;;;; fussy.lisp (in-package #:fussy) (defvar +default-emacs-package-archive+ "https://melpa.org/packages/archive-contents") (defun emacs-reader-readtable () "Return a readtable that will read the emacs package archive contents." (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))) (labels ((bracket-reader (stream char) (declare (ignorable char)) (read-delimited-list #\] stream))) (set-macro-character #\[ #'bracket-reader) (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\) nil)) *readtable*))) (defun fetch-emacs-archive (&optional (archive +default-emacs-package-archive+)) "Fetch the package archive from ARCHIVE, a url, and read it in using the emacs' reader readtable." ;; TODO: HANDLE HTTP ERRORS, HANDLE TIMEOUT, HANDLE READ ERRORS (multiple-value-bind (stream status) (dexador:get archive :want-stream t) (when (= 200 status) (let* ((*package* (find-package :fussy)) (*readtable* (emacs-reader-readtable))) (read stream))))) (defclass/std theme-pkg (db:store-object) ((name :with :index-type bknr.indices:unique-index :index-reader theme-pkg-with-name) (commit version authors maintainer keywords url description contained-themes :with)) (:metaclass db:persistent-class) (:documentation "Represents an Emacs theme package.")) (defmethod print-object ((theme theme-pkg) stream) (format stream "#" (theme-pkg-name theme) (theme-pkg-version theme))) (defparameter +excludes+ '(tramp-theme color-theme airline-themes unobtrusive-magit-theme cycle-themes )) (defun theme-package-p (archive-object) (when (consp archive-object) (unless (member (first archive-object) +excludes+) (let ((name (symbol-name (first archive-object)))) (or (a:ends-with-subseq "-theme" name :test #'char-equal) (a:ends-with-subseq "-themes" name :test #'char-equal)))))) (defun archive-theme-name (archive-pkg) (first archive-pkg)) (defun archive-theme-version (archive-pkg) (second archive-pkg)) (defun make-theme-pkg-from-archive-theme (archive-theme) (destructuring-bind (name version _dontcare desc _dontcare2 meta-alist) archive-theme (declare (ignore _dontcare _dontcare2)) (db:with-transaction () (make-instance 'theme-pkg :name name :version version :description desc :commit (cdr (assoc :commit meta-alist)) :maintainer (cdr (assoc :maintainer meta-alist)) :url (cdr (assoc :url meta-alist)) :authors (cdr (assoc :authors meta-alist)) :keywords (cdr (assoc :keywords meta-alist)))))) (defun update-theme-pkg-from-archive-theme (pkg arch) (destructuring-bind (name version _dontcare desc _dontcare2 meta-alist) arch (declare (ignore _dontcare _dontcare2)) (db:with-transaction () (setf (theme-pkg-name pkg) name (theme-pkg-version pkg) version (theme-pkg-description pkg) desc (theme-pkg-commit pkg) (cdr (assoc :commit meta-alist)) (theme-pkg-maintainer pkg) (cdr (assoc :maintainer meta-alist)) (theme-pkg-url pkg) (cdr (assoc :url meta-alist)) (theme-pkg-authors pkg) (cdr (assoc :authors meta-alist)) (theme-pkg-keywords pkg) (cdr (assoc :keywords meta-alist)))))) (defun process-archive-theme (archive-theme) ;; ugg this is ugly. I hate it when code is all dense like this. (a:if-let (pkg (theme-pkg-with-name (archive-theme-name archive-theme))) (when (not (equalp (archive-theme-version archive-theme) (theme-pkg-version pkg))) (update-theme-pkg-from-archive-theme pkg archive-theme)) (make-theme-pkg-from-archive-theme archive-theme))) (defun theme-needs-update-p (archive-theme) "A theme should be updated if eithe it is new or if its version differs from the theme-pkg instance already in the data store." (let ((pkg (theme-pkg-with-name (archive-theme-name archive-theme)))) (not (and pkg (equalp (archive-theme-version archive-theme) (theme-pkg-version pkg)))))) (defun update-theme-packages () (let ((themes-to-update (remove-if-not (a:conjoin #'theme-package-p #'theme-needs-update-p) (fetch-emacs-archive)))) ;; just going to let this throw an error. will either introduce a ;; restart-case with some restarts or something later, or will ;; just catch the error in the caller of update-theme-packages (when themes-to-update ;; delete the temporary .emacs.d (uiop:delete-directory-tree (uiop:merge-pathnames* ".emacs.d/" (full-theme-image-directory)) :validate t :if-does-not-exist :ignore) (generate-images-for-packages (mapcar #'archive-theme-name themes-to-update)) ;; if we didn't error: update the db (dolist (archive-theme themes-to-update) (process-archive-theme archive-theme)) (reindex-themes-by-package)))) (defun all-theme-keywords () (delete-duplicates (copy-seq (mapcan (a:compose #'copy-seq #'theme-pkg-keywords) (db:store-objects-with-class 'theme-pkg))) :test #'equal)) (defun themes-with-keywords (&rest keywords) (loop :for theme :in (db:store-objects-with-class 'theme-pkg) :when (subsetp keywords (theme-pkg-keywords theme) :test #'string-equal) :collect theme)) (defun all-theme-packages () (db:store-objects-with-class 'theme-pkg)) (defun just-the-directory-namestring (path) "returns a string, the name of the directory that the path represents." ;; directory-namestring is taken, seems to peel off any file at the end (first (last (pathname-directory path)))) (defun themes-in-package (pkg &optional (config *config*)) "Themes that belong to a particular package are stored as the names of directories that contain the theme's images. These directories are stored beneath the directory that names the package. This function returns a list of those names." (mapcar #'just-the-directory-namestring (uiop:subdirectories (uiop:merge-pathnames* (string-downcase (format nil "~a/" (theme-pkg-name pkg))) (full-theme-image-directory config))))) (defun all-themes () (a:mappend #'themes-in-package (all-theme-packages))) (defun theme-mentions-anywhere (term) (lambda (theme) (or (search term theme) (with-slots (name keywords description authors maintainer) (theme-package theme) (or (search term (symbol-name name) :test #'char-equal) (some (lambda (keyword) (search term keyword :test #'char-equal)) keywords) (search term description :test #'char-equal)))))) (defun search-themes (&rest terms) (remove-if-not (apply #'a:conjoin (mapcar #'theme-mentions-anywhere terms)) (all-themes))) (defvar *theme->packages* nil "A hash table indexing packages by the themes they contain.") (defun theme-package (theme) (gethash theme *theme->packages*)) (defun reindex-themes-by-package () (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (dolist (pkg (all-theme-packages)) (dolist (theme (themes-in-package pkg)) (setf (gethash theme table) pkg))) (setf *theme->packages* table))) (defgeneric url-path (theme)) (defmethod url-path ((theme theme-pkg)) (format nil "/package/~a" (string-downcase (theme-pkg-name theme)))) (defmethod url-path ((theme string)) (assert (theme-p theme)) (format nil "/theme/~a/~a" (string-downcase (theme-pkg-name (theme-package theme))) theme)) (defun theme-p (string) (not (null (theme-package string))) ) (defclass/std config () ((theme-image-directory store-directory fussy-el :std "" :documentation "These paths are by default equal to the config directory.") (port :std 8888) (domain :std "localhost") (address :std ""))) (defvar *config* nil) (defvar *config-directory* nil "The config dir is the directory where the config file is. This directory is used as a default directory for all relative paths mentioned in the config file. Any Absolute paths in the config file are treated as such.") (defun load-config-from-file (file) (apply #'make-instance 'config (read-from-string (a:read-file-into-string file)))) (defun full-store-directory (&optional (config *config*)) (uiop:merge-pathnames* (store-directory config) *config-directory*)) (defun full-theme-image-directory (&optional (config *config*)) (uiop:merge-pathnames* (theme-image-directory config) *config-directory*)) (defun emacs-dot-d-directory (&optional (config *config*)) (uiop:merge-pathnames* ".emacs.d/" (full-theme-image-directory config))) (defun create-db () (unless (boundp 'db:*store* ) (ensure-directories-exist (full-store-directory)) (make-instance 'db:mp-store :directory (full-store-directory) :subsystems (list (make-instance 'db:store-object-subsystem))))) (defparameter +standard-themes+ '(adwaita deeper-blue dichromacy light-blue modus-operandi modus-vivendi tango-dark wheatgrass manoj-dark tsdh-dark tsdh-light whiteboard leuven misterioso tango wombat) "these are built in themes - this list can be passed to the image generation script when you want to generate themes for just a single package - ordinarily the script generates images for all themes, but passing this list as the value of FUSSY-EXCLUDED-THEMES will ensure that they are not loaded during image gen.") (defun generate-elisp-to-fetch-and-exclude (package-names) (let ((downcaser (a:compose #'string-downcase #'symbol-name))) (format nil "(setq fussy-themes-packages '(~{~a~^ ~}) fussy-excluded-themes '(~{~a~^ ~}))" (mapcar downcaser package-names) (mapcar downcaser +standard-themes+)))) (defun fussy-elisp-script-location (&optional (config *config*)) (uiop:merge-pathnames* *config-directory* (fussy-el config))) (defun format-emacs-evocation-script (package-names) (format nil "env HOME=~a emacs -q --eval ~s --load ~a" (full-theme-image-directory) (generate-elisp-to-fetch-and-exclude package-names) (fussy-elisp-script-location))) (defun generate-images-for-packages (package-names) (when package-names (uiop:run-program (format-emacs-evocation-script package-names)))) (defvar *server* nil) (defun image-files-for-theme (theme) (uiop:directory-files (format nil "~a/~a/~a/" (full-theme-image-directory) (string-downcase (theme-pkg-name (theme-package theme))) theme))) (defun theme-preview-image-path (theme &optional variant) (assert (theme-p theme)) (format nil "/images/~a/~a/~a.svg" (string-downcase (theme-pkg-name (theme-package theme))) theme (or variant (pathname-name (first (image-files-for-theme theme)))))) (defun start (&key config-file) (unless config-file (setf config-file (or (uiop:getenv "FUSSY_CONFIG") (asdf:system-relative-pathname :fussy "config.sexp")))) (unless *config* (setf *config* (load-config-from-file config-file) *config-directory* (uiop:pathname-directory-pathname config-file))) (unless *server* (setf *server* (lzb:create-server :port (port *config*) :address (address *config*) :domain (domain *config*)))) (create-db) (update-theme-packages) (lzb:install-app *server* (lzb:app)) (lzb:start-server *server*)) (lzb:provision-app () :title "Emacs Themes Library" :content-type "text/html") ;;; pages (defun an-integer (string) (parse-integer string)) (defparameter +themes-per-page+ 20) (defun nav () (html:with-html (:nav (:a :href "/" (:h1 "FUSSY"))))) (defun page-nav (page page-count) "relative pagination nav to current page." (html:with-html (:div :class "center bigger" (:span (when (plusp page) (:a :href (format nil "?page=~a" (1- page)) " << ")) (when (< page (1- page-count)) (:a :href (format nil "?page=~a" (1+ page)) " >> ")))) (:div :class "page-nav" (dotimes (pg (ceiling (/ page-count +themes-per-page+))) (if (= pg page) (:span (format nil " ~a " (1+ pg))) (:span " " (:a :href (format nil "?page=~a" pg) (format nil "~a" (1+ pg))) " ")))))) (defun theme-preview-image (theme &optional variant) (html:with-html (:img :src (theme-preview-image-path theme variant)))) (defun theme-preview-card (theme) (html:with-html (:div :class "card" (:a :href (url-path theme) (:h4 theme) (theme-preview-image theme))))) (defun style () (html:with-html (:link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "/css/style.css"))) (defparameter +css-reset+ " html { box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 16px; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ol, ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-weight: normal; } ol, ul { list-style: none; } img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } ") (defparameter +style-css+ " html, body { height: 100%; } .main { height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: #eeeeff; } .container { width: 100%; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-evenly; } .card { min-width: 500px; max-width: 50%; } .card > a > h4 { color: green; text-align: center; } .bigger { font-size: 1.25em; } .center { text-align: center; } h1 { text-align: center; } .header { padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 40px; } .page-nav { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 60%; font-size: 1.3em; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; } ") (lzb:defendpoint* :get "/css/style.css" () () "Endpoint generating and serving main css" (setf (lzb:response-header :content-type) "text/css") (concatenate 'string +css-reset+ '(#\newline) +style-css+)) (lzb:defendpoint* :get "/images/:pkg:/:theme:/:image:" () () "Endpoint for serving theme preview images" (let ((file-path (pathname (format nil "~a/~a/~a/~a" (full-theme-image-directory) pkg theme image)))) (unless (uiop:file-exists-p file-path) (lzb:http-err 404 "no such file")) file-path)) (lzb:defendpoint* :get "/" ((page an-integer)) () "The landing page" (let* ((page (or page 0)) (all-themes (all-themes)) (themes (a:subseq* all-themes (* page +themes-per-page+) (* (1+ page) +themes-per-page+)))) (html:with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:head (:title "Fussy - Emacs Themes Gallery") (style)) (:body (:div :class "main" (nav) (:div :class "center header" (:p "Emacs Themes Gallery for your Daily Procrastination Needs." (:br) (write-to-string (length all-themes)) " themes and counting...")) (page-nav page (1- (length all-themes))) (:div :class "container" (dolist (theme themes) (theme-preview-card theme))) (:div :class "foooter" (page-nav page (1- (length all-themes)))))))))) (defun a-package (string) (a:if-let (pkg (theme-pkg-with-name (intern (string-upcase string) :fussy))) pkg (lzb:http-err 404 (format nil "No such theme package: ~a" string)))) (defun a-theme (string) (if (theme-p string) string (lzb:http-err 404 (format nil "No such theme: ~a" string)))) (defun package-namestring (pkg) (hq:>> () pkg theme-pkg-name symbol-name string-downcase)) (lzb:defendpoint* :get "/package/:pkg a-package:" ((page an-integer)) () "The page endpoint for a theme package" (let ((themes (themes-in-package pkg)) (page (or page 0))) (html:with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:head (:title ) (style)) (:body (:div :class "main" (nav) (:div :class "center header" (:h2 (package-namestring pkg) ) (:p (theme-pkg-description pkg)) (:p "This package contains" (length themes) (if (= 1 (length themes)) " theme" " themes")) (:p (:a :href (theme-pkg-url pkg) (theme-pkg-url pkg)))) (when (< +themes-per-page+ (length themes)) (page-nav page (1- (length themes)))) (:div :class "container" (dolist (theme (a:subseq* themes (* page +themes-per-page+) (* (1+ page) +themes-per-page+))) (theme-preview-card theme))))))))) (lzb:defendpoint* :get "/theme/:pkg a-package:/:theme a-theme:" () () "The page for a particular theme showing its previews for different prog langs" (unless (member theme (themes-in-package pkg) :test #'string-equal) (lzb:http-err 403 (format nil "The theme ~a is not in the package ~a" theme (package-namestring pkg)))) (html:with-html-string (:doctype) (:html (:head (:title theme) (style)) (:body (:div :class "main" (nav) (:div :class "center header" (:h2 theme) (:p "A theme in the package " (:a :href (url-path pkg) (package-namestring pkg)))) (:div :class "container" (dolist (variant (mapcar #'pathname-name (image-files-for-theme theme))) (theme-preview-image theme variant))))))))