . 8) (1 . 9) (2 . 10))
+;; Notice that map! stops generating after 3 steps even though
+;; (range :from 8) is an infinite generator. This is because (times 3)
+;; only generates 3 values.
+;; get just the even values from a generator:
+> (collect (filter! #'evenp (times 10)))
+(0 2 4 6 8)
+;; step up from N for each N in the range 1 to 4
+> (collect (inflate! #'times (range :from 1 :to 4 :inclusive t)))
+(0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3)
+;; In the above example, you can see that
+;; first 0 is generated
+;; then 0 1
+;; then 0 1 2
+;; and finally 0 1 2 3
+### The Other Combinations and Transformations
+- `(zip! gen1 &rest gens)` is shorthand for `(map! #'list gen1 gen2 ...)`
+- `(concat! gen &rest gens)` is shorthand for `(inflate! #'identity (seq (list* gen1 gen2 ...)))`
+- `(skip! n gen)` produces a generator by skipping the first `n` values in `gen`
+- `(skip-while! pred gen)` produces a generator by skippng elements of `gen` while `pred` is `t`
+- `(merge! comp gen1 gen2 &rest gens)` emulates the behavior of `merge` but for generators
+Theres also `yield-to!`, but it is kind of dark magic. If when you are
+creating your generators you find yourself need to to stop and restart
+generators mid-generation, then checkout the docstring for
+`yield-to!`. I may end up removing it from the library because its
+use could easily lead to confusing situations.
+### The Fundamental Consumer
+Finally! Once you have built up your generators using *constructors*
+and *combinations*, you want to actually use them for something. This
+is where *consumers* come in.
+There is one fundamental consumer form, a macro, called `for`. (*Tense Violins*)
+Here is how it looks when you use it:
+``` lisp
+> (for x (times 3)
+ (print x))
+> (for (x y) (zip! (seq "hello") (range))
+ (format t "~a -- ~a~%" x y)
+ (when (= 4 y)
+ (princ "world!")
+ (terpri))
+h -- 0
+e -- 1
+l -- 2
+l -- 3
+o -- 4
+> (let* ((ten-times (times 10))
+ (doubled (map! (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) ten-times))
+ (incremented (map! #'1+ doubled))
+ (indexed (zip! (range) incremented)))
+ (for (index number) indexed
+ (princ index)
+ (princ " -- ")
+ (princ number)
+ (terpri)))
+0 -- 1
+1 -- 3
+2 -- 5
+3 -- 7
+4 -- 9
+5 -- 11
+6 -- 13
+7 -- 15
+8 -- 17
+9 -- 19
+As you can see `for` has 3 basic parts: a *binding form*, a *generator
+form*, and a *body*.
+The binding form is either a variable, like `x` above, or is a form
+suitable for use in the binding form of a `DESTRUCTURING-BIND`, like
+`(x y)` above.
+On each iteration, the variables in the binding form are bound to
+successive values of generated by the generator form. Notice that you
+do not need to inline your generator form, you can build it up and
+pass it in as in the thrid example above.
+Finally, the body is evaluated for each iteration.
+[Aside: `for` used to be called `iter`, but I didn't want to step on
+the toes of `series` and `iterate` users :P].
+### A Word Of Warning!
+(Or, there's a reason those forms all end in `!`.)
+You must be cautious with that third approach in the example above,
+i.e. incrementally building up generators. The reason for caution is
+that generators cannot be "combined twice". I.e. they are not
+functional objects and combining them with one other effectively
+"destroys" them as independent objects.
+[Aside: This was done for efficiency reasons, and I might make a
+"purely functional" parallel universe for these generators in the
+The library tries to help you out by signalling an error whenever you
+try to do something that would lead to _mangled memory_. Each
+docstring provides details about when error conditions are signalled
+for each combining form. Don't quote me on it, but I *think* that the
+library will prevent you from making generators with surprising
+(i.e. erroneous) behavior.
+Here is an example to show you the illegal behavior:
+``` lisp
+> (let ((ten-times (times 10)))
+ (zip! ten-times ten-times))
+; Evaluation aborted on #<SIMPLE-ERROR "~@<The assertion ~S failed~:[.~:; ~
+ with ~:*~{~S = ~S~^, ~}.~]~:@>" {10046A61D3}>.
+The gist is that we tried to zip a generator with itself. Such
+behavior is not allowed. Generally speaking, if you passed a generator
+to one of the combining forms (all forms that end in a `!`), or if you
+pass the same generator to such a form twice, then an error will be
+raised and new the generator will not be built.
+An ongoing goal is to make those errors nicer to look at so that you
+can more easily pin-point where you goofed.
+### The Accumulating Consumer
+The next most common consuming form is `fold`, which lets you consume
+values produced by a generator while accumulating some data along the
+Here is how you would do a classic summing operation:
+``` lisp
+> (fold (sum 0) (x (times 10))
+ (+ sum x))
+The syntax is `(fold (acc init) (iter-var gen) update)`.
+First, you declare and initialize an accumulator variable. In the
+above that is the form `(sum 0)`, which declares a variable called
+`sum` initialized to `0`.
+Next you put your iteration variable and generator form. These have
+the same syntax as `for`. So in the above we bind a variable `x` to
+each successive value generated by `(times 10)`.
+Finally, you write a *single update form* whose value becomes bound to your
+accumulator variable. In the above example `sum` is set to `(+ sum x)`.
+The `fold` form returns the accumulator when finished.
+Here are some more folds:
+``` lisp
+;; some funky calculation
+> (fold (acc 0)
+ ((x y) (zip! (times 10) (range :by -1)))
+ (sqrt (+ acc (* x y))))
+#C(0.444279 8.986663)
+;; Example: building a data structure
+> (fold (plist nil)
+ ((key val)
+ (zip! (seq '(:name :occupation :hobbies))
+ (seq '("buckaroo banzai"
+ "rocker"
+ ("neuroscience" "particle physics" "piloting fighter jets")))))
+ (cons key (cons val plist)))
+ (:HOBBIES ("neuroscience" "particle physics" "piloting fighter jets")
+ :OCCUPATION "rocker" :NAME "buckaroo banzai")
+### The Remaining Consumers
+All of the remaining consumers are regular functions that have been
+built using `for` and `fold`. They are:
+- `(collect gen)` collects the values of `gen` into a list
+- `(take n gen)` collects the first `n` values of `gen` into a list
+- `(pick-out indices gen)` see example below
+- `(size gen)` consumes a generator, returning the number of values it produced
+- `(maximum gen)` returns the maximum among the values in gen (subject to change)
+- `(minimum gen)` see maximum
+- `(average gen)` returns the average of the values produced by gen
+- `(argmax fn gen)` returns a pair `(val . x)` where `val` is the value of `gen` for which `(funcal fn val)` is maximal. `x` is `(funcall fn val)`
+- `(argmin fn gen)` see argmax
+The `pick-out` consumer is interesting enough to see a quick example of:
+``` lisp
+;; pick out the first and fourth character
+> (pick-out '(1 4) (seq "generators"))
+(#\e #\r)
+;; you can do this in any order
+> (pick-out '(4 1) (seq "generators"))
+(#\r #\e)
+;; you can even repeat indices
+> (pick-out '(4 1 1 4 2) (seq "generators"))
+(#\r #\e #\e #\r #\n)
+## The Permutations Example
+One final example to show you what you can do. Here is a function that
+generates all of the permutations of a sequence passed to it, one at a
+time. It is a good example of the usefulness of `inflate!`.
+``` lisp
+(defun perms (vec)
+ "Creates a generator that produces all of the permutations of the
+ vector VEC, one at a time."
+ (if (= 1 (length vec)) (seq (list vec))
+ (let ((elem (elt vec 0))
+ (subperms (perms (make-array (1- (length vec))
+ :displaced-to vec
+ :displaced-index-offset 1
+ :element-type (array-element-type vec)))))
+ (inflate! (lambda (subperm) (thread-through elem subperm))
+ subperms))))
+The interesting bit about this is that we recursively compute
+generators on the sub-arrays in a classic divide-and-conquer way. The
+code is made signifiantly noisier by the use of displaced arrays, but
+is made signifiantly more memory efficient as well.
+For each "sub permutation", we create a new generator using a
+generator constructor called `thread-through`.
+``` lisp
+(defun thread-through (elem vec)
+ "Creates a generator that produces a series of N vectors of length
+ N, where N is one greater than the length of VEC. The vectors
+ produced by this generator have the same elements of VEC but have ELEM
+ inserted at each possible spot, N spots in all.
+ Note: The generator reuses the memory that it returns on each step. If
+ you intend to collect to products of the generator, you should copy
+ them to somehow first."
+ (let ((buffer (concatenate 'vector vec (list elem)))) ;; reusable buffer
+ (map! (lambda (idx)
+ (fill-and-insert idx elem vec buffer)
+ buffer)
+ (range :from 0 :to (length vec) :inclusive t))))
+And this function uses a utility function called `fill-and-insert`
+that just fills a buffer:
+``` lisp
+(defun fill-and-insert (idx elem vec buffer)
+ "A utilty function that modifies BUFFER.
+The length of BUFFER is assumed to be one greater than the length of
+This function fills the first IDX fields of BUFFER with the first IDX
+fields of VEC. It fills the field of BUFFER at IDX with ELEM. And it fills
+the remaining fields of BUFFER with the remaining fields of VEC.
+ (loop :for i :below (length buffer)
+ :when (= i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer idx) elem)
+ :when (< i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer i)
+ (aref vec i))
+ :when (> i idx) :do (setf (aref buffer i)
+ (aref vec (1- i)))) )
+And here's a quick demo of its use:
+``` lisp
+;; the map! is to turn vectors back into strings for ease of viewing
+(for perm (map! (lambda (x) (concatenate 'string x))
+ (perms "abcd"))
+ (print perm))
+We could have generated all 121645100408832000 permutations of
+"generators are cool", and, though it would have taken us an eternity
+(approximately 1000 years on a single core of my machine), the memory
+consumption would stay at an even keel.